Thursday, January 16, 2020

Piled high and deeper

It snowed again ...we got about 5 inches of the white stuff.  I shoveled and power shoveled again.  My Nephew Josh came by with the skidsteer today and moved more snow.

The snowbank named June is getting larger.

We have 21 inches at the snowstick now.

The snow is piled up on the roofs. This is the snow curl on the west side of the house. It will eventually come down and then we won't be able to see out the window!

After shoveling I worked upstairs on the big sort.  I sure am finding some interesting "stuff."

We are plunging into the deep freeze again today. Wind chills will be horrible. We probably won't get above zero today.  We have to go out for appointments for Far Guy and the vehicle needs an oil change and tires I will handle that while Far Guy entertains all the Nurses that he sees several times a week.  After a quick stop for a few groceries we will come back home and hunker down for the storm that is supposed to arrive on Friday.

Far Side


  1. Glad your appointment is today and not Friday! We're supposed to get rain and maybe some ice. I can't believe how big June is already! Thank goodness for your nephew...what a sweetie! Cleaning out at my house is like an archealogical dig! LOL! Have fun with yours!

  2. Stay safe when going out in this bitter cold. It hit here today also and i have some errands to run. This weekend is going to be a mess around my area. Sure wish i had the ambition to start "purging" all my stuff.

  3. Sounds like what we are in for too. Right now it is subzero with windchills outside, and I am making plans to move elderly mules inside on Friday to get out of the icy drizzle and fire up the skid steer to clear 8" or more of snow from around the house.
    I'm using today to set things up for a hunker down weekend.
    How is FG doing?
    I'm hoping to Purge the good Junk at Auction!

    1. Far Guy is hanging in there, not better not worse. Still coughing.

  4. Oh my goodness. My facebook memories show that last year everything was closed and we had a houseful of grandchildren whose school was cancelled. We are still just wet, wet, wet and have been in the damp 40's. Sure doesn't seem like January in Northern Ohio yet.

  5. Hope the appointment and errands go well. Stay safe!

  6. Definitely below zero here this morning. Most of the area schools are starting late because of 20+ below zero wind chills. We get a similar snow curl over our bedroom window. It's kind of pretty but I always worry that it will pull down the gutter when it falls.

  7. The cold air is moving out of here today, so I suspect that's part of what you'll be getting. Hope the storm isn't as bad as they forecast.

    Good luck with the appointments.

  8. I was thinking about "June" this morning as I dusted the shelves where the little house/cabin you carved sits. Looks like "June" could reach a record height this year. Stay warm and safe in those wind chills.

  9. If we had that much snow here in the DC area the whole place would be shut down for days. I am awestruck that you are even considering going out in that. people in the north are made of tough stuff!

  10. WoW! that's a lot of snow, having only a few snowfalls a year in my neck of the woods, it's hard for me to imagine! You seem to manage so well! Be safe and stay warm!

  11. I think you must be getting the storm we had yesterday and the day before. We had another 5 inches or so this morning. Dennis had had to snow blow before work, 5:00 a.m., every morning this week so far and more is predicted this afternoon, Friday and "heavy" snow on Saturday. Whatever that means. They tell us we have already had twice our average January snowfall and it's just the 16th!
    I should put a snowstick in my yard! Our mail carrier has even stopped delivering, at least to our neighborhood. We had a notice to go to the post office for our mail until the snow is gone! That's never happened before.
    I'm glad you and Far Guy get to stay inside tomorrow. I'm staying in today for sure.

  12. I cannot even imagine getting that much snow. Hope you get the appointments and shopping done and back home safe before more bad weather. I'm wondering about the snow bank named June. That's funny.

  13. That is a large amount of snow. I see why you were sarcastic about my little drift on the deck. The cold is here and it is cold enough. We are staying in for a good while.

  14. WOW! That is SNOW! We don't get snow like a way you are lucky in another way it would get old.

  15. Oh my, I hate that you have to go out in that cold weather. And getting work done on the car is no fun. I hope Far Guy's appointments go well. It will be good to get home and settle in. We have another storm coming in here too but it won't be as bad as yours. Take care!

  16. You're getting it all this winter...snow, cold, wind.

  17. That’s quite a snow curl you’ve got going! Good that you got out before the next dump. It will help hold off the cabin fever a while longer.

  18. At least we do not have any snow here in Iowa...Yet. I guess there is a chance that we will get some this weekend. I don't miss the Minnesota Winters.

  19. That's a lot of snow!! I hope driving in it won't be a problem and that your appointments get done quickly and efficiently so you can go home and be cozy and warm.

  20. That roof curl is really scary! Somebody could get caught under it, but I know you will be careful. And glad you can stay home tomorrow while the storm hits.

    1. I would have to stand in 2 feet of snow to get hit by the snow curl....not happening:)

  21. Glad you are going today and not tomorrow with the winds coming! Hunker down and stay warm!

  22. Your winters remind me of reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books.

  23. Oh, no! As if you don't have more than enough snow (and chill) already!

  24. so pretty. We got four inches .. then a Chinook Wind blew in over the mountains and melted it yesterday. Then today we got four more inches. I don't know how you live in that for so long. But I think you've got it figured out!

  25. Sorry you had to get out in such frigid conditions. Feb/Mar are our most likely months to get ice accumulation here. I keep a stash of emergency food just in case.


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