Sunday, May 3, 2020

A wrap

I finally took a photo of the shawl/wrap I finished this week.
I thought the colors looked real springy!

I put it in the shawl box. It will find a home sooner or later. 

We had a quiet day at home.  I finished watching Ozark I give it an 8 out of 10.  Not usually the kind of show I watch but I did get caught up in the story line.  I crochet when I watch TV or I fall asleep.

I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry.
I wandered out to the woodshop/greenhouse and repaired two glass flowers that had a hard winter outside.

Supper was a joint effort...pork burgers, romaine salad and baked carrots.

Maddie reported that Cee Cee was smiling and more like herself and if all the cultures came back okay they may go home very soon.

Far Side


  1. So very glad CeeCee is recovering. Hope she's home soon.
    That is a pretty shawl for spring.
    I have Ozark in my queue. Another show I'll get to sooner or later. :)

  2. Yay for Cee Cee :)
    When you say "baked" carrots do you mean oven roasted or something else.

    1. Baked in the oven in a pyrex dish with a bit of water :)

  3. Love the shawl colors. So glad CeeCee is on the mend and no COVID 19. The rain has finally stopped around here and things are drying out, so I get to mow the lawn today.

  4. So glad all the prayers for CeeCee worked! She sure is a cutey.
    The shawl has the came colors as the Easter eggs in your header photo.

  5. I am catching up on your blog posts with my Sunday morning coffee while boosting myself up to go to the grocery store - ick! I am so glad CeeCee is on the mend and boy is she ever cute! Sounds like you and Far Guy are hanging in there as well. I always have you two in my thoughts especially now with his health issues. Love the shawl and the colors. We are slowly turning green here as well and that definitely helps my attitude. As for staying home, well other than having all my trips cancelled (I cried I admit) it isn't much different than normal. Am kind of a hermit anyway. Basically figuring all plans I had for this year (dog shows and travel) will just have to wait till next year. Love you guys!

  6. I'm so glad CeeCee is doing ever so much better. Your wrap is delightful

  7. What a sweet photo of CeeCee. I want you to wrap her in the pretty shawl and bring her home!

  8. cutie pie... so glad she is getting better!!

  9. Glad to hear that she's doing so well. She is adorable! I just finished Ozark, too. Much darker than my usual fare, but I did enjoy it. Great acting by Laura Linney. :-)

  10. Happy to hear that CeeCee is feeling better. Love the shawl.

  11. What a blessing that CeeCee is doing better! That is an adorable picture of her. Your shawl is beautiful! We love to have baked/roasted vegetables over rice. My favorite is carrots and onions roasted together in a bit of olive oil.

  12. The shawl is just spectacular. What a happy rainbow of colors. That babies smile made my morning. I needed some good news! Araignee

  13. I am so glad to see that happy face of your great grand daughter. That shawl is beautiful. I still haven't taken a photo of my mom's first afghan that she made in that same pattern.

  14. Cute picture of CeCe. It's good to know she might soon go home.
    I don't watch much TV or movies but my youngest son wanted us to watch a movie he had enjoyed so we did. It was very violent and I had my eyes closed for the worst of it but it was interesting. It was all about the Crusades way back when. I did a bit of reading up on it so I'd have at least a clue and it helped. The movie was called The Kingdom of Heaven. It was 3 hours and 14 minutes long so we watched it over 2 days ( since I seem unable to sit at one spot for that long). Oh, and it was on You Tube, if you're at all interested.

  15. So happy to see the baby smiling and I hope they will all get to go home soon. She sure is a cutie! The colors in your shawl are so pretty. Once I get this baby blanket done (for the third time!) I am going to start looking for a shawl pattern for myself.

  16. What a beautiful shawl. I'm so glad to read that Cee Cee is doing better. She's such a sweet baby. Just look at that smile.

  17. Your shawl is so pretty... you are right about the colors, they are very much spring colors. That's great news about CeeCee, I'm sure they will be relieved to have her home again.

  18. I've been absent from visiting blogs. I'm so pleased your great granddaughter is getting better and hope she will soon be going home.

  19. Cee Cee is so cute and thw wrap is pretty

  20. So glad Cee cee is getting better. She sure has a sweet smile. May all go well for her and her family. Love your new shawl, Connie. You are so talented! Stay well you two.

  21. She looks so much better. Bless her little heart.

  22. Replies
    1. I was so glad she looked so good, I forgot to comment on the ,yes very springy,shawl. Beautiful ...both of them.

  23. Oh, look at that lovely smile on CeeCee! She looks like she is recovering thank goodness! Your shawl is lovely and definitely made for Spring. Those colors are so pretty. I'll have to look at Ozark and I too have to do some kind of handwork or I doze off! LOL! What's up with that?

  24. What a sweet photo of little Cee Cee. I'm so happy to hear she is doing well.

    Love the colors of the shawl! Take care and stay well.

  25. Going to show my ignorance? Is any shawl made with love a prayer shawl? Just what is the difference in a shawl and a prayer shawl. I gave shawl I made from your pattern to my sweet 82 year old cousin, Irene. The pattern today looks like I could make it? Could your share another link?


      Here is the pattern

  26. Sounds like a pretty good and very productive day.


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