Sunday, February 16, 2020

Birthday Report

Far Guy saw a commercial for Red Lobster sometime last week and decided that he would like to go there for his birthday.  Well the closest one is 90 some miles away..the next closest one is 137 miles away...choosing that one meant that we could stop by our youngest daughters and her family could join us and celebrate too!

Jen and her Dad

Andy and Adam


Remnants of my supper
If you are going to Red Lobster you should have lobster! 

It was a great birthday!  He says "Thanks for all the birthday wishes!" 
Far Side


  1. How great is it that you got to share all the birthday fun! We haven't been to a Red Lobster in ages. It used to be our go to place when the kids were young.

  2. How fun! We don't do 'travel' much anymore...well the other half doesn't. Looks like you all had a wonderful party and dinner! Love it.

  3. Sounds like all of you had a good time.

  4. Happy birthday again, Far Guy. You're looking good for and old fart. I can say that because I'm older than you. :-)

  5. Happy birthday, Far Guy! Lobster is a great thing to celebrate with! Good that you could spend some time with family.

  6. Good plan for a birthday celebration.

  7. Now that's dedication and REALLY wanting Red Lobster for your birthday. I think we take it for granted that we have most of the chain restaurants fairly close by, although the nearest Cracker Barrell is in Coeur d'Alene, ID, which is about 45 minutes away. Red Lobster is just down the street and they just opened a Texas Roadhouse about 1/2 mile away. Haven't been there yet.
    It looks like everyone had a great time and I'm glad your family got to join you. Happy Birthday again to Far Guy!

  8. Traveling to see your kids and sharing your birthday is a good thing. And you got yummy food too!

  9. Glad the birthday celebration was a good one. I completely understand about the puppy. I am hoping every day that the transplant comes soon, so, among other things, you can get a puppy in the summer!!

  10. He is certainly a handsome man.
    Sounds like a good time was had.
    Happy Birthday far guy.

  11. Aww, so great his wish came true and he got to go to Red Lobster! It's a favorite of mine also. Great family photos!💖

  12. What a wonderful birthday celebration. Family always makes it special. My grandson's 18th birthday was yesterday too.

  13. Nice! Glad you both had a great day.

  14. Oh, what a treat! A great birthday and good food with some family. :)

  15. He looks happy! Great picture of he and Jen together...the rest of the family looked good too! LOL! I would have had crab legs...the big ones with lots of meat on them...oh, now you've got me wanting Red Lobster and I have no idea where one is around here. Probably 500 miles away!

  16. That’s a long way to drive for a lobster! But I’m sure it was worth it if that’s what the birthday boy wanted.

  17. All the pictures are so good, but I especially love the one of Jen and her dad. She sure got his eyes. We have been to Red Lobster in Raleigh once and loved it. That's about 45 minutes away. That was sure a special birthday dinner.

  18. What fun! When our kids were young we used to travel 36 miles to Red Lobster to celebrate our anniversary. Now we have one only 17 miles away and rarely go there. I will say the "Lobster Fest" menu looks delicious!

  19. Great idea to drive to the furthest Red Lobster so you could include your daughter and family in the celebration. I've never tasted lobster. Mind you, I don't really care for any sea food. So I guess I'll never go to Red Lobster ( IF we even have that line in Canada).Daughter Sheila was going to have raw oysters for the first time this weekend. I wonder what she'll have to say about that experience.

  20. Happy Birthday Far Guy! I am having trouble posting...darn! Sharon

  21. Looks like a wonderful birthday celebration for Far Guy! Red Lobster is one of our favorite places! We also have to travel quite a way to get to one. Jim always has lobster but I love their coconut shrimp, so I always get that! I guess it brings back memories of when we used to have a condo on Fort Myers Beach in Florida. Maybe again some day. For now we're enduring the long cold very snowy winters up here. Glad you all had such a nice dinner!

  22. Looks like a great time out - Happy Birthday! Many birthday wishes!

  23. That was so great that it all worked out for lobster! It is good some family could share too. We go to Red Lobster in Duluth when we are on the north shore. I am glad that Far Guy had a good birthday dinner.

  24. Wow, that must have been about a 5 hour round trip! Glad you got to celebrate with family though 😀


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