Sunday, March 15, 2020

Prayer Shawl

Last week I sent off a package to Far Guy's sister.  A chemo cap and a prayer shawl from me and a woodcarving from Far Guy.

Far Guy's sister was diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas and is now having chemo treatments.  The cancer was found during a routine mammogram. She will have chemo, radiation and surgery.

I saw some yarn in the Local Yarn Shop that draped beautifully.  It was a blend of silk and merino wool.  I struggled with the pattern and frogged it several times.  I was about to give up when I finally conquered the pattern. 

After it was finished I washed it gently and took it upstairs to my work area to block and dry for a few days.  Here the shawl is being blocked. 

Before I mailed it I took it outside for a photo shoot.

It can be draped several different ways.  I chose this pattern because I loved it and since Far Guy's sister lives in a warmer climate than Minnesota the shawl would not feel real heavy and overly warm for her.

We are sad that she has to fight cancer, we are sad that she has lost all her hair. We hope the gifts we mailed to her made her feel loved and make her cancer journey a tiny bit better.  Far Guy's sister has a strong faith and knows she is saved by God's grace.

lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world  Matthew 28:20 

Far Side


  1. On April 14, 2004 I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. Within a week it was downgraded to stage 3 after a full body CT scan failed to show spread outside of the local area. It's a bad diagnosis, but not a death sentence. I pray that your sister-in-law has a good recovery. The shawl is beautiful. You did a great job on it. I hope someday to be good enough to start a pattern and see it through to the end without frogging it a few times in the beginning.

  2. Beautiful! My mom gave me a shawl and I didn't use it as such but used it do decorate a wall!

  3. Still fighting my cold, but stopping by to say CONGRATS on your new great-grand! What wonderful news. Hope you get to meet her in person soon. And WOW, WOW, WOW! Beautiful shawl for FG's sister. Beautiful work.

  4. What a beautiful job on the shawl

  5. As a Cancer survivor I am sure she will appreciate the gift. What a beautiful shawl.

  6. Getting the cancer diagnosis is a big shock for the patient and family. I wish her well.

  7. Beautiful shawl for a beautiful lady. Every time she uses it, she will feel your love.

  8. I went to Google to find out what 'frogging' meant. I had a general idea that it meant making a mistake but didn't know it is an actual procedure. What a beautiful shawl, it was certainly worth a little frogging.

  9. What lovely gifts! I love the pattern and color of your shawl, it is so beautiful. I have made many shawls as gifts for friends and relatives... they are always a very welcome gift. Did you knit or crochet the chemo hat or did you sew it? I've not made any of those. Stay safe and healthy.

  10. The shawl is gorgeous and will bring her comfort with its warmth and knowing it was made with love.

  11. the shawl is beautiful... I think of her draped in your love and concern!!

  12. A lovey gift for someone in need of a little extra love.

  13. It is a gorgeous scarf. As someone on chemo for Stage IV ovarian cancer, I can assure you that the gifts will indeed make her feel loved and make the journey a little easier.

  14. What a beautiful shawl! You are so talented. I'm sure your sister-in-law feels very loved by the both of you.

  15. This is such a beautiful shawl and I'm sure that Far Guy's sister will feel the love you've put into each stitch and the wood carving too.
    Wishing you a wonderful day and I'm praying for a full recovery for her.

  16. So beautiful. I love lacy shawls. I will pray for your sister in law's recovery.

  17. Your gifts say LOVE, which your sister-in-law needs to feel in abundance right now. We in your blog family will be pulling for her too.
    Your shawl is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. My friend introduced me to the word "frogging" by saying, "We rip it,rip it,rip it."

  19. What a beautiful gift! She will cherish it I am sure and feel your love and care surrounding her when she wears it. It seems every time I try a new pattern in knitting I end up frogging it about 3 times before I "get it". I'm glad I'm not the only one but sorry you had to go through that. I'm also glad you didn't give up because it is gorgeous! What a labor of love! You did a great job blocking it too!
    She will feel so loved when she receives your shawl and hat and Far Guys carving. It must be hard not to be able to go see her but with technology you can! That is wonderful! I will pray for her to recover and for you and Far Guy not to worry. Hugs~Sam

  20. The shawl looks lovely with the snowy background. I wish your SIL well. I'm sure she'll appreciate your kind gift ( and make good use of it too)

  21. That shawl is so delicate--just beautiful!
    Wishing her the very best and a full recovery.

  22. What a beautiful shawl! I hope your SIL is able to overcome her illness.

    Take care!

  23. That is a very special shawl. It's simply beautiful, and I also hope that she makes a complete recovery. Thanks for taking the shawl out for a photo shoot! :-)

  24. How beautiful! I'm sure she will feel the love and healing thoughts each time she wears it. I'm sorry to hear she is going through this. I have a cousin going through the same thing now. It is interesting to see how you block it. I've never done much crochet or knitting and I find it fascinating. Sending good thoughts to you all!

  25. Love the shawl. I'm sure you're sister-in-law will love it. I am using Google Chrome and it seems to work.

  26. God Bless Far Guy's dear sister. So hard to be going through cancer and it's treatments. I am praying for her total recovery. The gifts you sent are wonderful and that shawl you made! Such a tough time to have to deal with cancer with all the other woeful things happening right now....may God have mercy on us all. Stay well you two!

  27. That is love all right. That shawl is beautiful and I am sure she will love it.

  28. Silk and merino together sounds so soft in your beautiful shawl. I hope your SIL recovers well and I am sure the gifts will help her on her journey.

  29. Oh, I just looked up St Urho and his grasshoppers and grapes. Awesome :)

  30. Glad you finally conquered that pattern. It is lovely!

    Our family will certainly be praying for Far Guy's sister, with all she has ahead of her, that her spirits remain uplifted.

  31. The prayer shawl is beautiful, both in the way it looks and in the love you put in to it. I am praying for healing for Far Guy's sister.

  32. Sorry about Far Guy's sister. Hope the chemo is successful.

  33. That is a well designed shawl. It is like a work of art that could be hing on a wall. It is a marvelous gift that you made for her. Someone gave my wife a shawl when she had heart failure.


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