Monday, February 10, 2020

Quiet Day

It was a quiet day Sunday, the phone only rang once! 

I worked on two of my crochet projects, did some laundry and worked on the Farm Diaries from 1926.

The sun took care of what little snow was on the patio and walk...sun shoveling...I love it!

 Started watching a new show on Bravo called Spy Games...I found it very entertaining.

I took a photo just before sunset.  The snowstick measures 19 inches  in the yard.

I made ribs, vegetables and baked a loaf of bread for supper. Not homemade bread the kind that comes frozen in a was really good! It will make wonderful toast.

We have a real busy week coming up so a quiet day was much appreciated!
Far Side


  1. We had about 8 inches of snow yesterday. I made it to Church before it really started snowing hard. And of course we no sooner got the end of the driveway cleared out when that nasty snowplow came thru and put it all back .

  2. 19 inches? Wow..we've got a week of rain of the way. Again. Ugh.

  3. I'm glad you got a nice restful day to spend before a busy week. When I lived in Boulder, Colorado, the snow was almost always cleared by the sun and not by plows. :-)

  4. Glad the sun gave you help with the snow shoveling today.

  5. It sounds like a perfect Sunday! The dinner sounded delicious too! A little sun goes a long way! We are having a really mild winter here and it has been nice for my walks although I used to walk in Iowa too in below freezing temps. I hope you have a good week!

  6. I like restful days. Terry tends to get bored in them but not me. There is always something to do and NAPS to take!!! :)

  7. Somebody has been using my phone number to phone me ??? I wonder what they want?

  8. You guys could use a lot more quiet days. :) :)

  9. Just stopping by to let you know that I am keeping up with reading your blog even though I can't always get the commenting to work. Glad you had a quiet day. Beautiful sunset photo. Your dinner sounded delish! I can't remember the last time I ahd ribs. Think of you and Nice Guy often and sending good wishes up north!

  10. I had a quiet day too - which I appreciate since I have to be gone this whole week for training and meetings for work.

  11. Sun shoveling is the best! Your quiet day sounds lovely. Other than going to church we spent the weekend watching Netflix. It was nice, but today I'm going to make myself go to the mall and walk. It's too cold to walk outside here so I'll go do some laps there and maybe find the library. Three of our libraries are being remodeled and I received an email saying they've been temporarily relocated to the mall. I've had two books on hold for Dennis for over two months and they still haven't notified me. There were only two people ahead of us so I'm not sure what's happening.

  12. I agree, sun shovelling is wonderful! It was close to melting here yesterday and when I drove out to the farm to visit my brother and his family I was surprised to see how little snow there is in the valley. I hate to say it, but we're going to need some more snow this winter or this spring is going to horribly dry.

    Have a good week!

  13. The smell of baking bread is divine! Sunday got away from me, but today is a good day to make a pot of soup.

  14. A sunny, quiet day is always good! I hope you don't have too many appointments this week.

    You've mentioned the Farm Diaries from 1926 a few times. I don't think I remember you telling us about those but then my memory is getting bad. Is this something passed down to you that you are working to preserve? I would be interested in hearing how you are going about it, of course only if it's something you would be interested in telling us about. I have a lot of small pieces of written family history that I would like to somehow re-work and put together as a history for my grandchildren. But figuring out the best way to go about it can be overwhelming.

    We had ribs yesterday too but no home baked bread. The frozen loaf is very good when baked. I get the Rhodes frozen rolls too and love them because I can just take out what we need which is usually just two or three at a time. Take care and be careful on those trips out.

  15. Sun shoveling! I love that phrase! There was sun shoveling here too on Sunday, but Sunday night the snow started back up and husband had to go out and snow blow the driveway late in the evening. He put the car in the garage too which was a very good thing. Then again today, more sun shoveling. :)

  16. Looks so serene and beautiful !
    We had a sprinkling of snow last week, but nothing like 19 inches, they would shut the entire State down if we had snow measured in
    Dinner sounds delicious, just my kind of food.

  17. You can't beat a quiet day that ends with a good meal.

  18. Looks like the weather was quiet too. That's a good thing.

  19. Hoping your really busy week goes well....and that the weather cooperates if you have to travel any distance. It's going to get cold overnight this week so dress warm if you're out in it. Take care you two!

  20. Warm bread on a cold day...yummm! all you need now is some soup. ( or "Hot Dish" )

  21. In my young married days we had a glass tube that you put the frozen bread dough into before it thawed. It was mostly a novelty and I did throw it away, the glass tube, just recently.

  22. I love quiet days! We all need one once in a while.

  23. Great you had a quiet day, and glad the sun helped with some of the shoveling.


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