Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday Thoughts

Thank you for all your prayers!  Aubrey's surgery went well and she is in recovery mode now and should return to her Grandparents next door to us sometime today or tomorrow.   She is one tough little girl!

Far Guy finally got the medication that will fight the fungus in his lungs.  The antibodies showed up in his blood so the Fungus Test was spot on.  It was frustrating waiting for the medication to spent five days in Illinois at some Post Office...go figure.   We are waiting for an appointment with the Infectious Disease Specialist.

My brother and sister in law from Oregon have arrived safely.  They saw snow at The Continental Divide...they brought us a pizza from Duane's Pizza in Moorhead MN. 

My Mom is finally recovering from her bout of pneumonia.  My Dad had a bad cough but he says he is all better now. 

While I was away at retreat and shopping I saw a bingo player that always sits at the table next to us.  I asked her if my Dad was at Bingo she reported "Yes he was there but with a strange woman who we had never seen before."  (My sister)

We enjoyed a quiet lunch yesterday with one of Far Guy's old classmates.  It was good to see Jack again...he was full of it in High School and is a delight to visit with now...still full of it!   He has married again after his first wife died from ovarian cancer.  His new wife also suffered the loss of her husband so they are a good match.  They do some traveling and enjoy each others company.

I am planning my Mother's 90th Birthday party coming up later this month.

Far Side


  1. So happy to hear all the good news! That should be a "humdinger" of a birthday party! Funny about the "strange" woman! I hope the meds work for Far Guy. Things are looking up for all of you! So glad Aubrey is doing well too!

  2. 90! Wow...that is something to celebrate!

  3. Good news, indeed. I love that gossip thing! Our small town is horrid.

  4. I am so happy to hear all the good news. A 90th birthday is something to celebrate. Neither of my parents lived that long, so you are very fortunate. Keeping you all in my prayers.

  5. I love the "strange woman". In my family we would never let that person live it down. We would be kidding dad about the "strange woman" and that would be on all her gift tags at Christmas! Glad that drug arrived. I track shipments on the internet - things do seem to either sit or take side trips in a zig zag fashion. It is funny with a pair of shoes, not so much with medication. And I suppose if they marked the package, someone would steal it. Hopefully it will punch that fungus right in the tummy and sent it flying. Glad to hear all went well with that cutie pie.

  6. Such good news. I am now hoping and praying that the medication will work quickly and that the specialist will allow FG to get back on the transplant list. And happy birthday to your mom! :-)

  7. Hopefully that medication will have Far Guy back on the transplant list.

    I could just imagine the "strange woman" with your dad at bingo probably had lots of folks speculating about who she was. LOL

  8. Lots of great news in your post today. I would have thought that something as important as the medication for Far Guy would have been "overnighted". I have a package from Amazon that was marked "out for delivery" since Tuesday morning. We still haven't seen it! Now, it's not nearly as important as the medication, but what's with the post office these days. I'm glad that the meds finally arrived and I hope they work wonders on getting rid of that fungus.
    Wonderful news about Aubrey's surgery, your Mom's 90th birthday and your brothers arrival to visit. I laughed out loud at the strange woman comment.
    How many siblings do you have? I love how you all seem to be so close. Have a wonderful day my friend.

    1. 1 baby sister and 2 brothers: my baby brother and my other baby brother

  9. Lots of good news! Glad Aubrey will be going home soon, Far Guy got his meds, company came with pizza, Your mom and dad are doing better, and you had a catch up with an old friend. My mom turned 90 in February! Happy birthday to yours! :)

  10. Glad to see so much good news. Hope everyone continues to get better.

  11. Your life never slows down, does it. I'm thankful to hear that the anti-fungus meds have finally arrived.

  12. I'm so happy to hear that Aubrey's surgery went well and that your Mom is better! Thank goodness FG finally got that medication. I hope it works well and he improves quickly. How exciting to plan for a 90th birthday!

  13. At last some good news!! Let's hope the trend continues.

  14. Like everybody above, so glad for all the good news. Mail is funny - strange funny. Not laughable funny. I put two envelopes in our mailbox on last Friday addressed to the same address. One arrived Monday and the other not until Wednesday. The one with two stamps got there first. (I was afraid three scrubbies weighed too much for one 50 cent stamp.)

  15. So glad Aubrey's surgery went well and that she will be home soon. You've been busy. Party planning is fun. Hope Far Guy's new meds do the trick.

  16. Things are looking up I hope there's continued progress.

  17. Lots of good news today. You'd better keep an eye on Dad, though, showing up with strange women.:-)

  18. So glad to hear that Aubrey's surgery went well! That's awesome! And that far guy finally got his medicine! And your dear dad made it to bingo while you were gone! Wonder if he won? And your mom is doing better and getting ready to celebrate her 90th birthday! Wow. Thanks for all the good news today!

  19. You sure don't let the grass grow under your feet! I'm just catching up and happy to hear that Aubrey's surgery went well. Sounds like you all have turned a corner!

  20. I have a couple of high school friends that I like to hang around. We don't get to et together. One of them actually is a cousin. I am glad Aubrey's surgery went well.

  21. Glad to hear good news on those two counts--Aubrey's surgery and Far Guy's meds--but my, there has been so much sickness going around lately! Glad your mom and dad are doing better.


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