Thursday, November 14, 2019

Busy Days

It snowed again.  The roads were a tad icy on the way to Far Guy's appointment.   Town streets were slippery too.

I ran errands...Post Office, a donation of empty ink cartridges to the animal shelter, Wally world...for some odds and ends and then back to the parking lot to wait for Far Guy.  Sometimes I crochet while waiting and sometimes I just fiddle with my phone, sometimes I take photos of the gardens between the hospital and the clinic.

Back at home I cleaned the bathroom and did some laundry.  Worked on some socks for awhile and had a nap.   Supper was what we call "freezer"  (frozen leftovers)  in this case lasagna.   We are trying to use up some freezer food...enough so we can defrost the deep freeze and take an accurate inventory.

After supper I curled up on the couch to crochet while I watched Survivor.

I may have adjusted to the time change...maybe.
Far Side


  1. Snowed here late yesterday afternoon and into the evening. Not much, but just enough that Hubby had to clean the driveway before going to work this AM. The cold temps have kept everything icy so taking my daily walk outside has been a problem. Hoping things warm up a tad soon. I am just starting to adjust to the time change...Hopefully

  2. It's cold here but no snow, thank goodness. I'm not ready for that yet. I think the kitties and I have finally adjusted to the change. They are letting me sleep until 7 now.

  3. I'm glad you made it home safe and sound after slipping around on icy roads. I hope you can stay inside until this weather gets better.

  4. It's sure easy to fill the days, isn't it? This is the time of year, I dislike the most when the streets and highways are icy.

  5. We did a freezer supper a couple of times this week. My big freezer needs to be reorganized again and I've just shoved things in where ever lately.

  6. I used to set up tables in the garage - empty the freezer contents on the tables, inventory, and then organize before putting everything back. Now the upright freezer makes it easier to see what I have.

  7. THe time change has been a difficult one for me this year. I'm not sure why. Bathrooms are on my cleaning list for today. We have Bible study at our house on Thursday evenings so I always try to clean bathrooms, dust and sweep that day so it looks nice for guests. With just the two of us, things really don't get very messy anymore.

  8. Those icy roads can be frightening. We've already had two snows here but they didn't last more than a couple of days. I watch Survivor also and was surprised to see that last night was a double one.

  9. We could eat frozen leftovers every day. It's very rarely we have meal leftovers to freeze, we just happily keep eating them until they are done. Chili for supper, lunch and supper the next day, and finished off for lunch the day after!

  10. What a busy day. Lots done and even a nap. Nice! :)

  11. Life is always busy for a senior. Yes, you've got to get in some naps.

  12. You get a lot of errands done during Far Guy's appointments. We did a freezer defrost last week. We do it twice a year. Now I have lots of room for freezing bread and cookies and other yummies! Aren't you glad that you can take a nap whenever you need one? I am!

  13. I drive J to physical therapy twice a week. Our little town is just one main drag about 5 miles long. I am weary of visiting the same stores!!! I often just sit in the car and read but our recent cold temps (in the 20's) may change that! I nap most every afternoon.

  14. Our little bit of snow is still least on the North side of the house. Be careful on those roads! I'm trying to clean out my freezer(s) too. But mine aren't meals...just food that needs to be prepared. It is cozy to crochet or knit and watch t.v. in the evenings. I can get by with just cooking about once a week for a meal but then there's bread and dessert and snacks so I do cooking more than once a week. You got a lot done and a nap too? You're good!

  15. Nice that driving was not too slippery. Sounds like a productive day all in all. Mine was not but there's always tomorrow.

  16. I just can't imagine having to deal with snow ans ice as much as you do.
    Left over pot roast for our dinner tonight.

  17. I'm eating freezer food also. Too much, I need to quit shopping and take the freezer a little more seriously.

  18. I dislike those icy roads for sure. Sounds like you were busy. I love those red berries in that plant you took a photo of! Beautiful!

  19. Stay safe on the icy roads! Our freezer is a mess. The ice maker, that hasn't worked in years, sprung a leak and I have a frozen waterfall down over everything. That's this weekend's project.

  20. Yes the colors of winter - I am curious on the Animal Shelter ink cartridges (I recycle but maybe donating for a great use is better) :)

  21. Glad your snow hasn't gotten too bad yet, and that you're getting plenty of craft projects finished and worked on.


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