Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Turkey Preparations

The turkey is in the fridge thawing out.  Heard on the news today that you are not supposed to wash the turkey.  I have been washing turkeys for 40 some years...I usually scrub them with salt and rinse them real good...and then clean the sink real well.   Who do you believe anymore??

I made pumpkin bread yesterday. It is yummy!

Today we have three medical appointments... it will be a busy day. 

Cooking will commence early Thursday morning...baked carrots, the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and a gluten free stuffing.  Hope it is all tasty!
Run your lives!
This is a favorite photo of mine taken in February of 2010.  It appears on our calendar for the month of November.

Far Side


  1. I heard that same story about not washing your turkey. I've always washed mine as did my mother and grandmothers. None of us ever got sick. Always washed things up good afterwards. Don't think I believe all this new "findings". Be safe out there todays you to your medical appointments.

  2. I always wash the turkey. How else can you get those little pin feathers and such off? You simply have to scrape the bird to get it ready. I do keep washing my hands and I clean the sink after. But I'll keep washing my turkey.

  3. Love that photo!!! My mom broke all the turkey rules in her day and we always lived to celebrate another year. She would cook it slowly all night and then sit it on top the stove until her 2 pm dinner. Gasp. My favorite story was the year she roasted the big fella in my grandfather's foot pan by accident. You should have seen the look on my grandmother's face when my mom pulled it out of the oven. We kids had gone over to her house and had brought home the wrong pan she had in the pantry. We laugh about it still.

  4. I have never had baked carrots. How do you prepare them?

    1. Baked or roasted. I clean the carrots put them in a baking dish with a bit of water cover them up and bake them for about an hour to an hour and a half. They freeze well so I usually do a big bag and then freeze the leftovers in individual servings.

  5. More appointments? No rest for the weary or the wicked whichever way you want to look at it! LOL! I've gotten tired of listening to the 'germaphobes' I'm like you....I've washed my birds, stuffed them and never have gotten anyone sick to date. Plus, Emerill even said that if you follow the cooking times most of the time your meat or fowl will be overcooked for the same reason...germaphobes! I never used those hand sanitizers either or bleach sprays for my countertops and now they've found they are not good and that soap and water are fine! Wait long enough and they will revert their theories. Remember when they said margarine was better than butter.....not! The carrots sound delicious...I love roasted vegetables. I hope your appointments don't wear you out. Enjoy the 'making'!

  6. Oh I hope the appointments are not too far away! The weather here is turning pretty frightful and we were not supposed to get the nasty stuff.
    I don't like turkey much so lasagna it is for us!

  7. Your feast sounds delicious. We don't have turkey so don't have to worry about whether to wash it or not. I wonder what the thinking is behind not washing it.

  8. My first question would be 'why not wash the turkey?' I don't do well with people saying things like that and not giving a reason. I often wonder if, as a small child, my favourite word was 'why?'. I have a delicious gluten free (no bread) stuffing recipe. It is made with italian sausages and is made in a loaf pan with turkey drippings poured over it. A meal in itself! Hope all your Thanksgiving prep goes well :-)

  9. It all sounds delicious. I'm glad to NOT be the host or cooking this year. My SIL is a better cook than me anyway, so I'm delighted to let him do it. I have been instructed to bring deviled eggs and BBQ smokies. I can handle that. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. All the roads were closed yesterday and more snow on the way for Friday & Saturday. I canceled my short trip over the mountain to my great-niece's for Thanksgiving. I have the fixings for my dinner in the pantry and freezer. I'd rather be warm and safe than stranded on the highway. Happy Thanksging to you and FarGuy.

  11. That's a great picture. I wash my turkey and then clean the sink and counter. Your Thanksgiving meal sounds good. I made an apple cake yesterday and will do pecan pies today. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. I like your favorite photo! We are going out to our daughters...I only have to bring the green beans and gluten-free sugar cookies

    Happy Thanksgiving

  13. Yes, I also would ask why not wash the turkey? 'd stick with the tried and true.
    Safe travels today! :)

  14. I have always washed the turkey. I saw an explanation. It scatters bad germs all over the sink, faucet, walls, ceiling, floor - well you get the idea. None of has ever gotten sick so I guess we were lucky.

  15. We always wash our turkey, then we brine it over night, then we rinse it again, and then we scrub tne sink and all surfaces each time. But we are not cooking this year.

  16. Love your pic of the turkeys. Hope all your appointments went well today. Sounds like some delicious food coming out of your house tomorrow. May you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We will be alone and quiet but invited family up over Christmas, so hopefully I'll be feeling somewhat better by then.

  17. That picture is Thanksgiving perfection. I would follow your own instincts on the cleaning of the turkey. A little salt and water never hurt anything. Seems like the traditional ways actually gave us more immunity to the bad things, so I think you should continue as usual. Now the turkey police are watching, sheesh. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Uh-oh, I washed my turkey this afternoon and prepared the giblets for the stuffing. Yep. I stuff the turkey too. I'm surprised none of us have died because I do it all wrong according to the "experts."
    Alex is at the airport now, picking up the last of our arrivals. We have a full house and I love it. Happy Thanksgiving to you both.

  19. Well, our Thanksgiving chef (my hubby) has not only washed and salted our turkey every year, but he has taken to soaking it in brine for the last five or six years...and we live to tell of it.

    Wonder what the reasoning is for this latest "advice"...

  20. That's a gorgeous photo. Funny how all the sudden, they change what we are supposed to do with food prep! Just the 2 of us for T-Day. John worked on his he-shed. I have a colonoscopy on Mon. The fun never ends! lol


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