Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What day?

One day runs into another.  Other than the morning we listen to church and the day we go to town the other days are all the same.

Yesterday we went and recycled...no one else was there... just us.

There are now 13 cases of Covid -19 in our county...Far Guy keeps track of the Minnesota statistics.  They don't say what part of the county they are in.

Far Guy will have his U of MN Lung Transplant Doctor's appointment over the phone or computer in mid May.  He attended the Lung Transplant Support Group meeting via computer...a program called  GoToMeeting.  It was fun to hear the voices and have interaction with the group.

I finished spring cleaning in the Living Room. Cross it off the list!  Not sure which room or project I will do next.  The greenhouse/woodshop needs some attention before it gets too warm in there.  I have some brush along the driveway that needs to be trimmed back and spring is a perfect time for that.

Far Guy ordered some Pear Tomato seeds and some lettuce seeds so we will do a bit of gardening in containers.  As soon as the seeds get here we can plant in the greenhouse.  Some deliveries are really slow.

One of our daily visitors.  A male Downy Woodpecker.  The females have no red on their heads.

Far Side


  1. That's great that Far Guy doesn't have to go in to the transplant group/doctors for now anyway. My days are the same too in fact I forgot about church Sunday...shame on me! Good for you on the Spring Cleaning! The wood pecker is handsome. I need to order some gardening supplies too. I garden in containers also. Have you heard anything about those Earth Boxes? I think they are self watering which I may look into especially for tomatoes as you almost have to water twice a day here it gets so hot. Have a good day!

  2. We have 160 cases in our county. 10 deaths. We have 17 cases now in just our little zipcode. I watch the stats too because I told The Mister we are not going anywhere until I see those local numbers drop. Daughter's ice rink is being used as a makeshift morgue as we now have almost 3000 deaths here in MD with 26000 cases. We got an alert yesterday that all state hospital beds are in use. Grim stats but you have to pay attention-unlike those fools at our state capital protesting yesterday without any precautions. Those numbers will keep going up thanks to them.
    On a happier note, I ordered some seeds too. I am going to try my hand at some greens now that we get a bit of sun where some of our trees used to be. It's probably all for nothing but it'll give me something else to fret about besides the news....lol. Araignee

  3. Your life sounds like mine - one day just flows into the other. If it weren't for certain things like online church services I wouldn't know what day it is either. Can't wait to get back to something normal again. Glad Far Guy is able to have his meetings online. That has proved a god-send to a lot of people. Love the woodpecker. The Downys visit my suet feeder in my yard. Stay healthy!

  4. I will have my yoga class on Zoom this afternoon. I'm getting used to it, but I also miss the camaraderie as well as being corrected by the instructor. :-)

  5. I like how my pear tomatoes come up volunteer in my one flower garden. Took our friend to the hospital again yesterday. Things are not looking good.

  6. Our state is opening up despite higher numbers. Luckily schools have not opened. We are back to caring for grandchildren, now with homeschool thrown in.

  7. I often have to check what day it is.

    Glad you've finished more of your Spring cleaning. Hope the seeds come soon so you can get those planted and out in the greenhouse soon.

  8. We've got over 600 cases in Cass county and 18 deaths (out of the 25 in the state). No surprise as Fargo is the biggest city in the state. We're staying in isolation even though the governor mostly opened up what little he had closed down here on May 1st. He never even had a stay-at-home order. It's a good thing we can do meetings and such online. That's marvelous. You guys are still under stay-at-home till mid May, I believe. Smarter than ND--LOL! ;)

  9. We had 6 cases in our county yesterday but I know that at least 1 more was announced late yesterday afternoon. Our governor and our mayor opened up things last Tuesday. The new case yesterday was from a local restaurant. I'm happy to stay home and to wear my mask when I do have to go places. Stay safe!!

  10. Our local paper's sub headline this morning was"No hospitalizations or deaths during the weekend." Our county has had 144 cases but we are close enough to Dayton that our county population is considerably more than yours. When I was a child, the daily paper posted a list of all the new polio cases every day. This reminds me of that time.

