Saturday, March 7, 2020

Some B's

 Birth!  My nephew Kirk and his beautiful wife welcomed their fourth child a girl named Tallulah on Friday!  I believe this is my baby brothers 9th Grand.  Tallulah lives in New Jersey so we won't meet her until next summer.  I love her name!

 Bingo: My Dad and I went to Bingo and my sister joined us there.  Dad bingoed!  His losing streak must be over.  We were both one number away from the BIG Money but a good friend won part of it so that is almost as good as winning it ourselves.  Dad is missing a few more sister and I just reach over and daub them for him.  He has the most problems with I's and G's it seems...and with the special games that involve patterns.  He is the oldest person at Bingo and gets a few hugs from some of the ladies.  He enjoys his night out.

Blocking: I finally got all the supplies I needed to block a crochet is really pretty and I shall share photos later as it is a gift.  I am still blocking the squares for my afghan two at a time on the blocker Far Guy made for me.

Big Sort: Not much happening with the big sort the past few days.  I needed my work table to block my crochet project.   (That is probably just an excuse.)

I took inventory of the canned goods in the pantry and decided we were in good shape except for canned fruit so I took care of that.  Seems lots of people are going off the deep end worrying about the corona virus.  One case has been confirmed in Minnesota.

 We are concerned and have a plan to keep Far Guy isolated except for his weekly visit to the Infusion Center.  We are solitary people anyway...this past week  Jo came over to get Odda so she visited for a bit...the UPS guy dropped off a package and we went by my brothers shop one day and talked to him, his wife and Frank.  Most people that know us stay away when they are ill or have a cough.

This is what the ground blizzard looked like on Thursday morning.

Far Side


  1. Skunk cabbage and Harbinger-of-spring are blooming here. Spring is on its way north.

  2. I'm really the only one who leaves the house, though we do have an appt next week at the VA. I did my weekly shopping and we are good for a while.
    I hope this weekend the rest of the snow melts! However I'm sure winter wants to mess with us a bit more this month....

  3. I love that name too!! Congrats on the new addition!

  4. I haven't heard that name is ages. I love it, too. Welcome to the world, Tallulah! And I do like all your B's. Congrats to your dad for finally getting over the bingo drought. :-)

  5. I always keep my pantry and freezer stocked, so if necessary, I could easily isolate for a couple of weeks or longer. Glad your Dad had a good night at Bingo.

  6. Love her name as well.
    The ground blizzard looks altogether COLD!

  7. What a beautiful name! I haven't heard it in years. I'm happy for your Dad. I think it's great that you are able to do things together. I still miss my parents and it's been years.
    Our pantry is pretty well stocked. I had gone to Costco and bought our TP and paper towels, etc., just before the craziness hit. I detest Costco for some reason so I always buy enough for 6 months or so. That way I don't have to go back for awhile. I know some people love shopping there but it drives me nuts. :-) . So we're good for awhile.

  8. Congrats to your nephew and his wife (and the rest of the family too). Congrats to your dad too on his win.

    I can imagine your worry and concern about the corona virus in light of Far Guy's issues. Being prepared to stay at home is a good idea.

  9. You are probably smart to keep FG isolated during flu season and coronavirus fears. No point in jeopardizing his chances of being well enough for the transplant. My older daughter is a respiratory therapist in a Sioux Falls hospital in a pulmonary functions department. They have seen a LOT of influenza again this year.

  10. Congrats on the new baby in the family!
    Good idea to keep being out in the public to a minimum.
    Sounds like the blocking is giving you a break of sorts. You need one. :)

  11. Our oldest grand sent us a thank you card for his birthday present. That was a surprise. They made him do it. We have three grands and that will always be it. I will never live long enough to see any great grands. I hope I can live long enough to see them graduate from high school. I should have never gone to the funeral the other day. LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!!

  12. That is a beautiful name!
    Yay for the bingo win for your dad, bet he had a big smile.
    I hope you two manage to stay healthy throughout this corona virus deal, being solitary is a good way to do that!

  13. YAY for the BINGO Win! This corona virus has people freaking out. Being solitary is a GOOD thing right now.

  14. Beautiful name for the new baby girl, congratulations to everyone! Yes, it's good to have a plan, but I see no reason to panic. However, in your situation, with Far Guy already struggling I agree it's best not to spend too much time around other people.

  15. Congratulations on the new baby. I love that name too! It sounds like you are taking a sensible approach to the coronavirus. You have to be cautious with Far Guy's health. The news people go crazy with it all. I believe in being sensible and practical but try not to dwell on it. I love that your Dad still enjoys bingo so much!

  16. I can just feel that cold wind blowing snow that you had.
    Nice how you had all B's today.

  17. Glad to hear your dad had a bingo and ended his no-bingo streak! Ya gotta win once in a while to keep your interest up. I imagine the Coronavirus is really worrisome for you and Far Guy. We aren’t going to be going to the gym or eating out as soon as cases start cropping up in South Carolina.

  18. Does a "ground blizzard" mean the already fallen snow is blowing around?
    We're working on being sensible here in coronavirus central. Even though they warn "old people" aged 60 and above to stay home, we are going to our soccer match this evening. We'll take clean hand precautions.

  19. You are wise to be careful, as Far Guy would be considered to be one with underlying medical conditions. I have never understood the crazy hoarding that people do. Have your house decently stocked with basic supplies and you are good. As to the toilet paper thing.....? I don't get it. Glad your dad got a Bingo! We all need to be rewarded once in a while for our efforts. I often envy you with your parents still alive and in 'decent' health. I wish my dad could have lived another 25 years or so. And the ground blizzard looks so cold, the wind would be brutal. We had huge flakes falling this morning and we turned white briefly, but the sun is out now and the snow is mostly gone.

  20. Congrats on the new grand niece! No snow here though although there are a few signs of spring as cherry trees have begun to bloom, and we have lots of pussy willows in our yard along with a few daffodils and crocus. It is pretty crazy here though thanks to Covid-19 and lots of places have told their staff to work online. Our church service will only be online, too!

  21. New babies are always a blessing I love babies

  22. I guess Blizzard was the last B word huh? That's what it looked like here a snow squall blowing all over the place. but today it is beautiful and 50 degrees....tomorrow 55! Hmm....I wonder if March is going to go out like a lion?Love the name of that new baby! So cute. and you're keeping nice and busy again. If you're both basically well....hope you can stay that way. Take care!

  23. I think thee is too much panic over the virus. That doesn't mean we can be careless about it. we still have to take precautions and follow good health practices.

  24. They really don't know how many there are with the virus because they don't have enough test kits. But I am a recluse except to the store once in awhile.....If it'd meant to be it's meant to be. You do what you can but I don't fret about it. I love the blizzard photo! A new member of the family congrats! I love that name too...remember Tallulah Bankhead, the actress? That's the only other Tallulah I know. Glad your Dad was able to Bingo! My "big sort" was very slow this week. The crafts room is really difficult! Who wants to get rid of anything crafty? But it must be my case anyway. Good luck on the blocking. I'm sure it will turn out beautiful.

  25. Welcome, Tallulah! That is quite the southern name. I have a few by that name, way back in my mother's family tree.

  26. Congratulations on the new addition to the family. Tallulah is certainly a name you don't hearoften these days. Or I don't anyhow.

    Also, congratulations on the Bingo wins. Shame you didn't get the big win, but never mind.


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