Friday, November 8, 2019

Thursday Happenings

We still have snow and it is cold.

My brother's construction company was involved with the dirt work with the power poles out on the highway.   Dirt was removed and a new pole was set in place.  Water was ponding in between the power poles...we have had so much rain I said it would have cattails before long.

On our way back from town we stopped so I could  take a few photos.

In the evening my Dad and I went to Bingo.  We didn't win.  Dad was hesitant to go...he fell last Saturday and has two black eyes and a big scrape on his forehead...he was checked out at the ER and is fine just bruised.   I told him if he wore his hat no one would even notice.   It was dark when I left for won't be light again when I leave until March sometime.

It is good to have the appointments behind us again this week.   Friday is a free day!!  Yeah!
Far Side


  1. Doesn't the electric company do the power poles? Good for your brother though to get the work. It looks like he has quite an investment in equipment! It is cold here for this time of year....26 F this morning and not getting out of the 40's during the day. Today the sun will shine for the next 3 days and in the 60's again so maybe I'll get some more paint on that shed.
    I still like Fridays....a leftover from my working days! It's Walmart today. Have a good one and stay warm...I'm not used to this cold it but not used to it! LOL!
    So sorry about your poor Dad but glad he is okay and able to get to Bingo!

  2. I am glad you finally have a free day. Like you I really don't like the time change and it getting dark so early. I won't drive in the dark so there are a lot of things at church I can't go to. The lack of sunshine this time of year is very bad for my disposition - I think they call it "SAD". Have a great weekend.

  3. My dad was the guy who climbed those poles to fix the wires long before they had bucket trucks. I used to love his high leather climbing boots. Of course that work took a toll. He spent his later years having one operation after another to fix the damage. Those lineman are really heroes. We don't give them enough credit for the dangerous work they do.

  4. You don't have many days that you can say it is a free one. Glad to hear it, though, rare as they are. :-)

  5. Will your dad still go hunting this weekend?

  6. Glad your Dad is OK after his fall, and that you have a free day.

  7. Falls can be nasty. I'm glad your Dad is okay, but I bet he's sore.

  8. Glad to hear your Dad is okay. Falling can be right scary!

    We're finally warming up but only briefly. Hopefully you get some melting too.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's fall. A dear friend of ours fell last week too. She's 85 and doesn't even remember falling. Her eyes are now green and the bruising goes down to her chin. I'm glad your Dad's fall wasn't more serious.
    Please stay safe and warm and enjoy your free day.

  10. Glad your dad is only bruised. Enjoy your free day!!

  11. Sorry your dad fell--butt glad he was given the okay in ER.
    Nice your brother's company got some extra work.
    Enjoy your free day!! :)

  12. Enjoy your Free Friday! Here's it's cold, 21, but sunny, so it feels marvelous!

  13. Hope your dad is doing okay. We have two more weeks until gun season. Good for you for a free day!

  14. That is too bad your Dad fell, but I'm grateful to hear he is okay. Falls can be especially dangerous as we get older. It is wonderful that you have a free day! Enjoy!

  15. I hope your dad is better. On can get more soreness and the days go by. I left with snow falling and now the frost is in the ground. I have so many things yet to do outside. I don't like the light being shorted each day.

  16. Good to hear your Dad is okay. I hope if anyone did notice his two black eyes they were tactful enough not to mention it. I'm sure wearing a hat helped.

  17. We'll just have to get used to the cold.

  18. Falls are a real danger as we age. I'm glad dad is OK.
    We took a free day today too. It was great.

  19. Seems it is harder for me to drive after the sunset now. Don't know why, but can't stand the on-coming lights. And the deer are really moving. I don't mind the darker mornings, however as I'm a slow mover in the morning anyway, and in no rush to get out. Free days make me even happier. Phil


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