Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day Out

Today is our day out (1 1/2  hours or less) away from safety.  It is always an adventure to watch people in the parking lot while I wait for the grocery delivery...and then another adventure seeing what we didn't get.

Yesterday was a busy day we both worked in the woodshop/greenhouse for 3 plus hours and then we went to recycle a bunch of stuff.  We are making progress.

I sat outside after supper...pork chops and wild rice...and watched the fluffy summer clouds.

Watched a crazy squirrel eating the buds on one of the piss Popple  trees.

 The cloud behind him showed off his silhouette.
We need rain it is very dry.
Far Side


  1. My mom used the same words for Poplars!
    And it is very dry here too. I won't have any pasture for my mules if we don't get rain! We had some red flag days already.
    Here is hoping for some rain for you and I!
    Enjoy the polar vortex this weekend. :(

  2. Glad you're making progress with all the cleaning and sorting. Hope the outing goes smoothly, and at least most - if not all - of what you ordered is available.

  3. What? I was reading Val's comment and saw Polar Vortex? Really? It's May. Sure enough I looked at we are on a Freeze watch here near Louisville.
    Well back to your post - that first paragraph made me smile :) The adventure of seeing what we didn't get - haha yes that's us too. I also know how fortunate we are so it's okay.
    I love your silhouettes of the branches and the squirrel.

  4. It is scary to go out and expose yourself to the world right now. I hope you got what you needed and good for you on your cleaning and clearing! I was doing good until yesterday when I did little of anything but rest. The squirrel picture is great! Take it easy and stay well!

  5. We seem to be doing much better on our grocery order. Good luck!

  6. Our doctors' offices just opened last Thursday, and yesterday I was treated to my dermatologist appointment and now have four spots where she burned off some growths. Ouch! :-)

  7. It's dry here too but we expect rain today. My husband has turned on our underground sprinkler system because he is trying to re-seed part of our back yard. And I just heard on the morning news that we are in a freeze warning for tonight. Mother Nature just can't make up her mind.

  8. We had some much needed rain last week and now we're back to glorious sunshine again. That's a great capture of the squirrel, you were in the right place at the right time.

  9. I make pork chops and wild rice, too. Lol.

  10. I always think of you two on Thursdays.
    Looks like a good day today. Hope it is a smooth excursion. :)

  11. Cooler weather is forecast for the next two weeks. I can’t complain too much because it’s still well within the average temperature range.

  12. The squirrel silhouette is really pretty. All the outdoor critters are very active at the moment. We are in for a cold spell so I hope they are paying attention. Spring came and went-again. Araignee

  13. The step-son Skyped his dad while unpacking a food delivery from a company called Hello Fresh. They have a list of dinners and you order the ones that take your fancy. And they send you every single ingredient you need. Except apparently they don’t always. Last time instead of readymade pastry to make a pie they got cheese. This time they got 2 random pieces of cod. I was fascinated listening to the conversation which was almost drowned out by the sound of all the packaging. So very noisy. And so wasteful! I think I am happy to buy my own ingredients.

  14. I love pictures of trees silhouetted against the sky like that and the squirrel picture is great. I hope your day out went well.

  15. I never mind waiting in the vehicle when I can people watch. It makes time pass quite pleasantly. Too bad you couldn't get all the groceries you wanted. Hopefully next time.

  16. We had half an inch of rain yesterday and it was very needed. I went to Costco this morning to get Chloe's prescription, it's half the price there then if we get it at the vet! It was my first time there since all of this began. I can't believe how nervous I get in public these days. I just want to get out and go home! I thought as long as I was there I would get toilet paper, paper towels and clorox wipes. Nope. No fabric softener either. They're still out and people were buying meat like it would never be found again. Not me. I picked up a routissere chicken, Chloe's medicine and left.

  17. My backyard is a sopping mess...I'd gladly send you some moisture if I could.
    Hope everything goes well with your adventure outside your safety zone and you get everything you ordered.

    Take care and stay well!

  18. I hope you get some rain soon. Yes, it’s an adventure for us, too, when we send in our grocery order with high hopes and then pick it up to find the out of stock items void planned our recipes. For us the pickup slots are behind the building so no people watching to speak of. I look forward to the day when I can go inside and browse the aisles and pick out my the nicest fruit and veggies!

  19. I've been weeding and yes it's soooooo dry! Just dust when I pull up a weed. Not to say that's making it easier to weed. But we sure could use some rain!

  20. This was our grocery shopping day also, hardly anyone in the store at 7:30 this morning. I paid attention to the one way aisle markers today, something I failed to do last week, not noticing that they had finally put them in our Safeway. Today I caught someone I knew going the wrong way, I informed her, and then we laughed about it.

  21. Being able to sit outside it wonderful I do it everyday for a bit

  22. I hope you havent packed your winter coats away yet.

  23. Sounds like your weekly outing went well. So glad to hear it. Nice to sit outside watching the clouds. It is very dry here fact we had a fire danger warning today for our area because of all the forests here. We'd better get some rain pretty soon. Your supper sounded delish. I always think of Minnesota when I hear wild rice! Take good care you two.

  24. Well, that squirrel was a very cooperative photograph subject! How did you manage that?! Hopefully, those clouds will be cooperative, too, and give you a manageable amount of rain.


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