Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Sunny Day

Sunny Days are here again!  Love seeing and feeling the sunshine!  The sky is still blue!

The roads were clear except for some salt residue...the snow is getting dirty on the edge of the road.  It looks warmer than it was...the wind had a sharp bite to it!

Far Guy dropped me off at Hobby Lobby while he went to his medical appointment.    I had a nice walk around/ stand around looking at yarn ...and ran right into my handsome husband on a stroll of his own around the store...not sure if he was looking for me or not!

Not much was on my list.  Yarn for a project I would like to try.  Some super soft cotton yarn for a couple of chemo caps.  I have a few projects to finish first...imagine that!
Far Side


  1. Blue skies and snow is one of my favourite combinations!

  2. The sun was out here yesterday also. Sure made me happy. Wandering around a yarn store and running into a handsome man - how lucky can you get.

  3. It sure is nice to see the sun, even if it's all the way up there in Minnesota. Some day we'll see it here again for more than a few "sun breaks." :-)

  4. Beautiful sunshine and blue skies! You all deserve it even if it is a bit chilly it's always nice to see the sunshine. It's dark and rainy here and tonight we might get some snow but the grass is greening up so I think there will be an early spring.
    I love your yarn that you picked out. I can't wait to see what you're making with it. I always love your projects!

  5. What a fun day! I was right outside of Micheal's yesterday and wasn't even tempted to go in. The last few times I was there was a big disappointment. I don't know who does their ordering these days but it's not a crafter.

  6. Sunny days are always colder it seems. Pretty yarn! :)

  7. Oh, that is nice yarn. I have a vest pattern I want to crochet and that cotton would be perfect. I'm going to look for it at Michaels.

    Enjoy the sunshine!

  8. We have sun today - yay!! I can't tell you how much that helps my attitude. I can get lost in Hobby Lobby - or Holly Jolly as my granddaughter Olivia calls it. So many interesting possibilities for creativity.

  9. I'm getting more done everyday...sure is a job. I don't know why I let things stack up!

  10. That yarn looks so soft, I can feel it in my mind. Sun in winter is a lovely thing! In very short supply here. We got a dump of wet snow yesterday and it is drip, drip, dripping today, a slushy mess.

  11. the rough weather makes us appreciate the good stuff that much more.

  12. I'm happy for you in your sunshine. Take full advantage of it because we are sending you another blast from what will be the remnants of our current "atmospheric river".

  13. Lovely sunshine and lovely yarn too.

  14. It does look beautiful there. We have snow falling today but it's not very cold, mid 30's.
    I bought a skein of that cotten yesterday too. It's my favorite cotton yarn now.

  15. I used to be a yarn fanatic too back when I crocheted like crazy. I even used yarn for my little stuffed horse toy's mane and tails so many years ago! I gave my leftover yarn to my mother a few years ago.
    Love the sunlight. We've had some nice light here. But we are back to the freeze.

  16. What a beautiful sunny day! The sky is a gorgeous shade of blue. I love yarn that is super soft and it should make great chemo caps. You are so kind to always be doing things for others.

  17. We finally had a sunny day... just in time for the winter storm that is coming our way tonight! I really like the Hobby Lobby brand yarn. I can't wait to see your chemo caps when they are finished.

  18. No matter how cold, sunshine always makes it better! That yarn looks interesting. I’m going to have to look for some to give it a feel.

  19. Ooh that's some pretty yarn you picked up at Hobby Lobby. That's such a fun store to walk around in. I love the header on your blog with your beautiful Chance, and those lovely flowers looking so Valentiney! Hope the sun keeps shining! It is here too! Thanks for sending it our way!

  20. Blue sky is great to see. Looks like a very typical Minnesota highway with the trees lining the sides closely. We have corn and beans lining our highways.


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