Friday, May 15, 2020

Me and my shawl project

My third shawl in a ball  shawl/scarf turned out very nice.  I may keep it for myself.

It is very colorful but I am getting tired of this color of yarn!  It can be worn many different ways.

I wrapped it around my neck and asked Far Guy to take a photo.  His attempts were hilarious.

I finally took a first selfie.

No makeup...just plain old me.  My hair is getting longer and is very silvery.

See proof I do exist! I could have smiled more...could have opened my eyes more...could have put make up on!

Our go to town adventure was uneventful.  This week no ammonia, no Lysol Wipes...same old stuff missing.  Far Guy got his infusion in record time and we were back at home disinfecting groceries.

Gas was up to $1.76 a gallon tourists must be coming. We always see a increase in the price of gas this time of the year.  Towns all around are probably still at $1.46.

Far Side


  1. I love that shawl! I'd love to make it! Crochet? Did it take one skein of each color? Is there a link for the pattern anywhere? Your hair is beautiful too, I let mine go grey starting last October, so I don't really care if the salon opens up right away or not, though I could use a hair trim. Our gas is up to 1.89, and we don't even get tourists!

  2. It is and the shawl! Makeup is over rated. I can't see to put anything on other than lipstick.
    No wipes? I haven't tried finding them as I made up a bleach solution for wiping down stuff when I get home. I keep a sanitizer in the car and wipe up after each rare outing.
    My hair is growing long and shaggy, I've cut my bangs twice and then just plop on a baseball cap.
    Our gas is rising also. I'm expecting that tourist season will be busy but different this year with many more people on the roads than in the sky!

  3. I love the shawl. It really looks nice on you. You aren't the only one who needs a haircut. Sure hoping the salons open up soon. But then, the lines are going to be out of sight. Gas has gone up around here alsoLast week it was $1.76, but haven't been out all week so who knows what it is today. Have a great weekend.

  4. Your hair is beautiful. My sister got my mother's lovely silver. I got my dad's salt and pepper. Booo...
    I'd keep that shawl too. It's so cheerful.

  5. The price of gas here went up to 1.89. I attributed it to more people going back to work so an increased demand. I think your hair looks lovely! First thing I noticed was how pretty it is. I look like a reverse skunk.

  6. Good job on that selfie. I do love that shawl and think you should keep it for yourself. :-)

  7. I don't know what your hair looked like before, but I think this hair suits you. I like your shawl too. Nice work.

  8. Love the shawl! My yarn supply is dwindling. I may have to order some. Great selfie! You look thoughtful with very deep thoughts and very kind. I already knew about the kindness. :)

  9. Oh hi! Nice to see you! The shawl is pretty, and the colour combo makes it really versatile.

  10. Hair and shawl are both lovely. Nothing at all is wrong with the style or color of your hair. These lacy shawls are so pretty, and I think would be just as pretty in almost any color yarn.

  11. You look **wonderful**... no smile & no makeup required whatsoever!!! I love your shawls and this one in particular. We have yet to go into any business establishment, like a grocery store. I suppose we should do it before we get so nervous that we become afraid. Wait... I think I'm afraid already! Love, Andrea XOXO

  12. Your shawl is beautiful ,as are you!
    Will you sell one, I don't want to insult you. The colors are bright and cheery.
    When it is safe to get out and do so.
    Our gas is going up as well and not tourist here either.
    We usually went to the UP when we were vacationing.I am looking at rentals now, but don't know if we can make it this year.

  13. The shawl and you are beautiful! That's a great selfie. I never did get the hang of taking selfies but then I'm not as beautiful as you are either! That shawl looks like a living rainbow and looks good on you. I have to buy groceries today and don't look forward to it. We are disinfecting our groceries still too and I'm wondering how long we will have to keep this up. Have a great day!

  14. I love your shawl! It looks really nice on you so yes, you should keep it for yourself. Selfies are difficult...I have a regular camera so I try to do it in a mirror but that isn't easy either. You look great with no makeup. I look like death warmed over...even though I don't go out of the house I throw some blush on and a little lipstick so I don't scare myself! Your hair is lovely...mine is getting thinner and thinner and there's receding hairline that is giving me fits! LOL! You look good girlfriend! Glad your shopping and infusion went well.

  15. Love your's a rainbow around your neck.

  16. I like the shawl. It is full of cheerful color. Just what we need to remind us the world is wonderful.

  17. Good Morning! The shawl is beautiful with it's bright colors. It's nice to finally see a photo of you too. You are also beautiful with no makeup whatsoever. I developed allergies to most makeup years ago and haven't worn it in ages. I think a persons natural beauty is much better anyway.
    I can't believe all the comments with gas under $1.90! I thought ours was cheap at $2.49. I've been told we have the highest gas tax in the nation. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. We're taxed like crazy up here.

  18. The shawl is pretty! I don't take a good selfie - I'm focused on trying to hit the right button and forget to smile. Plus I never wear make-up.

    I'd be thrilled with gas at $1.79/gal. We're at about 89 cents a litre which works out to about $3.37/gal. But we were at $1.30/l before this all happened so I can't complain.

    Take care and stay well!

  19. You look beautiful without makeup. That shawl is very colorful and attractive.

  20. Makeup is overrated. You look great and I love the shawl. Glad it was another uneventful trip. ;)

  21. Hey, great model for the shawl!

  22. It sounds like you are whipping out those shawls in a day. Is that the case? If so, Wow!
    Gray hair and no make up is my way to go.

  23. It's nice to see a picture of you. Your hair is lovely; mine is just about that long now too. I mostly keep it in a scrunchie because it's hard to do anything if it's in my face.

  24. Nice to see the face behind the blog. I like your hair, maybe it's the lighting but it has a silvery blonde look, and looks good. I've cut my own twice now. Thankfully I have wavy hair so it has to be a really big mistake to show. The shawl is very pretty. I've been following your Covid numbers, well at least the state totals. We have done fairly well here, thank goodness and there are some minor easing of the restrictions coming up. We have so much to keep us busy at our place, that boredom is never a problem.

  25. Wow ....another shawl done.....I'm glad you're keeping it for will be pretty on you. I like your picture too.....your first selfie! Your hair looks pretty....I don't see alot of silver! Glad your errands in town went well. Jim went out tonight for Friday Fish with a friend. He brought me something back. Praying for some rain here! Take care you two.

  26. You and I could be sisters! Ontario is opening up all recreational stuff starting this weekend. We live in "cottage country" so I'm nervous about how the numbers will go up in a couple of weeks after the city folks flock in.

  27. That shawl is so colorful - very pretty! Gas in DL today was $1.70. We enjoyed the sunshine today!

  28. The shawl is gorgeous. Our stores are hit and miss on many products and where my brother lives, he cannot even buy meat! Sending love and prayers to you and FG. I've opened my blog up if you have time to visit. xo Mildred

  29. Those shawls are really good looking. I like the colors in the one you are wearing.

  30. I love your shawls, and you look good modeling that one. Your hair is so pretty. Wish mine would go ahead and turn silvery instead of rust color with touches of gray.

  31. You should definitely keep it for yourself. It’s beautiful the way the vibrant colors fan out in the pattern. Love it!

  32. It's so nice to meet you! Love your hair! Mine is very shaggy and wavy and multicolored, lol. Grey, white, dark brown. I wish it would choose one color! Pretty shawl.

  33. Things get more expensive during tourist season here too. You'd think they wouldn't bother this year, since tourists aren't meant to come. Bet some come anyhow though, even though they're being told not to, and all the big events are meant to either be cancelled or swapped to online things this year.


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