Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Hunt

The Minnesota Deer Hunt begins this weekend.

IF we were hunters we could hunt from our yard.

These are photos on the Trail Cam in September.

My brother brought over a jar of canned venison...the last of his 2018 deer.  I think he is counting on getting a deer this weekend.   My Dad also plans to hunt.

It is still cold here, some of our snow has melted.  From the tracks in our yard we have several rabbits and a big Buck (Deer) went through.  Usually the last weekend of deer hunting is cold this year it will be cold the first weekend...maybe after that we will get a good old fashioned Indian Summer...I can always hope.

I finished and painted a wood carving has been in my carving bag a few months...good to finally finish it.  I took a photo that I will share sometime after I have given it away.

Far Side


  1. Our neighbor has a deer feeding stand so we get tons of deer in the yard. We had a another neighbor think it would be a good idea to hunt back in our woods. He shot a poor deer with an arrow and it wandered up to the house and died. We had a huge dead deer in our backyard and had to get the city to help us remove it. It was a terrible experience especially after the buzzards got involved. The stupid neighbor doesn't hunt in our yard anymore. Good thing. I would have been out there at him with a pot and a spoon. We are lucky he didn't kill the dog or me on my evening walk on the trails.

  2. I live in the city and yet I see deer tracks ( and once a big buck) in my yard. Sure hope we do get an Indian Summer this year. Too early to be this cold.

  3. I don't mind the deer gun hunt but I do mind the mindless hunters that shoot stupidly. I woke up to about 5 inches of snow and more coming down. Looks like I'll stay home on the first snowy day and let the other drivers play slide off...

  4. It’s hunting season down here, too, so lots of the places we like to hike are closed to hikers. Bah! I hope you get an Indian summer before winter sets in for real.

  5. I always enjoy your wood carving and HIS. The flowers he has for sale on your Attic and Woodshed part of this blog,click the bar towards the top) are just wonderful. Everyone should go look at all you have to sell there.

  6. I live in town and we get overrun with deer during deer season. If I put together all the insurance co-pays on vehicles we have paid over the years due to deer/vehicle collisions, I could probably pay cash for a fancy, schmancy truck. Just last night there was a deer walking around our cul de sac eating the last of our fall flowers. I make the same joke every deer season. No deer, no beer. Here you need a deer license which allows one or two deer, depending on how much you pay. I want the same places to refuse to sell these hunters any beer until they bag their deer!

  7. We could hunt from our yard too and we live in town. But the deer come through morning and evening every day. And some nights it's obvious that a group of them has slept in our back yard. We have no dog so they must feel safe. We had snow over night and still snowing this morning. We had a slow icy drive home from the college basketball game last night.

  8. We could hunt from our yard too. Sometimes I post pictures from our back yard, full of deer, just to taunt a hunter friend of mine.

    PS: that picture in your header of Chance with the red fence is beautiful. Don't know why I haven't noticed it before.

  9. Indian Summer has settled in. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous and today promises to be the same. Hard to believe it was -20°F last week.

  10. I love deer and think they are beautiful animals but I also think hunting is needed to keep the numbers at least a little controlled. They are everywhere out here. Many people depend on deer and elk meat to supplement their food stores. It makes me feel a bit better that they aren't killed just for sport.

  11. My brother was out hunting last weekend - he sent me photos of two large bucks outside his blind. They were mule deer, and of course he was hunting white tail. Out smarted by a deer!

    He generally makes sausage from his deer which we all enjoy, unless he goes silly with some of his additions. ;)

  12. My dad used to go bow hunting when I was little. I remember him saying it gave the deer a better advantage. He never owned a gun.

    Indian summer would be nice. :)

  13. Happy Hunting to you all -- the guys out looking for deer and you with your camera lense :)

  14. We have a fairly large deer population in town. Most nights deer cross my yard.

  15. That deer looks like she/he is laughing at the camera! LOL! I think it's easier to track the deer when there's snow on the ground but what do I know. They were pretty wild shooting around my sounded like WW3 Stay safe and away from the windows! LOL!

  16. We are in the midst of our Indian Summer. The deer are so numerous around here that they don't even seem scared of people. Is hunting season different or the same everywhere?

  17. Never been hunting, holds no interest for me

  18. If I lived in the country I'd avoid going walking in the woods during hunting season. Every year there are accidents that could have been avoided if hunters would make sure what they're aiming at is indeed a deer.

  19. I grew up in a deer hunting family, but it is not something my husband ever did. We did appreciate the venison to stretch our meat supply, with a big family to feed.

  20. If only my husband could hunt...since his stroke he no longer goes. Even though his buddy has tried every season since the stroke. Both for deer and for turkey.

    Anyway, I put up a deer hunting story from a few years ago on my Pics & Pieces blog. I get tickled just thinking about it.

  21. Thought I would stop in and thank you for such beautiful cards you have been sending. I cherish them so much, Connie and Gene. I have a long learning curve to accomplish with this post-surgery business. Hopefully I will get there. At this point everything is pretty scary to me. We travel back down to southern Wis. for doctor follow-ups for the next three Fridays. I'm praying for good roads. Please keep me in your prayers, as I keep you both in mine! God Bless You.

  22. A little late for Indian Summer, don't you think???

  23. Deer are getting hit by cars and trucks around here as the fields are being cleared.


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