Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cards, Snowstick and almost 50 degrees!

Cards from friends make any day better!  This week I got cards from Betsy and Sam...thanks gals!

I always put cards in the window for many days after I get them...or above my computer.  Old fashioned flower frogs make great holders for cards.

We melted some snow yesterday!

48 degrees is not very warm when we still have snow...the wind was a bit raw but I sat out on the patio anyway after supper.

The snowstick sits at 9 inches down 2 inches from yesterday.  It is a slow melt.  Sorry late March snowstick guessers.

We had one Purple Finch visit yesterday and a whole flock of Juncos....they must have been passing through because they didn't stay long.

Our big project for yesterday was cleaning up the winter dirt off the garage floor...before the Virus I bought a new floor squeegee and it works great!  It is remarkable how a yucky job can be so much easier with the right tools.

Far Side


  1. It is always so shocking to see your snow. It's been greening up so rapidly here that we have to get the mower out. We've had some of our biggest snows in March here in the last few years but not this year. It's been like early summer for weeks now. Too hot for me. Too hot for outside work already. Araignee

  2. I was able to rake the yard in places this week! But look at that snow! Yesterday's rain and thunderstorm got rid of the last hold outs of snow. We are officially into Spring.

  3. Yes! The right tool can make a world of difference.
    With all your trees you have much less brown grass than I do here.
    I was delighted with my birthday gift, BTW!! Thanks so very much, Connie!!
    Have a great week. :)

  4. Glad to see the snow is disappearing so quickly. Spring truly is coming!

    Take care and stay well!

  5. You still have plenty of snow, while we bask in similar temperatures and buds everywhere. I'm listening to heavy rain hitting our roof right now.

  6. I like your card holder idea. I have a few of those but most of my flower holders are the wire screen type.
    I don't even remember what I guessed for the snow stick contest. That seems a long time ago now. I know it was some significant day, a birthday or an anniversary, which is what today is. I look forward to the return of some sunny days. Sitting outside was so nice a week or so ago.

    1. Yes today was your guess...sorry :( I wish the snow was gone too!

  7. I love the card you sent to me!!! COME ON MELT we are all done with snow

  8. Glad the snow is melting, albeit slowly. I need to get a squeege for my garage.

  9. It will be at least a week before we see fifty degrees.

  10. It's coming! Spring is coming! Well, eventually. After three weeks of rain and dark days we are finally getting a little sun. I may even get the hummingbird feeder out. The cats love to sit at the door and watch the hummingbirds.

    I love your cards. Doesn't it feel good to get some Spring jobs done like the garage floor! You two take care!

  11. Last week I saw several swallows flying over the lake but they must have gone back south a ways to where the insects are. We're on the late side and those swallows were early. I normally notice the first ones in April.

  12. I've never heard flower holders called flower frogs before - I think it is a great name :)
    Glad you were able to clean in the garage. Cleaning house seems to be a popular option for a lot of people here at the moment - gives them something to do during lockdown. Stay safe, Mxx

  13. Cute way to display your cards. I hope those nice temps continue so you can put the snow stick away soon. When we lived in Baudette we sometimes had a little patch of snow left in the shade well into June. At least you know you will beat that!

  14. I recall experiencing such low temperatures in New York City 1970-1975. Here in Hawaii it gets cold up on the summits of the volcanoes.

  15. No snow for me just coldish days, that seems pretty cold to me

  16. I usually try to sweep out the garage about once a week or so. Otherwise it seems like it fills up with blown leaves really quickly.
    I don't even remember what I guessed for the snowstick but I'm surprised you still have so much snow. Ours has been gone for awhile now although we've had a few small snowstorms that have melted right away.
    I'm glad you go the card. I hope it brightened your day. The flower frog is a great idea! I'll have to remember that.

  17. So you, a card giver, are now a card-getter! Good for you! Happy to see you've had a nice day weather-wise and glad to see that snow near the stick has gone down a bit. Hope it keeps retreating. I've even seen an ant or two crawling by. Good grief! Can't we get rid of the snow first? Take care you 2!

  18. Oh Connie.... still so much snow! May my warm thoughts coming your way melt the rest of it in very short order. Love, Andrea PS~ I love cards too! xoxo

  19. Your cards look so cheery on your window sill! With the warmer temperatures, I hope your snow gets dispatched quickly. And some sunshine would be a nice bonus, too.

  20. Glad you had the cards and slightly warmer temperatures to cheer you up.

  21. So glad you are warming up! Although the weather said it will be colder than normal where you are this week. Not sure what that means but "out like a lion"? I need to clean my garage floor so I may need to get me one of those squeegees! Do you use it wet or dry? It is working outside weather here in-between the spring storms. We were really lucky regarding the tornado as the storm passed through here before it went to Jonesboro where the tornado touched down and destroyed an entire shopping mall and more. There were injuries but no fatalities that I know of. It's that time of year. Stay well!

  22. I guess I didn't comment on here as I was looking things over again. I really liked my birthday card. Thank you.


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