  11. You are doing so good with the spring cleaning! I think about doing something but not a lot other than cooking and cleaning up from that and vacuuming every other day happens. I did mop the kitchen floor last week. Hmmm...there is so much I could be doing. Maybe if I start small. Maybe if I commit to you that I will organize and sort my sock drawer I will actually do it. I will report back tomorrow.

  12. That's a wonderful picture of the woodpecker! Our state is starting to open up even though the cases are still going up. It's all so frustrating.

  13. You are making such quick progress on your cleaning. I'm impressed. I have an appointment at the dermatologist in June. Not sure if I'm going to keep it or not. All of my other appointments have been online but this is a full body check for melanoma, kind of hard to do online. BOth of my brothers and my Dad have had melanoma so they keep a close eye on my fair-skinned self.
    People seem to be much braver here now. I had to take Chloe to the vet yesterday, I stayed in the car and they came and got her and brought her back to me, but the traffic was terrible. I couldn't believe it. I don't think it's a good idea to be out like that "en masse".

  14. Hope all goes well with Far Guy's doctor appointment. We, too, must use telemedicine here in Hawaii.

  15. I'm always forgetting what day it is and have to check my phone to remind me. Amazing how much we rely on "markers" (like meetings, groceries etc.) to remind us what day it is. Stay safe :)

  16. I have a big calendar in the bathroom right where I have no choice but to look at it while I brush my teeth. Although it's hard to know what day it is still I find time passes quickly. Here we are almost halfway through the first week of May!

  17. Be grateful you don't know where the cases are. At first the government wasn't divulging where the cases were in Nova Scotia. It kept people on their toes. You didn't know where it was. So you kept inside. Then after a lot of pressure from the public they let the numbers come out by county. Bad move! Our three counties which are on the SW tip of the province had no cases. So that meant they were mostly all in the big cities. So the people from Halifax and Dartmouth started driving to our counties (3 hours away) to do their shopping because it's safer for them! Never mind that they might gave brought the virus here!

    People are so stupid and selfish.

  18. Several times a day I ask myself, what day is it?!! I think you’re right, it’s because they are all so much the same. Nice you don’t have to go into Mpls for FG’s May appointment. Small towns have fewer germs than the big ones. That’s a nice photo of your little downy boy. I’m sure he is thankful that you are still putting out suet. We have to stop when the redwing blackbirds come back — can’t afford to feed the flocks and flocks of them that hog the suet feeder.

  19. I've been reading all the comments from all over the place and how scary this virus is and how scary people are behaving. I have a good friend who 'thinks' it is a hoax because our county was zero for such a long time.
    I think I am going to stay friends, but keep my Long Distance.
    Thank you for your blog and thank you everyone for such interesting comments!

  20. During this virus we are learning many new things.

  21. My days have run together just like many others

  22. Aww love your Downy! We used to get alot of woodpeckers at our last house and when they started bothering our house, we put up suet cakes for them. That did the trick! But I never saw a pileated woodpecker until we moved up North...they are big and look almost prehistoric to me! Wow....you are a cleaning machine! Glad far guy can get together with people via the computer for his meetings. Things are so weird in the world now. Hang in there....we'll get through this!

  23. We have several things scheduled during the week that help us to remember what day it is. We do Zoom meetings with friends Tuesday and Friday. Monday is laundry and house work day. Thursday is grocery shopping day. Sunday we have started having something special for breakfast. It all helps to put some routine back in our lives.
    We have started setting up our patio for outdoor living. It is going to be warm later this week. It's good to hear that you are now getting outside to garden.

  24. Well, at least you can do your recycling. Here, even that has been shut down. Of course, we have many more cases than you do, but at the beginning, the public health director said she couldn't share which parts of the county were experiencing cases because of privacy issues. It took a bit of pressure from the board of supervisors and citizens of the county before the public health director relented. Without revealing anyone's personal location, it is helpful to know which parts of the county are affected the most. Everyone wants to protect themselves, but we all need information to make informed decisions!


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