Friday, November 1, 2019

Halloween visitors

We had nine trick or treat visitors!

A Hunter, Wonder Woman and a Ninja holding a Spiderman with his Teddy Bear suit was cold outside!

A Skeleton and a Logger down front, then a Vampire and a Teenager and The Donald.

We planned for around 18 kids...two bags of candy were delivered earlier yesterday to one of the Infusion Nurses for her children.   That leaves us with 7 leftover bags of candy....oh my.

Perhaps I will take candy to Bingo next week!  My Dad was under the weather so we did not go to Bingo this week.
Far Side


  1. We didn't get any trick or treater's due to all the snow. Can't remember the last time that happened.

  2. Rain, wind, and rapidly falling temperatures kept our trick or treaters down to 9. Last year we had about 30.

  3. You got some cuties. We didn't get any. Fortunately the Kind Bars I bought will be enjoyed by me and the man. :-)

  4. Always love your trick or treater posts :-D.

  5. We only had 60 this year, and all between 6:30 and 7:30. I was worried that we wouldn't have any when no one had arrived before 6:30. That is unusual to not get some of the littlest one earlier.

  6. Inventive costumes! I had 27, but prepared for there is lots of candy left here.

  7. Our doorbell started ringing after 9:00 and we didn't answer. Hubby is in bed by then and I know that anyone out that late is older teens. So the candy will be taken to the Vets office when I take Chloe in today. They can put it out or take it home, whichever they choose.

  8. Too cute! I love the little logger man. I had a Navy Seal and the others I couldn't tell what they were. I hope your Dad heals up so you can go to Bingo again. I have lots of leftover candy too....hmmmm.

  9. We didn't get any. We don't where we are, because it's too awkward for them to get in to the building, and would take us a while to get down there, so they don't bother trying.

  10. None here but we had terrible storms. It was so hot all day and then the temperature dropped like crazy overnight. We had to sleep in the basement from the wind.

  11. Great costumes - I love the teddy bear and the logger! No Trick or Treaters here - too cold.

  12. Cute kids! We had snow for Halloween! I hope your Dad feels better soon.

  13. I was over at McFamily's handing out treats because we never have any in our apartment building. They had a little over 40 kids this year, but it was down from the last couple years. Being very cold might have had something to do with it. ;)

    They'd probably love to have some candy at Bingo. :)

  14. I like the little logger guy! We had some cute ones, too. Only 20 this year, 3 years ago we had 70. It seems here trick or treating is moving to the church parking lots.

  15. I sure miss having trick or treaters. Way out here in the woods, nobody stops by. That is a cute bunch.

  16. These little kids were having great fun at your place.

  17. Our town five miles away called off Trick or treating until Saturday because of the terrible storm and tornado warnings! Too bad because now I have other things to do! Sharon

  18. Fun for you! No little candy beggars here at our house in the suburbs. I guess it's easier to go to the mall. :-(

  19. We did not have any trick or treaters. We live across from a church that hosted a big Halloween event and boy, were they crowded. We did not buy candy but John tried his best to make me buy a bag of his favorite candy.


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