Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Quiet Day

We had a quiet Monday.   Errands in town will wait for another day.

Far Guy is still not well.  It may just take time for him to recuperate....last year it took him about 8 weeks to feel better.

As the sun came up through the trees I took a few photos.

This is how it looks out the kitchen window.

My other baby brother brought us our mail and I checked the bird feeders.  Just the highlight of our day.

Far Side


  1. Sorry Far Guy is still not well, but glad you were able to have a quiet day.

  2. You really do have a lot of snow. Continued prayers for Far Guy.

  3. Rest is Best! Prayers for healing. Your daughter is in my prayers too.

  4. Oh my not good. Hoping Far Guy feels much better soon. We have almost no snow here which is in some ways nice but not so good in others. The hay fields need a good blanket of snow.

  5. Sending healing and gentle prayers to you and FG.

  6. Sometimes we need a quiet day where getting the mail is the highlight. That kind of day is good for healing.

  7. Look at all that snow! If that happened here it would be a national emergency. Some DC area schools already closed for today and we are expecting a few inches at rush hour. In our defense, the roads get really slippery and none of us know how to drive in snow. We panic. I know I do. I've been stuck on the side of the road too many times.

  8. Quiet days are so nice. I need them and I need them and can't seem to get any. Sigh

  9. Quiet days are good, but I'm sorry to hear Far Guy is still not feeling well. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  10. Rest, patience, and being kind to yourself. I hope FarGuy feels better a lot sooner than six weeks. Family is wonderful. :)

  11. Hope Farguy will feel better soon but it's still not over for me either! Started with a respiratory cough, flem and has now gone to my stomach! I have a terrible immune system so it's not fun! Sending Prayers for you both! We have our first snow today and supposed to get one to three inches and schools closed down! Yup, they don't know how to handle it! Sharon

  12. Sometimes, excitement is over-rated. :)

  13. Quiet days and rest are good for the soul. I hope that Far Guy starts feeling better soon and that you can get some rest. ((hugs)) and prayers for you and Far Guy.

  14. I'm keeping you both in my thoughts and hoping Far Guy improves soon. You certainly do have a lot of snow! Is the snow stick buried?

  15. I hope your hubby is feeling better soon. The snow is pretty but I have to say that I'm glad we don't have any right now.

  16. Sorry Far Guy isn't well, I hope he recovers soon

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about FarGuy, I sure hope it doesn't take 8 weeks this time to get over it. The snow is pretty, but you have rather a lot! We may get some this weekend. Right now we are getting a lot of rain, seems like endless days of it, and it is rather depressing.

  18. Those walls of snow are impressive!
    Sorry Far Guy is not feeling well. Hopefully whatever it is won't hang on and on.

  19. Wow, you have a lot of snow! Sure hope Far Guy improves quickly. A quiet day sounds like a good idea.

  20. Been lucky here in Iowa so far this year... No snow. Just cold Temps. However, last year, the same thing happened and we got dumped on for two weeks! Fingers crossed for a mild winter. Hope far guy feels better.

  21. Your view is beautiful and wintry! Praying that far guy gets well soon and that you can stay well! I have post-op appointments in Milwaukee next week and in West Bend the following week. I'll be so glad when I'm done with those. Two possible CT Scans involved and I might get rid of this drain! Peace to you both and please get well, friends.

  22. Beautiful pictures. The snow is so pretty to look at!

  23. Beautiful photos and you really got some snow! I hope Far Guy feels better sooner than 8 weeks! I pray you don't get sick now.

  24. That is a lot of snow. I pray that FG will feel better. Taking J for his post-op exam today. He is feeling much better.


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