Monday, October 28, 2019

Thick rain

The rain came down as snow and melted.  It was cool enough to discourage outdoor activity.
Solar Bug
I worked on Christmas Cards, Far Guy worked on his latest wood carving.   I am making progress and so is Far Guy.

 I had a nice nap!  I am feeling less exhausted...finally...I still get chilled easily and my warmed up corn bag is such a delight!

This week Wednesday will mark 30 days since Far Guy began the fungicide for the fungus in his lungs.  The medication interrupts his sleep and makes his vision "funny"  so he takes it at 3 AM and 3 PM before his nap.  He no longer wheezes and he can walk to the mail box without stopping.  His oxygen saturation has come up nicely.  Small improvements but improvements none the less. 

Far Side 


  1. Any improvement is a very big deal! I am happy for him! I love that solar light! Cute.

  2. Glad to hear he is making progress. I hope he can get back on the transplant list. And also glad to hear you're feeling better. :-)

  3. I love that bug!!!
    Happy to hear that your guy is making progress.

  4. Small improvements - good to hear. Love your solar bug.

  5. I'm so glad to hear that you aren't so tired and that Far Guy is dong better too. Love your whimisical solar bug.

  6. Good news for both of you and hoping for more good news! Sharon

  7. Very good improvements! Those small steps are creating leaps!

  8. Love the solar bug!
    So glad FarGuy has been improving on this medicine--whoohoo! :)

  9. Glad you are both feeling better! That is a cute bug.

  10. So good to hear that both of you are feeling better. I'm sure Far Guy is thankful for this new med. It must be depressing to feel so ill.

    The snow fell here again overnight. Sadly, I may have to pull out the snow shovel. :(

  11. Ah, good news re Far Guy! Good to hear, and good you are feeling better too. I like your solar bug :-)

  12. Good to hear you are both improving. Love that solar bug!!

  13. Thank goodness for any improvements! It must be a pain to have to get up at 3:00 AM each night. I hope he doesn't have to take this too much longer. The solar bug is great!

  14. Happy to hear the medication is working! One step at a time.

  15. I hope Far guy's progress continues.

  16. Glad you're feeling better and good news about Far Guy too! I love the solar bug! That's really unique.

  17. Good news that the fungicide is working for FG. I should find out how to make one of those bags you heat in the microwave ( obviously there's corn in yours). I wonder if you made your own. I've read that it is important to put a mug of water in the microwave when heating the bag or it could start burning. Do you do that?

    1. Yes I made my own, and no I just put it in the microwave for 3 minutes...sometimes it does smell like corn cooking:)

  18. Glad you're feeling better, great that there's improvement for Far Guy, and good you're both making progress on your various projects.

  19. I'm thankful the medicine is helping. I continue to keep you both in my prayers. I will be away from the blog until the first of Dec. I'll be checking in on you two. xo

  20. So glad to hear about the improvement. It may sound like a small improvement, but it is HUGE!!!


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