Monday, February 3, 2020

Roof snow

The snow has been accumulating on the steel roof.  Yesterday the melt began.

Here is the roof on January 15 2020
The snow was melting, dripping and making ice on the patio.

I got out the roof rake with the long handle....made a mess for myself when I pulled all the snow off on the right side onto the patio and had to shovel off the patio.

February 2 2020
I got all the snow off the small roof.  The last bunch fell in a big sheet on the other side.

At least I didn't have to wallow around in the snowbank to clear off that side!  Once I put the roof rake way at the top and snagged the center of the snow drift that mass of snow came tumbling off...couldn't have planned it better myself.

In other roof news most all the snow came off the east side of the house.  The west side is still hanging on. 

See that bit of blue sky?  The sun was out for a moment or two.
Far Side


  1. Snow is melting pretty fast around here also. We went to the National Snow Sculpting Show in Lake Geneva, WI on Saturday. Good thing because even then some of the sculptures were melting. Sunday most of them fell apart due to the warm temps.

  2. One of the things I do like about our metal roof is that rapid melt off and snow slides. We saw the sun for two days this weekend! It was warm Sunday and snow did melt. But the rest of the week looks to be cold. Ice will be the new normal all around on the ground!

  3. Roof raking is tough on the body, all that reaching overhead and unless we get a lot of snow, the weeks between the roof raking duties mean that you are deconditioned for doing it. We have to roof rake even on our metal roof if the temps stay below freezing, the angle of the house to the weak sunlight just is not enough to get it to dump. Right now the roofs are all clear, not a lot of snow this year in our area, and with more spring-like temps happening this week. Well I am sure that Mother Nature will spank us a few more times before winter ends. :-)

  4. We had lots of melting over the weekend too. One downspout tracks the water down to the driveway, so we've had ice out there every morning.

  5. It's been a long time since we had to worry about snow on the roof. It's going to be almost 70 here today. We've still got a lot of February so I've still got some hope that we will at least get a dusting before winter is over.

  6. Hi I enjoy your blog. It tickled me when Chance posted on the blog. Can you share what heating system you use? Are the homes built for COLD weather?
    Thank you!

    1. We have a High Efficiency LP Furnace. Yes houses are well insulated:)

  7. Gosh! What an amazing amount of snow. And there you are out there taking care of it! You Go Girl!!!

  8. That is a lot of snow. You have had a long winter already. I hope it warms up a bit and stops snowing.

  9. Our snow is all gone! Finally. Just in time for more to fall tomorrow if the weather guy is right. We had unseasonably warm weather all of last week in the 40's and 50's.
    Our roof is so high that a roof rake would never help at all, however we did use one often on our last house. They really do help don't they?

  10. That is sure a lot of snow. I guess where you live you have to have a good strong steel roof! I bet you have a lot of snow at the snow stick and June must be huge by now!

  11. Do you have to be careful the snow doesn't end up on you? That was a huge clump of snow! You could definitely get hurt if it landed on you!

  12. You have lots of snow! We've had less but now much of it melted and Saturday. then froze Sunday so I've got a skating rink for a driveway and street out front. Luckily the main streets (where they plow regularly) are clear. It's just getting out of the neighbourhood that is a bit dicey.

    Have a great day!

  13. Our snow from a couple weeks ago is long gone, but it looks like tonight we might have a bit more. Nothing to speak of compared to yours. :-)

  14. Lots of work but it’s worth it to avoid melting and refreshing and making slippery walking. I like the big curl on the edge of your roof.

  15. I wondered too how you managed to rake the snow down without getting crushed by it. Obviously you knew what you were doing. We've had a few years when the guys had to climb on the roof and shovel the snow off but then our roofs are quite flat and not made for heavy snow.

  16. You are brave to use a roof rake... I've watched my hubby pull snow off the roof and I would never attempt it!

  17. That must be a long handled roof rake. Otherwise that looks like a dangerous job.

  18. Good job Connie. All the roofs here look pretty bad this winter. Ours is full of snow and ice. The last time we hired a company to clean off the snow, they damaged a bunch of the roof shingles underneath. We got some melting yesterday but need a lot more. Stay well and take good care. At least we're in February now!

  19. The last of ours came off the West dormer with a big whoosh and rumble.

  20. We had a bit of sun today too and I was thrilled to see it! Good for you on the roof work and glad none landed on you!


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