Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Its beginning to look a lot like

The Christmas Cards with Far Guy's annual Christmas Letter were mailed yesterday.  125 of them.

Glad to have that done.

Another pre- Christmas snow arrived.  I shoveled.  It turned really cold.

We got five new inches of snow.  The snowstick now says 11 inches.

I am trying my best to keep the patio and walk free of the worst of the snow.
We will probably have a white Christmas.
Far Side


  1. You both have been busy. Yes, it looks like you guys will have a white Christmas.

  2. Wow, 125 cards! I don't even know 125 people. You are fortunate to have that many friends and family. No snow here yet.

  3. Wow! Thankfully we didn't get the snow they predicted but it was icy and it is only about 1 degree at sunrise today. But it looks beautiful with the snow. I haven't even started with Christmas cards yet!

  4. Well, I have a pile of unaddressed cards. You two are so productive! I am grateful we don't have that much snow yet. It is so pretty - as long as you are inside with a cup of tea looking out the window!

  5. It sure does look like it will be a white Christmas in your neck of the woods. Here, just rain. :-)

  6. That's a lot of cards!

    Yes, it certainly seems like you have a good chance of having a white Christmas. Wish I could say the same. Stay safe and warm.

  7. I'm so envious of how you two are a team with all of the holiday tasks. My letter is still unwritten but I'm hoping to get it done this week.

  8. 125!!! Oh my, what a task but I am sure it is a labor of love.

  9. We need to get busy with Christmas cards. Two days ago we put up the tree. The snow is pretty but it is nice not to have any that has to be shoveled. It is always questionable whether we will have snow for Christmas.

  10. Yes, it does look like you will have a white Christmas!

  11. Goodness, you are probably single-handedly keeping the US post office afloat!

  12. You two are good at getting big jobs done! I mailed a handful of cards yesterday, a small handful. Your snow is beautiful. I hope you don't have to get out too much.

  13. I'm mailing my last Christmas card today but I surely don't have 125 cards to send.
    The snow looks very wintery. Everything out my window is still green but I'm not complaining. I just want a few snowflakes to make it seem more like Christmastime.

  14. What beautiful snow photos. We've had rain here but the snow is predicted to begin tomorrow and then some snow is predicted daily for the next seven days. I hope they're wrong. :-)
    I stopped writing Christmas letters 2 years ago. I used to do them every. single. year. But I couldn't find much news to tell people so I stopped writing. I still really enjoy receiving others' cards and letters though. I mailed my cards the day after Thanksgiving and then yesterday I found a small bundle that needed international stamps so off I went to the post office again.
    Stay warm my friend.

  15. wow....your walk looks super cleaned off! we have 35 inches on the ground now. Hope you're enjoying it all. Christmas peace and joy to you all

  16. 125 cards is impressive I have done 85 at last count, I thought I did 75 but when added them up it was 85, I love doing cards each year

  17. I don't think I even know 125 PEOPLE! We used to send Christmas cards to family and a few friends. Now just family. Mostly on Cheryl's side... Still... 125 cards to write is a lot.

  18. Turn cold here in eastern Ontario but still no snow to speak of. We had POURING rain in the wee hours. Which turned to glare Ice as the temperatures dropped.

  19. You are always able to check off achievements Then you can go on to the next project.

  20. I'll be checking my mailbox! :)
    I do hope that with all this deep-freeze cold that we at least have a white Christmas. ;)

  21. We got our cards ready to mail this evening, after taking friends on a Christmas field trip all day. So good for us. And good for you. You keep checking off items every day, while keeping up with the snow shoveling too.

  22. Wow, you two are amazing! 125! I'll be lucky if I get out a few handwritten cards the week before Christmas. If I don't hurry, I'll miss the whose season!

  23. It looks beautiful and so do your cards! 125...I don't have that many relatives much less friends! LOL! You must be a lot nicer than I am! Ha! Ha! Your shoveling looks so neat and tidy...years of practice I guess. But guess who got snow in Arkansas? The southern part of the state....completely bypassed me! That's just mean! I got nothin'!


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