Saturday, January 18, 2020

Winter Storm Jacob: Day One

The Winter Storm named Jacob began in the afternoon on Friday with windy conditions.  Snow was blowing around in the wind.  The snowstick is at 20 inches of snow...some either settled or blew away.

It was a dreary day.  I got the mail and Far Guy filled a bird feeder.  Other than that we hunkered down for the day.

For reference I took a photo of the patio and bird feeders before the storm kicked into high gear.

We are home for the duration of the storm.

I put away some cards that I finished this week.  A local pharmacy that has a photo shop sent me an email saying that I had not ordered photos in a long time and would I like a coupon for 25 free photos?  Sure.  Their photos are not quite square with the world but they were free.

Now for the big question is a project unfinished if you never started it?   I found this tucked away in a drawer upstairs...pillowcases to be embroidered....apparently at one time I gathered the embroidery floss for the project...some needles and a hoop are still needed before I can begin...easily attainable I have several hoops and lots of needles ...maybe I will put it in the craft suitcase.

Far Side


  1. I have a set of pillowcases my mom embroidered years ago. They are so precious to me since she has left this earth.

  2. I learned to embroider like that when I was young, but I never enjoyed doing it, so I haven't done any since. I much prefer to knit or crochet. :-)

  3. What beautiful cards! I love an embroidered pillow. My grandmother made them but it's one thing I am really terrible at. I can barely manage a decent cross stitch.

  4. The embroidery will be perfect for the craft suitcase. I still use the pillowcases my Mom embroidered when my Dad was in Mayo for treatment.

  5. I've definitely added the "not started" to my unfinished list this year. I had more un-started projects than I imagined. We've hunkered down too. The sun is shining this morning but the wind is still howling. As I write this, a snowplow just made it's first pass down our street.

  6. That's what I'm doing...finishing up my 'projects' before spring work starts. I really need to be sorting instead.

  7. Into the suitcase they go! I have many embroidered pillowcases, dresser scarves, etc. like that. My Mom and I both embroidered them when I was younger and I really don't know which of us made which ones anymore. They are all precious to me.
    We have more snow falling again today too, but it's only a winter weather advisory, not a named storm like yours. :-)
    Stay warm and safe.

  8. Keep warm. we've had our cold spell for seven days. I think we get one more cold day before it warms up.

  9. I'm sure it looks whiter there today.
    Perfect--free photos and something for the craft suitcase. :)

  10. Nope, I don't think it's unfinished if you never started. It's a project waiting to be started, but if you sew a stitch, well then it's unfinished! Ha!

    We had an ice storm yesterday. It's still cold today but the roads are clear at least. I love your cards. The photos are beautiful and you can never argue free.

  11. I'm not sure if a project not started qualifies as an unfinished one. Somehow it seems wrong. I used to do a lot of cross stitch, mainly samplers. I think it's the only handwork I ever enjoyed. Now I can't see worth a darn nor hold a needle so...

  12. I started restoring a piano stool, and it sets in pieces. I have twin beds that I want to turn into a trundle bed that just sits. I have a few paintings that I never did go back and finish. Probably never will now.

  13. We stayed home safely for several days, today we dug out the van and went for groceries. Rain to melt away the snow forecast for the week ahead for Coastal Lower Mainland BC.

  14. We have had several Winter Storm Warnings and Arctic Outflow Warnings this past week. None of them named though. A lot of snow to melt. We are back up to the freezing mark today, with milder, wetter weather to come. I hope your Jacob does not live up to the predictions.

  15. I used to free hand embroider on old jeans and even started a free hand quilt made out of jean materials that I was using embossing thread to create a picture. Hmmm, wonder what ever happened to that?
    Wicked winds here with snow today.

  16. Those pillow cases will be beautiful when you get done embroidering them. Glad you're staying in and hunkering down during this latest winter storm. I can't tell how much snow we've gotten in the last day or so...but Jim says all the side roads in town are awful. He ventured in to the theatre to see "1917". I'm happy to be home hunkering like you folks! Saw a funny phrase the other day …."30 Days Hath September, April, June and November, all the rest have 31 except February which has 28 or 29, and January which has 500!" Take good care!

  17. Hope you've successfully weathered the storm! Your photos look so cheery. In the gloomy winter light, I'd be desperately staring at those photos, myself. Gotta have something cheery and bright to counterbalance the gloom.

  18. Glad you're home safe during the storm. Stay warm and cosy.

  19. I used to love to "hunker down" before a storm with plenty of wood, food and projects! Great idea to do a before and after. Whenever I check the weather on t.v. it seems all they talk about is the east coast...what's up with that?
    Oh, I would say if you haven't started it yet it is not a is just "kitted up" ready to start. It looks like a great project! Your cards are always beautiful!

  20. I remember embroidering pillowcases years ago. I love your photo cards, also.


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