Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Yarn Chicken

I won at yarn chicken...it is always a gamble.  Now this shawl is ready to be blocked. 

Yesterday I did some laundry and worked out in the woodshop/greenhouse for awhile and I had three naps...short naps at that.  I finished watching Win the Wilderness on Netflix I give it a 9 out of 10.  I enjoyed it very much!   AND played yarn chicken!  I have one more skein of this shawl in a ball yarn to work up.

Not feeling quite myself...tired and achy...it might be the weather change or it may be my Chronic Lymes rearing its ugly head....I am back on Doxycycline daily...I hate it but usually it works well to put it back in remission.    I can lay down and put my feet up and fall asleep within a minute sometimes less. Naps and rest are a must!  I need warmth and sunshine!

Far Side


  1. Replies
    1. When you almost run out of yarn when completing a project:)

  2. Hope you aren't getting something serious. I too feel tired all the time , but i think mine is related to this stupid "stay at home" thing. Not being able to get out and socialize is "killing" me. We had lots of sunshine yesterday and boy does that ever help. Stay healthy, my friend.

  3. I hope you feel better soon. I just pulled a tick off of my leg and it left a terrible spot that I am watching very anxiously. I am forever getting deer ticks but yet to have Lymes even though my poor old Yorkie picked it up a few years before she passed. Once I had a total of 22 ticks on me at one time after sitting in a field for a birthday party. I'm not sure how I escaped it then. Many of my neighbors and my DIL have been affected. This is NOT the time to have any medical issues so I am keeping my fingers crossed-and staying out of the yard.

  4. I think I would be tired and achy if I tried to get as much accomplished as you always seem to do. Hope it's nothing serious and passes quickly.

  5. Hope you feel better soon! I'm having allergy issues but will be OK. Your lacy shawls are all so pretty. Good job!

  6. I think you should win a prize as that is the closest "yarn chicken" I have ever seen! I lost last week on my lattice square with only one more round to go but it was just a square not an entire shawl! So glad you won!
    I had no idea you had Lyme Disease....kind of like my RA. I do take medicine daily but it is mild compared to what I used to take. It is in remission and I was really surprised ti didn't flare up this past summer when I was in Iowa....usually stress is what does it and if that wasn't stressful I don't know what is! I have been very fortunate. I hope you feel better and rest is the answer many times. What is the pattern for that shawl? I have a Shawl in a Ball I think. I'll have to check. Take care of yourself and thanks for the movie recommendation. I always enjoy the ones you suggest.

  7. I did not know about your chronic Lyme disease. Another burden that you endure.
    I also never heard of Yarn Chicken, but made a guess from your photo. That was close.

  8. YARN CHICKEN! I always enjoy learning new knitting terms from you. I'll add it to 'frogging'.

  9. Hope you feel better, I know a few people with Lyme's and it sure is a struggle.
    Good job on the shawl!

  10. I hope you are feeling better soon. I, also, need warmth and sunshine to feel good!

  11. Maybe all the stress is getting it to flare up. I hope you do get lots of rest and the medication can help knock it back. Lovely shawl! :)

  12. I enjoyed Win the Wilderness, too. I can’t imagine how difficult it was for them to give up their home. I wish the new couple well, but wonder just how they will fare, especially with her health issues.

  13. The shawl is beautiful. Glad you won at the game of yarn chicken. I had never heard that before but now understand it completely. We are supposed to have 80 next week after 49 here today. Ahhhh Kansas!

  14. I hope you continue to rest and feel better soon. We have a week with very little sun and I find that makes me sleepy. Take care of yourself. I care!

  15. I'm glad you explained what yarn chicken is. At first I thought you were talking about a yard chicken.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  16. I'm glad you won at yarn chicken. I came very close last week too but I had enough. I didn't know you had chronic lyme disease. I'm glad you're able to get naps when you need them. I hope it's just the weather change. I've had a drippy nose, but the pine pollen is awful right now and everyone is sneezing and coughing. Not good witht he other "thing" going around

  17. I have never heard of Yarn Chicken either but I have played and I have won sometimes and lost sometimes!

  18. Also not heard of the term yarn chicken and now I have, mum used to worry she would run out of wool when she was knitting

  19. So sorry to hear you're feeling punk. I didn't remember that you had Lyme disease once. How awful. Hope your meds help you feel better. Your shawl is just beautiful, as usual. What is Yarn Chicken? Hope you get lots of naps and that it helps. I sleep so much less than I used to....can barely get to sleep at night and then it's not good sounds sleep anymore. Such is life. Praying that you feel better very soon!

  20. We're all looking for sunshine and warmth. It's starting out to be a very poor growing season.

  21. I hope some bona fide sunshine heads your way soon--especially considering the snow you had the other day!

  22. I hope you're feeling better by now. Sounds like you achieved a lot between naps though.


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