Saturday, April 11, 2020

Another Shawl

I finished another shawl.  This one is a soft acrylic yarn.  I started this one over...the first pattern was just too heavy.  This one is heavy too but seems less so because of the pattern.

I love the colors...this shawl took three skeins of yarn.  The yarn is Caron Simply Soft Paints in the color Peacock Feather.

This shawl is machine washable and dryable so it is a good one to be donated to the church prayer shawl ministry or the nursing home after all this Covid 19 stuff is over.

We had a quiet day...we made chili...two crock pots full so our freezer can be restocked.   No cupboards were cleaned and no yard was raked.  I carried away some leaves that had swirled in front of the door...the wind has been nasty cold.

I watched the rest of the season of Northern Rescue...of course they left us hanging at the end of season 1.  I give this series a 7 out of 10.  I don't  like shows that have text messages or notes dropped on the floor that you should read to follow the story line or bratty kids.

I have another shawl upstairs that is being blocked and another just completed while watching Northern Rescue.

Far Guy is busy painting his woodcarving...I will take photos of the finished project soon.
Far Side


  1. I think your shawls are beautiful and I really love the colour of this one. I hadn't heard of the prayer shawl ministry before, but what a wonderful description I found of them - like a hug from God, bringing comfort to both the shawl's creator and the recipient. Mxx

  2. How lovely-and what a pretty color! I can see that giving someone real comfort one day. Araignee

  3. Beautiful! My mom had made a shawl and I took it to my MIL in the nursing home before the shut down occurred. She really thought it was snazzy!

  4. Beautiful color, and I too had no cupboards cleaned or lawns raked. Today I'll sweep the front porch and call it a day. Someone will treasure that shawl. :-)

  5. It’s a lovely shawl and will be welcome to chase off the chill air. You’re making great use of your time!

  6. Such a lovely shawl, I'm belong to a Prayer Shawl group here in Arizona, do you have a pattern to share?

    1. It was a You Tube Video

    2. Thank you, I found the video and I'm going to start a shawl today. I so appreciate you posting this, it looks quick and easy.

  7. Very pretty shawl, you've been busy!

    Take care and stay well.

  8. Your shawl is lovely. Two shawls and two pots of chili, sounds great!

  9. My goodness you are fast with the shawls. The color is lovely and will make someone very happy and warm. Chili sounds delicious. I'm thinking I may try baking a cake from scratch today. I haven't done that in years. We'll see what happens.

  10. What a beautiful shawl! I love the colors. I'll look forward to seeing Far Guy's painted rose. I was happy when I saw your comment on my blog! Thank you!

  11. I love that shawl's color, Connie! And I can't wait to see Far Guy's finished carving.... especially what color the rose will be. :-) It was bitter cold here in Indiana a few days ago but now it's not so bad. It's not warm by any means but I am able to crack some windows open and the sun is shining bright. I've got some inside chores I'd like to accomplish but we have a few leaves to finish up too. Decisions, decisions... which chore to tackle first. Love, Andrea xoxo

  12. I love the color too! You are a prolific yarn product producer!
    I baked a lemon meringue pie this morning and boiled eggs and made egg salad. I won't have Easter eggs but I've got to have my annual egg salad fix.

  13. I like the colors also. You are keeping very busy. I am waiting for a finish to dry. It may be 48 hours of drying time.

  14. You make knitting ( or is it crocheting?) seem so effortless. The shawls just keep happening. This last one is such a lovely colour!!

  15. Ooh such a beautiful shawl....I love the color. You got your chili made, that's great. and far guy is painting his beautiful flower....can't wait to see it. We've been watching all the church services on tv...tonight's was 2 hours long and wonderful to see when we can't attend our own church. Hope that changes before long. a very Blessed Easter to you and Gene. May God bless you both in many ways and keep you safe!

  16. Either you are a really fast worker or have a lot of nervous energy! You are making so much! We have been busy in the kitchen as well--no more take out for us these days. We've been trying out some recipes we haven't made for years.

  17. Your shawl is beautiful I love the color. The Simply Soft yarn is so nice to work with.

  18. You're going to have a lot of shawls to donate by the time this is over.


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