Saturday, February 22, 2020

Bingo, Death and other stuff

I wandered through the yarn shop again this week.  Some new yarn may or may not have come home with me.

My Dad and I went to Bingo, I bingoed once...Dad is in a bingo funk, he hasn't bingoed in a long time.  He thinks we should switch tables and maybe his luck would change. Dad has a bit of a  memory problem but he can still play bingo.  He asks me "how many numbers did I miss?"  He misses a few ( I daub them for him) but not enough to quit going to bingo.  He takes a special medication to help with his memory...he calls them his memory pills.

One of our old/former neighbors died.   Florence had Alzheimers so she has been gone for a long the physical just follows the mental. She had been in a facility for a number of years.  My parents went up North for her funeral.  Luckily the weather and road were good for traveling. Florence loved window boxes full of Red Impatiens and spots of bright flowers here and there at their lake home.

Far Guy is having a bout with severe shortness of breath...the weather is changing??/or maybe he is coming down with something?? I will keep one eye on him...maybe even two.

Far Side


  1. So sorry to hear of your loss and your worries. This can be a tough time of year. We are all worn out from the winter and now spring will tease us and then leave us disappointed. They say April is the cruelest month but for me it's always March.

  2. It seems like you and your dad bingo fairly often, but I can understand it when you don't remember when the last time was. I hope FG is not coming down with something. Not being able to breathe is no fun at all. :-(

  3. I just have to smile when I picture you and your dad at bingo. What a great opportunity for you to spend time together.

  4. I love that you and your Dad enjoy BINGO together. I would love to be able to spend time like that with my parents. Sometimes I feel cheated to have lost them so young. Oh, I hope Far Guy will stay well. There are so many worries out there in the big world and new ones seem to keep popping up too.

  5. Sorry to hear about your old neighbor. Like you said, she kind of left a long time ago. Glad weather permitted your folks we able to pay their respects.

    At least your dad is able to still play with a little help from you. ;)

    I hope FarGuy is going to be okay. Supposed to be warmer for several days. I hope he stays well.

  6. I'm so sorry to learn about your neighbor. And worrying about Far Guy is hard. I pray for you.

  7. Praying this is a temporary situation for the Far Guy. Good Health prayers.

  8. Yes, maybe you should keep both eyes on Far Guy. I hope he's not coming down with anything. Sorry to hear of the loss of your neighbor. Alzheimers is a frightening disease. Now I know some yarn just has to follow you home when you go to the shop - they want to be with their friends at your house!

  9. Prayers for Florence's family, safe travels for your parents, and prayers your Mr Far Side feels better.

  10. Poor Florence. Although one knows that she has been gone for a long time it's still very final when the body also goes. She loved window boxes filled with re Impatiens. Good to remember what she was like before that awful disease took her mind.
    I hope Far Guy will be okay.

  11. My grandmother had Alzheimers for 20yrs before she passed away in 2016 it is a terrible condition my pop cared for her at home till 2010 when she went into a nursing home

  12. Dementia in its many forms is so cruel. I'm glad your dad is still doing well. I hope FG will be well too.

  13. Lion's Mane Mushrooms help with memory loss and reverse Alzheimers. And they are tasty! If your specialty grocer has them.. Give them a try. Might help with Bingo.

  14. If it would help any, we'd keep our eyes on Far Guy, too. Hope that breathing issue resolves itself shortly!

  15. Hope Far Guy isn't coming down with something and this is just temporary.

  16. I hope FG's breathing improves and it isn't another bout of colds or anything.
    My MIL is sharp with numbers but not so much recalling what she had done just a few hours ago.
    Sorry to hear of your neighbor's passing.

  17. Hope your Dad's memory doesn't stop him going to Bingo any time soon, and that Far Guy isn't coming down with something.

  18. My mother in law had dementia. When she passed the doctor said it's the worse disease. Because you lose them twice. I hope far guy is doing better. My guy is going for surgery tomorrow. So he's needing prayer. That's awesome your dad still plays bingo. I've been playing bingo for years now and I've never won.

    Weather here has been warm these last few days. Plus 7 degrees celcius. Spring is close.

  19. I pray Far Guy recovers....that has got to be awful! So sad about an old neighbor or any friends that pass. I remember my Aunt at 96 in the nursing home asking who would co me to her funeral as everyone was gone. I said to her..."What am I? Chopped liver"...she smiled and after she passed there were still many at her funeral...albeit younger than she was. That's so nice that you take your Dad to bingo. Did your Mom and Dad drive up north by themselves? They do really well!

  20. The cough and cold stuff we are having is affecting things. I found my self hyper ventilating because of how it was interfering with breathing. I hope he can get a turn around on this thing. My wife had to sit up to sleep in a wingback chair for a couple of nights.


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