Thursday, April 30, 2020

Spring Colors

We have no spring colors outside yet so yarn has to do.

Just finished up a shawl out of these colors.  I will take a photo soon.

I am in between projects, only because I have not decided what to do next.  I knit on my socks and worked on some crochet squares for a charity project.

I am taking a day maybe two off of spring cleaning. 

Today I get a chipped filling fixed at the Dentist...they are allowing only one person in the office at a time.  I will pick up groceries during Far Guys Infusion, deliver a few items to my parents and come home and disinfect everything. 

Just a couple of thoughts;  I realized I am not high maintenance.   My hair has not seen dye in many years, I only get my hair cut twice a year and if worse came to worse I could hack some of it off.   I do my own toes and finger nails.  I have never had a spa day...what ever do they do for a whole day anyways? 

Far Side 


  1. Love those yarn colors and I can't wait to see the finished product! I am like dyeing of hair although I used to as every time I had a child my hair got darker. I have always done my own nails and hair cutting and styling (if you want to call it a!) I am low maintenance for sure and I never liked diamonds or 'jewels' or fur coats. I do like 'junk' and craft supplies though. Stay safe at the dentist! That's a risky procedure now a days. Today the sun will shine and the grass will grow like crazy! It already needs it again but I have to cook a meal today and do some more prepping for Maynia so the lawn will have to wait. It should dry out a bit anyway. Have a good day and I hope you find another project soon! LOL!

  2. After a 2 month wait I finally got my permanent crown put one. imagine 2 months with a temporary crown in your month. Not fun. I had to have my hubby cut my hair. other than the hair salon the only other thing
    i miss is my mothy massage. Glad you are still doing well. Raining here again today - flood warnings are out.

  3. I can’t imagine how boring to spend an entire day at a spar! I get my hair cut when I must. Raining here today too. There is no view: we are stuck in cloud.

  4. Just you have blue birds?

  5. I'm not either. The only time I let anyone mess with my hair is when one of my kids gets married and I need to look presentable for the photos. I can't stand nail polish or even jewelry on me. I don't know how anyone does. I only wear Crocs and spend most of my time in pj's. It's the one good thing about living in the middle of nowhere. I don't have to impress anyone. I do however like my aprons and Crocs to match. Lol....Araignee

  6. I'm only partially high maintenance. My hair turned snow white in my mid-40s and I've been dying it ever since. I just can't let it go. Maybe when I turn 70. And I do love a pedicure. It's a wonderful relaxing treat. But a whole day at a spa? Can't imagine.

  7. Pretty yarn colors - eager to see your finished project.

  8. The yarn is so pretty. I'm not very high maintenance either, though I do occasionally dye my own hair and I have had manicures and pedicures in the past. I can't say I've ever done a full day! I'm thinking mani/pedi, massage, relax in the pool, would take several hours though.

  9. Sometimes I wish didn't wear my hair so short, which means every 4-6 weeks I get a cut. It's not bothering me, though, since I rarely go out and have nowhere to go anyway. :-)

  10. I think of that pile of yarn as Fall colours. Pretty though! You made me laugh about not being high maintenance. I do get my hair cut every 8-10 weeks, but have already hacked some off. Thank goodness for wavy hair, it can hide a lot of bad cuts, lol. I cut Larry's hair anyway, and have never been to a spa or nail salon, which are all closed. Between the gardening/farming type stuff and jam making, this time of the year my nails and hands are a total disaster. I think our dentists are only operating on an emergency basis. Glad you are still safe.

  11. You and me, Girl Friend...who wants to by high maintenance when there is stuff to DO!

  12. You are definitely low maintenance. Right now, I am missing the nail salon.

  13. I love those yarn colors. So soft and pretty.
    I'm pretty low maintenance too. I've always just cut my hair once or twice a year and had it long until last spring when I had it all cut off. I had decided just before the virus mess that I was going to let it grow again because I hate spending money on a haircut every 6 weeks when it's so short. Long is easier too. I do my own toes and fingernails and not much with them anyway, although just for fun I do paint my toenails during the summer months. I detest shopping, especially for clothes. I don't like fancy restaurants either. Dennis calls me a cheap date! :-)

  14. I like reading the comments because so many of us are low maintenance. I have never had a manicure, pedicure or spa day either. Oldest GD Kate was a hairdresser for years and does anyone's hair in the family.

  15. Those colors are beautiful. You are very good at putting colors together and I do think that is a special talent. I am definitely not high maintenance either! I've never had a spa day, stopped coloring my hair when I retired and I've never had a manicure or pedicure unless I did it myself. I could not see paying the prices for some of those things. So good for us!

  16. Low maintenance is best for times like these.

  17. Pretty colors!
    I am also very low maintenance. Leah cuts my hair and I can get by not cutting it at all and tying it back...probably forever, even though I would get sick of it--LOL! No hair dye or makeup and cut my own nails.
    Going to the dentist seems so scary right now. Be careful! *hugs*

  18. Bless your heart for not being high maintenance. It certainly is an easier way to live. Oh I do love the colors of your yarn....can't wait to see your newly completed shawl. We have some nice weather for the next couple of days! I think you should too! Take good care you 2.

  19. I stopped dying my hair a few years ago, and I have never had a spa day. Wouldn't mind a nice foot massage though, my feet are often painful.

  20. My only maintenance issue is haircuts, which I get every five weeks sine I have short hair. No now, of course, so I am doing my best to look decent.
    Since stay at home started, I have had one trip to the dentist to replace a temporary crown - the permanent crown is stuck in the lab and unavailable - and a trip to the medical center for an echo cardiogram. I came through both just fine. Such facilities now how to keep you and them safe.

  21. A feeling of independence is great. Well I won't cut my own hair. I'm going for a pony tail!!!

  22. A salute to us natural women!
    I managed to finish a sock I started in February today. My knitting mojo is taking a nap.

  23. Those colors are looking really good together. I am getting a haircut from my wife on Saturday. I am coming what I have like Elvis did and it looks pretty bad when I get up in the morning.

  24. I am low maintenance well I think I am
    Nice pretty colours

  25. Hope your dentist appointment went well, and you see some colour in the yard soon.

    I'm not sure what they do for a whole day, but the the idea of being fussed with like that for an entire day doesn't appeal to me. I'm incredibly low maintenence, even cutting my own hair when it needs it (apart from one time last year when I went to a hairdresser because my Mam insisted, and was so determined for me to go that she paid for it).

  26. If you can't have spring colors yet, your yarn does a wonderful replacement job! What great colors.

    ...but what I am wondering is: what are you going to do for May day???

    And I see I can now be the first to officially wish you happy May!


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