Friday, February 28, 2020

Maddie : Growing Family

Maddie and Brenton and Hey Mikey are getting an addition to their family.

Hey Mikey may not be as happy when the new baby arrives.  For now he is two years and nine months old...and life is good.  That is all about to change!

New baby Cee Cee will be here in about 11 days...we are excited it will be wonderful to be Great again!  Great Grandpa and Great Grandma that is.

Jen took these photos.  I wasn't able to go up North for the photo shoot because Far Guy was ill.  So I shamelessly stole them for Maddie's facebook page.

Far Side


  1. I hope Hey Mikey isn't too upset by the new addition, and quickly learns to be glad to be a big brother.

  2. There is something wonderful about being a 'Great'. My Grandmother loved it and so does my MIL. Love the photos! I bet you cannot wait to meet the new baby!

  3. All the best to Mattie, Brenton and Hey Mikey. Praying all goes well with the birth and Cee Cee.

  4. Congrats!!! Those are great photos. What a beautiful mom to be!

  5. I am sure he will get over it, I know I did but it took quite awhile for me to warm to the interloper in my life. :-)

  6. Our guys are two years and four months apart. They did ok and I'm sure Hey Mikey will adapt!

  7. There must be maternity tops that say "Coming Soon!" - what a happy anticipation!

  8. So exciting! Can't wait to the new baby photos. I am sure Hey Mikey will get so much other attention he won't mind a new sibling TOO much.

  9. Exciting times! Wishing Maddie an easy delivery. I'm sure Hey Mikey will come around at some point.

  10. Maddie is just beautiful! New grandchildren are wonderful and I imagines "greats" are even a step beyond! The first months are sometimes rough but then I'm guessing Hey Mikey will be quite protective of his little sister.

  11. It might be okay with Hey Mikey...I sure hope so. 11 days! How exciting!

  12. How exciting! Big changes to the household there soon.
    I hope all goes well and Mikey adjusts quickly. :)

  13. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing photos of CeeCee.

  14. Beautiful family all of them. Great photos.

  15. How exciting it is to have new life in your family. A second great-grand, what a blessing! Mikey will love his little Cee Cee and be proud of her. There will be an adjustment period but there always is when a family grows. Maddie is such a beautiful young lady and pregnancy just makes her prettier. Congratulations to you all!

  16. I do hope Far Guy will be better soon. Not much fun being ill.
    Looking forward to hearing all about the new baby :)

  17. Congratulations on the coming of a new great grand... exciting times! The photos are beautiful. Hope Far Guy is feeling better.

  18. Congratulations to Maddie and her growing family! Hopefully Mikey won't feel TOO displaced by the new baby.

  19. Maddie does look like she's about ready to pop. What a sweet little family they are and will be.

  20. How totally cool that you and far guy are going to be GREATS again! New babies in the family are so fun. I even get excited when the children of my friends have babies! Then there's all the fun pictures as they grow ... I love it! Can't wait to see the pics of Cee Cee and Hey Mikey as they grow together! Enjoy and stay well, you two!

  21. A new baby. So much fun for the Grandparents. Not so much for little brother.

  22. Soon Soon! Exciting! Big Brother is getting so big!

  23. Beautiful photos! And how exciting: only 11 more days! Or maybe even less :)

  24. Oh wow! Greats again! Congratulations to all. What a lovely family.


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