Saturday, February 1, 2020

Gone to the Dogs

Rather the Grand dogs have come to be spoiled for a they go back home.

They wake us early in the morning for their breakfast and want their supper at 5 PM but start asking for it about 4:15...just in case you were going to forget about them.  They take really long naps as they are both older dogs... Miss Miney is almost 15 years old.  Little Elvis is just over 10 years old.

Little Elvis can be a turd.  BUT he listens really good to us. Miss Miney would listen if she could hear anything... she is pretty much deaf.  We use hand signals...her eye sight is getting worse too.  She waits at the top of the step for help descending the stairs.

Last week Little Elvis stopped the LP Man from making a delivery...he has to go into the back yard...well that is Little Elvis territory...
I have been calling him Sid Vicious!  What a good watchdog!

They love to be in the kitchen when I am cooking...just in case something is dropped...either that or to keep me company.  Chance used to keep me company in the kitchen too.
Far Side


  1. I love how the dogs feel it is their duty to sit at your feet and watch you cook and then make sure that they swiftly clean up any 'uhohs'. I bet you are enjoying their company.

  2. If I didn't have any hands (like dogs don't), I would wait at the top of stairs for somebody to help me, too! :-)

  3. Sounds like the dogs were great house guests.

  4. What beautiful dogs!!! We had a tri-colored Collie when I was growing up that looked just like Little Elvis. Her name was Mandy and she was such a good dog. She was a great guard dog too. Nothing got past her.

  5. I always look forward to your Dog posts. They add so much to our lives!

  6. Both are very handsome dogs. And obviously have great personalities.

  7. They are both beautiful and really don't look old at all. Nitty and Annie use to be in the kitchen when I cooked too which was rather inconvenient especially with Nitty as she would sprawl right across the middle of the floor and she was big! You are so lucky to have grand dogs to come and visit.

  8. Must feel so nice to have four-legged company again...even for a short time. They are such beautiful dogs, too. I still miss I still miss Karma.

  9. Oh, what lovely dogs! I can just imagine the joy they dish out when they visit. Our little Dolly is just about totally deaf and I don't think she sees as well as she used to, accept for her food dish of course!💖

  10. How nice to have your grand-dogs visit. They are beautiful dogs. Chloe also eats dinner at 5:00 but will start "reminding" you at 4:30. We've never forgotten to feed her but she thinks we will. She's 14 now and sleeps a lot too. We make a good pair! I sit a lot and she sleeps a lot!
    It's so good to have a four-legged friend around the house though.

  11. They are absolutely adorable, my Jack used to sit and watch me cook hoping for a bite, I sometimes accidentally on purpose dropped something. ~wink! Have a blessed evening.

  12. A house without dogs is a lonely place. I'm glad they got to come and be special fur grandkids for a spell.

  13. Lily sounds pretty much like Miss Miney though I don't know how old Lily really is as she came out of the woods to be adopted first by our friends and then later by Barb. Plainly she is like me getting on in age with were hearing and that eyesight as well as taking long naps during the day. Still were both learning to cope and adjust and I think we both may have a few good years left..............

  14. Glad they are shared with you ,how nice.
    I WANT your house and its beauty. Having only seen hints of it. So welcoming.

  15. How nice to have your grand dogs for a visit! I know they love you as much as you love them and it is a treat for all of you when they visit.

  16. Our thirteen year old dog likes to hang around the kitchen hoping something will get dropped too and we can set our clocks my when he wants breakfast and dinner. He sits in front of us and looks from one of us to the other until we get up and feed him. They are funny creatures but they sure are good company! Happy weekend!

  17. Beautiful dogs. I'm glad they came to visit!

  18. I had to laugh about Little Elvis keeping the delivery man out of the backyard and the dogs reminding you at 4:15 it is almost dinner time! Our Bob is a good cleaner-upper in the kitchen, too. Handy to have around cuz I am not the nearest cook!

  19. How nice to have the grand dogs visit. I have a mental picture of them in the kitchen avidly watching for any bit of food that might fall.

  20. It has to be fun and always unusual when you are working with someone else's dogs. They are wonderful dogs. I lost a grand dog last year in Maine. My son didn't tell us at first because he felt so bad but he also had just lost his father-in-law around that time too so it all had to come out. He and his wife still have the last dog and three cats. I always enjoy seeing your two visiting dogs.

  21. They are such pretty is funny how they have an inner-clock. And they all do. I enjoy getting to see our granddogs, too...they add a lot to life.

  22. Your grand dogs are gorgeous and how fun to have them visit. My cat and dog dote on their breakfast and lunch, and like your dogs, remind me about an hour early.

  23. Awwwwwww shelties!!!!!!! They are so cute. Katie-girl starts getting me up about 4:30. I try to stay in bed until 5:30. It's not that she wants to be up, she wants her BREAKFAST mama! Hurry up! Then of course she starts working for dinner about 3:30, cause she gets fed at 4, and yes, you are right, we might FORGET!!! And don't get me started about her in the kitchen waiting for something to drop. I swear they are all alike!

  24. so nice you've been taking care of your grand dogs for a bit. They sure are cute. Guess you're spending a lot of time in the kitchen huh? :) Enjoy those two!

  25. Both dogs are beautiful. "Sid Vicious", that's funny. Eli get impatient and paces while I'm cooking supper. I spread out an old tablecloth beside Dan's chair and Eli and Weetie eat while we eat. It sure is easy to get them spoiled, isn't it? Oh Connie, what a pretty surprise I got yesterday! Thank you so much. I was thinking I had your email address, but couldn't find it.

  26. Good company for you for a few days - they are getting up there in age... old dogs can be interesting with their old dog ways :) Did you see the sun this weekend? we were away and did on Sunday noon time.

  27. My animals get fed at 4pm but the begging starts about ,3:15

  28. Nice you were able to have them visit for a while.


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