Saturday, November 30, 2019

Updates and Winners

News...Far Guy finally got the phone call that took him off of hold.  He is once again active on the Lung Transplant list...this time he is listed for two lungs.  It took a whole week for the Thoracic Surgeon to make that determination after he was called away on an emergency during the transplant meeting a week ago.   Far Guy is listed for both lungs because they cannot be certain which lung had the lung fungus...or if it was both.  After transplant one old lung with a fungus could compromise the new lung.   So now we wait again.  It is better than waiting to wait which is what we have been doing the past sixty days.  Far Guy finishes his fungicide medication  on Sunday.

In other news we traveled up north to a VA Clinic so Far Guy could get his last Shingrix shot...he accomplished it all by himself...I spent that time at Hobby Lobby...yes yarn was on sale again.  I will eventually get a Shingrix shot but our local clinic has a shortage of the serum.

In other other news...I have an infection.  Far Guy insisted I go to the Doctor.  As my luck would have it...Dr She Devil was the only Doctor seeing walk in patients at our local clinic.  I almost turned around and left when the Nurse announced who would be seeing me.  Then we waited and waited...I had a little nap with my head against the wall....stress makes me so so sleepy.  Eventually the old bat showed up and diagnosed an infection and said if I get a temperature I am to come back immediately.  For now I have antibiotics and a special cream.  The big old infection is from the cryosurgery I had on November 1...a  wart that was zapped with liquid nitrogen...the wart was behind my knee...Dr She Devil took forever going back through my medical history...she should not have a license to practice in my opinion.  She clicked this and that on her computer...Far Guy rolled his eyes a few times...whilst I just wanted to bolt from the room. Finally we were allowed to leave...Far Guy said I deserve 15 Golden Stars for  my excellent behavior. You can read about my prior history with DR SHE DEVIL here. 

In other other other news...a big old snowstorm is headed our way.  It will most likely be snowing and blowing when you are reading this.  They have named this Winter Storm Ezekiel.  I moved the electric snow shovel to it's spot just outside the front door.

In other other other other news...Winners of the 2019 Christmas Wood carved one of a kind ornament are;


Miss Merry



Congratulations!  Please contact me by email with your mailing address captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom  I hope to mail packages on Monday !

Far Side


  1. I hope the storm leaves you alone! And hope you feel better soon. And especially hope those lungs come soon for your guy.

  2. I will have to read about the She Devil Doctor! I have turned down doctors in the walk in clinic because of past history. Thankfully that doctor has now retired!
    I see the storm headed your way we are at the south end of that with rain/freezing rain/snow and what not.
    AND I am so happy for you and Far Guy for getting back on the list!

  3. I am also happy to learn that FG is back on the list for a transplant. I also got a wonderful birthday card from my dear friend Far Side, and I absolutely LOVE the incredible picture taken by the same person. Thank you so much and thanks for letting me know about what's to come in your future. I am beside myself that I have such a good friend in YOU! :-)

  4. What good news! I hope that snowstorm is like most of ours-much to do about nothing.

  5. That doctor sounds like my doctors nurse....she's evil! She's got it now so I have to call and get my medicine refilled every month and that is not how it is supposed to be. I go in every 6 months for a wellness check and lab work so they will refill my meds for 6 months....she doesn't like the fact that I call the shots when it comes to my health care and my doctor lets me unless he thinks I am endangering myself. She complains each time to him that I really need to have all these other tests and he told her....
    'whatever she's doing is working as she is very healthy
    '...the nurse really does not like to be told...she wants to run the show.
    Stay safe indoors and enjoy the coziness! I wish I was's dreary here but today the sun is supposed to come out and be 71! I might get some more windows washed! LOL! I'm wondering if they made a mistake because the rest of the week is 40's and 50's. I hope you feel better...and your infection clears up! So glad Far Guy is on the active list again!

  6. P.S. Congratulations to all the winners!

  7. Doctors do trey our patience, don't they? I would not want to be a doctor.
    Glad to hear your husband is back on The List. I keep praying for him as well as for whomever the donor will be.
    Congratulations to the winners, my Far Side ornament (the loon) is one of my most treasured ornaments.

  8. Wonderful news about Far Guy!! The Lord bless you both while you wait.

  9. AAaarg! What a doctor(?). Now I know why they call it 'practice'. Maybe someday she will get it right.

  10. Such wonderful news for Far Guy! I hope his wait isn't long, even though I know what it means for another family.

    Yikes that doctor sounds horrid. Hopefully the antibiotics take care of the infection quickly and you don't have to see her again.

