Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Clinic on Tuesday

Far Guy had an appointment to see his regular Pulmonologist yesterday.  It is a 2 hour drive to the Clinic...quality crochet time for me as Far Guy felt well enough to drive!  Everything is okay.  He sees someone every three months either his regular Pulmonologist or his Transplant Pulmonologist.  At the Clinic they ask you if you have been exposed to the Corona Virus...who really knows for sure??

That is a picture/print of a Loon in the Doctors Office.

We got some walking exercise in at Costco and lunch.

Today (Wednesday) is a day off for us.  Good thing too as The Weatherman says a winter storm is coming in with 1 - 4 inches of snow with 50 mph winds...and after that it will be ridiculously cold.

Far Side


  1. Hahaha! That is perfect! I was looking at the forecast and we are to get some wicked stuff after it gets to 37 today! Then 2 inches or so of snow and a deep freeze. Well, that means I need to get my feed from the store and a few other things. Bundle up and stay warm!

  2. Love the cartoon. It is sooo true. We are getting this storm starting tonight. Stay warm.

  3. Daughter and her hubby are both down with the flu as are most of her students and their parents. It's just the regular flu but it's spreading like crazy-and these are folks that all had their flu shot in the fall.
    We are supposed to be getting cold here on Friday. No snow. Just cold. Boooo.....

  4. That's so funny! I hope you can hunker down and get through the cold snap intact. :-)

  5. Love the cartoon! Take care in the storm. I still have some shoveling to do from the weekend.

  6. We're getting that cold weather today, but it is only supposed to last a day or two. No snow though. Enjoy your day off!

  7. Yes it is all going to come roaring down to here. I have an appointment for that day

  8. Now the cartoon makes me laugh my face off!!!

  9. I laughed out loud at the cartoon.
    You would have less a chance of being exposed to ANY flu , if they didn't drag you out all the time. :)

  10. As if any of us would know about exposure to that virus until it's too late. It's a scary thing, especially with family over in Asia. We've actually had pretty nice weather this week but that is due to change over the weekend. Rain Thursday and then snow Sat and Sun.
    Stay well you two!

  11. Love the cartoon. I needed a laugh this am. Stay warm!

  12. Exactly! Who would know if they were exposed? I think if I were a doctor I would have a more colorful office and exam rooms. Maybe they're color blind? They are all the same blah colors....oh well, each to there own but if I come back as a doctor in my next life my rooms will be very colorful!
    I love loons! Listening to them is so relaxing. I've never been to a Costco but the owner treats his employees really well and pays them well too. I would shop there if there was one around here.
    Loved the joke! That was a good one! So glad you are staying home today! It's raining here and we have flash flood warnings.

  13. Trying to snow here this morning, but it won’t last. I’m thankful, as my day is filled with errands and appointments. funny cartoon!

  14. Stay in and do only those things you enjoy. Winter is too long, but at least we get to catch up on stuff.

  15. I better wear some extra padding! We are in the 6-8 inches of snow belt with 35 mph winds. I am thinking they may cancel school tomorrow and I will have a house full of grandchildren.

  16. The cartoon is great! I'm glad you are home today. We made our Costco trip last week and you are right, you get your steps in when shopping there. It's been snowing all day here and the high tomorrow will just be in the teens so we'll stay home. Enjoy your day off!

  17. So glad you got that running over with before this stuff literally blew in with a vengeance!
    LOVE the cartoon!!! :)

  18. I'm glad you got through your appointment before the storm came. Stay warm and take care of yourselves :)

  19. Great cartoon. Maybe you'd better SIT this one out. :-)

  20. I don't mind the cold but don't look forward to high winds. A good excuse to quarantine my self at home and avoid colds and flu as long as possible.

  21. Glad Far Guy's Pulmonology appointment went well. And you even got some walking in....good for you! comes the cold weather....but warm weather coming behind that after a few days....if we can just make it to that! Take good care.

  22. I hope you enjoyed your day off. Stay warm and safe through the storm!!

  23. I love that cartoon. Glad you have a day off. My sister shop at Costco. When I visit her we eat lunch there. A huge slice of pizza for 1.50. I love it!

  24. Be warm and stay safe in that storm! Hope the cardiologist appoitment turned out okay for Far Guy! We keep you guys in our prayers. Blessings to you both! ♥


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