Saturday, November 16, 2019

Day Off

I slept in...Far Guy was up at o'dark thirty.  I can sleep through just about anything.   He likes to sit around in the semi dark drinking his coffee and playing his daily games online.   IF I get up early I usually irritate him by pulling up the shades to look outside to see what is going on out there.  He likes to have a leisurely morning.  I get up... visit the potty, pull up the shades and make breakfast!

I accomplished very little other that starting some new projects...more socks were cast on...I baby them until I am done with the cuff...then I can just knit and don't have to count!  Cards...I ordered photos and picked them up...I must have ordered them twice as I found a folder in my desk with the same exact photos...I don't recall doing that but you never know.  Perhaps I am losing my marbles one at a time.

Gaillardia last summer.
Far Side


  1. Every time you post about knitting, I think about starting a project but thinking is as far as I get.

  2. I love those flowers! In this brown and frozen world we have right now, it is nice to see the colorful flowers!

  3. Those are sure pretty flowers. I'll bet that is one of the pictures you will be using on your cards. :-)

  4. My mornings are a mix of you and FG - I like to open the blinds, get a cup of tea and play my morning games and read the paper. I try to avoid scheduling anything that will upset my morning routine.

  5. I do the same thing only I knit in the quiet of the early morning. I knit after everyone is asleep and then I knit before they get up. I get cranky if they get up too early.

  6. Senior moments are loads of fun aren't they!

  7. Our house sounds like yours, on weekends anyways when Dennis is home. He gets up early and reads. When I get up I check blogs! Since I stopped working I enjoy the leisurely mornings with nowhere to be. He's still on go, go, go time since he works 55-60 hours a week.

  8. Sometimes I think I'm losing my marbles also. Sorta scary. I'm like FarGuy I get up first, make breakfast and tea, then Terry gets up. I like to sit by myself and read for a spell. Then it's time to get busy. Terry eats and then plays games. We are retired so rather lazy now.

  9. I have a routine, and it's probably more like FG's than yours. When I first get up usually at the behest of the cats, they get fed, I start a pot of coffee, and get ready for the day while it perks. Then I sit and play my games on the computer, watch the news, and just relax for a bit. It's probably an hour before I get up and go out to feed the birds, make breakfast and start my day. Though I do look out the window to see what the weather is when I first get up.

    Love the photo of the gaillardia!

  10. I occasionally feel like I've lost a marble or two but I have found one good side to my forgetfullness. Sometimes when I'm cleaning out a drawer or closet I will find something I had totally forgotten about and it feels like Christmas!

  11. We are still messed up with our time. We sleep through the evening tv and then go to bed and are awake by six in the morning. We just get up and have our coffee and muffins. Bacon and eggs were special this morning.

  12. I like to get up and check my emails in a quiet house, no background noise but I do like to open the doors and let light in

  13. That pic of your Gaillardia is gorgeous! What colors! Nice routine you folks have in the mornings...a little private time for each of you. Thank you for the awesome handsewn card that arrived right on my birthday! How wonderful. My doctor appt. yesterday was good again....he is much happier with me than I am with myself these days. As Saint Teresa once said …."All will be well." I'm counting on that. Blessings to you two each day!

  14. It must be the sleeping in that made you foggy brained. :-)

  15. Better than losing them all at one time. Can't play then.

  16. I'm guessing you won't be short of pictures for card making!
    I picked up a book at the library that they said I had requested. I have no recollection of doing so in fact it's not even a book I want to read. I wonder if I'm also losing my marbles one at a time.

  17. Love those flowers. Sounds like you'll just have twice as many cards to send. ;)

  18. Far Guy and I are on the same page...I get up early...very early...I go to bed early too. I also play games sometimes when I take a break but mostly I do handwork. I am slow to wake up but by afternoon I am a force to be reckoned with! What games does Far Guy play?
    Your cards are beautiful...I've saved every one!


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