    Congrats to the winners!

  11. First, congratulations on the promotion to the waiting list! I will continue to pray for a special Christmas for your family. So happy for both of you.

    I know what you mean about the luck of the draw with doctors. We retired early and have 18 months until we reach Medicare. In the meantime we are paying an astronomical amount for out of pocket insurance and our policy does not cover much - nothing on well care and piddly amounts on most other things (great coverage on surgery and major medical, as well as prescription). We have begun "doctoring" at our urgent care where we pay less and actually I have liked the doctors, practitioners, nurses and CARE better than the office I have frequented since the 1960's.

    I was SHOCKED to see my name in the ornament list! I am over the moon! This ornament will be placed extra high on my tree, away from exploring grandchildren! Thank you so very much!

  12. Well, good news and bad news. I am happy to see the good news of moving to the wait list. I'm sorry you are sick. I am praying for both of you!

  13. Some good news and some not so good news, but great news for the winners!

  14. Congratulations to Far Guy and you for the back on the list decision.
    Good thoughts and hugs from here.
    Take care of you both.
    Congratulations to the winners of ornaments as well. You lucky folks, you!

  15. Hurray!!! FarGuy is back on the list! Maybe the silver lining is he's down for two lungs now. That is so great!

    When I was just in to the walk-in clinic for this sinus infection I found out my "new" GP I picked out has already left. I liked her, but she's gone. Now I have to try and find another one I like. Oh well.

    I sure hope your infection clears up quickly. Stress wears me down, too. I hope you are napping and resting as much as possible during this snowstorm that's arrived. :)

  16. Congrats to the winners! Good news, but kind of scary too, for Far Guy. Hope your infection clears up quickly. Will have to go back and read about that doctor, lol!

  17. Great news for FarGuy! Blizzard warning here today and tonight. The wind is howling and at imes I can barely see across the street. I'm VERY thankful I used good sense and stayed home for Thanksgiving or I'd be fretting about getting home.

  18. I am so thankful to hear that Far Guy is back on the list, and for both lungs! Prayers answered but still praying of course for more good news. I hate to hear about your infection but it is good you are getting it treated. I do understand your feelings about certain doctors. And oh my goodness - I am so excited to hear I am one of the winners! I never win anything and to win one of your beautiful carved ornaments is the best!

  19. My last comment crashed so I will try again. I am glad the Far Guy is back on the list. I am glad the bad doctor is out of your life again for a while. I just saw on the news that if you are in Duluth, you will not be leaving Duluth.

  20. So glad that the wait for the wait is over! Now we pray that the transplant can happen very soon. I'm sorry that you now have an infection to have to worry about. That is terrible when you have to see a doctor you have no faith or confidence in. I hope the antibiotics work well for you.
    I've been told I should get the new shingles vaccine since I've had shingles before. I had such a bad reaction to the other vaccine though that I'm scared to get it.
    Our middle son left to head home with our grandkids an hour or so ago. He drove over three passes that were absolutely horrible coming here. We're hoping he gets home in between storms this time.
    I won an ornament?! That is so exciting. I will email you my information. The kids put our tree up together on Wednedsay. It was the first time they've been home together to do it since 2002. It sure gave me lots of joy.

  21. Such good news about Far Guy, some Dr's are totally useless and drive us nuts with frustrating

  22. Great news that Far Guy is back on the list.
    Not such good news that you have an infection. Being behind the knee must make it even more uncomfortable.
    Hopefully Snowstorm Ezekiel doesn't dump too much snow on you.

  23. A definite decision on the health front gives everybody a lift.

  24. So glad to hear that Far Guy is now moving along on the transplant list and off the waiting forever list. That's super news. Sorry to hear about your infection and your having to deal with that doctor. May all go well for both of you. Praying Far Guy hears some good news before too very long. Congrats to all the lucky winners!

  25. Congratulations to the winners, and great news about Far Guy being on the active waiting list again!

    Sorry about your infection. Hope it clears up quickly. Stay safe and warm.

  26. Oh, what a relief to hear about Far Guy's news! And the transplant for both lungs makes sense. While I wish Far Guy didn't need any lungs transplanted, I am so happy for you both that he's back on the list. That is so encouraging.

  27. Happy to hear that Far Guy is back on the lung transplant list. Now fingers crossed a donor match happens soon!

  28. That's such good news about Far Guy. Makes me mad to read about that Dr. She Devil. Some folks don't have any business dealing with the public, especially with sick folks.


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