Wednesday, October 9, 2019


My Dad is 93 today.  I will see him for a short time today IF he is home and we will go to Bingo Thursday night.

Dad was to the Doctor on Monday, he is having a problem with his right knee, it is either a cartilage or arthritis problem.  He is supposed to wear his brace and put ice on it.  He recalls fighting on a hill in Korea and injuring his knee...he said the Medic pushed and pulled on his knee and said to go back to the line.

Dad keeps busy, he has one of those fancy walkers he calls it his Cadillac and he uses it when he is outside.  This is the first year he had not had a garden. 

My Dad was in Korea when I was born.
Photo of my Dad and me in 1952.  Photo taken at my maternal grandparents yard.

Happy Birthday Dad!
Far Side


  1. A very happy birthday to your Dad. Thank him for his service to our Country, too. God bless you and FG today, also. xo

  2. He looks great for 93! My dad had one of those fancy walkers and it really came in handy. I should have kept it.

  3. Love it! My father would have been 101 this year! I miss him terribly, but I have so many wonderful memories with him.
    What a good looking fellow he still is!
    Seems he keeps himself busy. Happy Birthday to your dad!

  4. A very Happy Birthday to your Dad!

  5. Lucky you to have such great genes, and a handsome dad to boot. Happy birthday to Dad. :-)

  6. Happy Birthday to your Dad! We Thank him for his service to our country!

  7. Such a wonderful photo. He seems like quite the guy! My father served in Korea also. Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy birthday to your dad and thank him for his service. He's only 2 years older than my dad would have been. Dad was in the Signal Corps but never saw active duty. I thank God that I have never has to live through a war in our country.

  9. Happy birthday to your dad. Those veterans are a tough bunch. Thank him for his service to our country. My dad served in WWII, but I think his injuries were all emotional.

  10. Happy Birthday to your Dad! I bet he missed his garden....getting older is about giving up things you love....well, except for Bingo! what a cute picture of you with your Dad in 1952....quite the dapper gentleman with the hat too. I hope he has a wonderful birthday and that the knee doesn't bother him.

  11. Happy Birthday to your dad! My husband served in Korea but he was on a ship. I thank them both for their service. That's a snazzy Chevy next to you and your dad in the cute photo.

  12. Happy, Happy Birthday to your Dad! How blessed you are to have your parents. Please tell him thank you for serving his country for me.

  13. Happy Birthday! May you bingo several times tomorrow evening.

  14. Happy Birthday to your Dad! He looks great!

  15. Dad looks very good for being 93. Happy birthday to your Dad.

  16. Happy Birthday to your Dad! He's obviously going strong, good on him. May he celebrate many more.

  17. Happy blessed birthday to your dad! God has blessed him with 93 wonderful years. Hoping he gets a "birthday bingo"!

  18. Happy, happy birthday to your dad! I hope his knee will be better. Have fun at bingo! I hope he wins. :)

  19. Happy birthday to your dad. May he win big time tomorrow at Bingo.

  20. Happy Birthday to your Dad! And tell him THANK YOU for his time in the service!

  21. Happy birthday to your dad, I hope he had an awesome day, he is a good looking man

  22. Happy birthday to your dad! He is a very young looking ninety three year old. I hope his knee is feeling better and that he wins big a Bingo tomorrow!

  23. What a great Picture this is of you both! Happy Birthday to your dad too! Arthritis is sure painful, as I have it all over just like Grandpa on my dad's side and Mothers side too. It's an everyday thing that never goes away now. Sharon

  24. Happy Birthday to your dear dad! He looks wonderful...I would never guess he was 93! Wow. Hope you both get lucky at Bingo tomorrow night! Hope you don't get a lot of snow either! Enjoy your days!

  25. I think about all of the history someone who is 93 years old has experienced. Happy birthday to your dad. You are fortunate to still have each other.

  26. Wow, your dad is a very young looking 93! Happy birthday to him! And an enjoyable Thursday for both of you!

  27. Happy Birthday to your dad! You are sooooo very lucky to still have him around. I lost mine why I had just turned 30.

  28. Belated birthday greetings to your dad! He looks terrific!

  29. A late Happy Birthday to your dad. I love the way men wore hats like that. Daddy wore his just like your dad...cocked a little to one side. That is a sweet picture of you and your dad.

  30. Korea was a tough place to be. I am glad he has something to keep him balanced.


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