Wednesday, October 30, 2019


I still subscribe to several magazines.  One of them is Martha Stewart Living.  I opened the latest issue and was assaulted by a horrible smell...worse than hog manure.  Lambcomb of Paree...ode de outdoor biffy.

I emailed Martha Stewart Living and complained...much to my surprise they have fragrance free issues and I am now on that list.  Yeah for someone who is conscious about fragrance sensitive people! 

Far Guy tries to escape the smelly lady at Pulmonary soon as she arrives they set up a fan to blow the scent away from Far Guy...too bad they cannot just tell her that she stinks. 

Now that it is nearing Christmas the fragrance ads on TV multiply...good thing there is no smellavision.  Ever notice how the smelly models are thin, wearing  diaphanous gowns walking around someplace foreign?  Not thick waisted women with silvery hair...

Did I tell you about the escapade with the Unscented Fabric Softener that was smelly?  Naturally I called the phone number on the box and complained.  They said "Sometimes stores put fragrance scented fabric softener sheets next to unscented and the fragrance it is not really the manufactures problem."  EXCUSE me...your product states it is Unscented and it stinks...perhaps you should wrap your boxes in plastic wrap!   They said they would forward on my suggestion and they would mail me a coupon and they did. 

  Tamarack one day last week 
Far Side


  1. Complaining sometimes really does help. Now if we could just get better customer service I would really be a happy camper. I am glad you got results from Martha Stewart Living.

  2. Who knew there was a special mailing for unscented magazines! I avoid the laundry detergent aisle in grocery stores and give smelly ladies wide berth when possible, too. My favorite scents and Clothes Fresh From The Clothesline and Hot Pine Needles. Why don’t they bottle those, I wonder!

  3. My MIL and SIL used to dowse themselves in fragrances and once I had to take them somewhere in my car. OH talk about just about dying!
    Fragrance free everything in my house. I can smell someone's clothes from several feet away if they wash it in smelly laundry soap.
    I once told my neighbor when she was complaining about all the bugs that were attracted to her that if she used unscented laundry soap, it would help. I even found unscented body soap and nearly fragrance free shampoo.

  4. It is criminal that somebody is allowed to wear fragrance in Pulmonary Therapy!

    1. I wasn't sure if it was fragrance or just bad body odor. Seems a sign should be posted.

  5. My pet peave is people that use fabric softener in their dryers that vent to the neighborhood and wafts for at least a block. It is so strong I wonder how much they use!

  6. The older I get the more sensitive I am to fragrances. I used to work with another teacher who overdid her perfume and it literally made my nose burn.

  7. Sometimes it is worth it to complain. Good you! I too am sensitive to fragrances and some people just wear way too much. I stopped wearing fragrance years ago, just for that reason.

  8. I'm with you on that. I am very sensitive to scents. I'll wheeze at the slightest whiff. When I get tickets to things I always make sure I am on the end and someone I know sits next to me. I had the Nutcracker ruined for me one year thanks to someone who doused herself in something vile.

  9. I quit ordering magazines because they were too smelly - glad to know they offer fragrance-free issues.

  10. I'm glad you have been able to get people to at least listen to you. I find it odd that someone who works in pulmonary therapy isn't aware of their impact on the patients.
    I don't have a problem with frangrance and I actually usually like it on others, but try to be careful of what I use and how it affects others.

  11. I had no idea they had fragrance free magazines! Awesome!
    My DIL is sensitive to fragrances so I learned about that years ago. Quit wearing perfumes or using fabric softeners, etc. She sends me anything she buys that turns out to have a scent that bothers her (hand lotions, etc) and I only use them when I know I won't see her that day. :) Most people don't realize how hard scents can be on some people.

    After not using them myself for so long I am more annoyed by the wafting perfumes left down the hallways and entryways here that linger long after the senior lady has passed by.

  12. I use Vinegar for my fabric softener because it is safe and no chemicals. I use the mother Vinegar for digestion in water and it helps! I haven't worn perfumes either in years! I went to walmart the other day and I could hardly make it through the foyer area because of smoke! they said it was blowing in because the people stand outside the door and smoke! I was so mad. Sharon

  13. Medical staff can be told (not asked) not to wear perfumes/colognes. etc. and they can also be fired for insubordination if they do not follow the policy. You could ask about the policy where Far Guy goes for therapy and then ask that it is followed. I had to remind several hospital medical personnel about that when they were tending to my Angel. One woman was never allowed back in my daughter's room.

  14. Stinky fragrances, stink..............
    Stinky people, stimk...............
    Should stinky people wear a stinky fragrance, I do not know

  15. I have scent sensitivity and try very hard to avoid "stinky" people as well as the cleaner aisle. I would think that the pulmonary therapy suite would be scent free. These folks have enough trouble breathing, without the added scent. A sign indicating might help, but I suspect "stinky" lady needs to be told directly.

    We had a policy at work, but one woman insisted on using hair spray in the one of the ladies washroom. She finally stopped when one of our asthmatic staff members had an attack and had to be sent to the hospital! Hope that doesn't happen there.

  16. I sympathize with those who have severe allergies. I have allergies but nothing severe.

  17. Our local hospital ( where one of my daughter works) has a sign right when you come through the doors asking people NOT to wear fragrance. Daughter says the doctors themselves douse themselves in after shave.

  18. I was outside someplace a few days ago when a man walked past, leaving a trail of after shave/cologne. Ugh. Do some people actually like that?

  19. We had an aide at work who wore so much perfume that some of the kids had sneezing attacks. She walk through my lab in the morning and her scent lingered for house after even with windows open. When the principal asked her to please wear less she filed a harassment complaint! She was a nice lady but the smell....

  20. I can't believe that Pulmonary Therapy is not an unscented area. They should make it so, and ask that lady to leave if she doesn't comply.

    1. Even the hall where we square dance is a scent free area!

  21. We cannot tolerate scents either. Even if I buy a book, I smell of it first!!!


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