Sunday, September 15, 2019

More rain

As soon as the grass dried out a bit, I went out to mow...when I got on the mower it started to rain again.  What to do ...what to do.. I had a nap.

Cleaned the bathroom, went to the Landfill and did laundry before my non mowing adventure.  So a fair amount was accomplished.  Far Guy cooked...Impossible Italian Sausage Pie....we ate some and some went in the freezer.

My 50th Class reunion was held this weekend....Thursday night in a Bar...I went to Bingo instead.  Friday night they had a gathering and a meal at a place with very little parking (The Class Organizers are idiots.)  I didn't go there either.   I sent in  money for a booklet. and requested that they take one into the Historical Museum.  Last spring I gathered together all the obituaries I was aware of and mailed them to one of the organizers. ( Not even one thank you was uttered)  I hope they all had a grand time.  My Class was weird...mostly stuck on themselves a$$wholes.  I did not have many friends in my class and the one gal who I would like to see lives in Texas and didn't come either.  I dated only one fellow from our class and I can see him whenever I want as he works nearby....for the record Far Guy likes him too as he has an awesome sense of humor.

Far Side


  1. Naps should always trump mowing.

    Boy I can relate to the class reunion thing. I've only been to one, my 20th. Mostly because I was curious. All my friends in high school were in the band, and most of them were in years ahead or behind me. My one friend from my grade had died two years prior to the reunion. I went, and found all the old clicks were still intact and no one talked to me. My husband and I ate dinner and left. I never went to another one. Don't plan to either.

  2. I went to the 20 yr reunion and realized how uninteresting it was. Never went again and only keep in contact with one gal from grade school. Lives change as we change. High School was not interesting to me nor were the people.

  3. I stopped at the 20th where we paid an exorbitant sum for golf outing (we don't golf) and dinner. We sat at tables for six (with my friends I see monthly anyway; no one got up and socialized. This year was 45 and my best friend since seventh grade wanted to go. She just triumphed over breast cancer and I gave her a bye. We went with our husbands.

    We actually went to the golf course after this year's outing. Everyone sat on a patio and drank. People took photos. No one must remember us because there are a lot of pictures of our husbands (who did not attend this school, my husband is from out of state) and one of my back.

    Night two was held at a pompous classmate;s house who was a big bully in school. I guess this has been the trend in the last several years. Cost was $50 PER PERSON to sit in his garage, eat bbq and drink. Lots of pictures of drinking. I was not sorry to miss it.

  4. Tom and I went to his 25th and it was as those above described. We went to the fiftieth and everyone enjoyed visiting with one another. Everyone was retired and a few of the class of 22 members had died and no one was competing with anyone else anymore.

  5. That reminds me we need a mowing. It isn't rain here, it's the humidity keeping everything wet. Ugh. It's also stinky outside. I need some cool fall weather to blow this icky air away.

  6. I didn't go to my 50th either. For exactly the same reasons. You go girl! We think just alike!

  7. I feel like I have a kindred spirit when it comes to class reunions! I am a bit introverted, hate crowds and being put on the spot for impromptu speaking.

  8. I went to the first five reunions (our Fridley Mn class of 68 has had them every five years) but haven't made the last five due to it costing too much a couple of times, banning other halves one time, and then my poor health. I always had a good time. Even the cliques were friendlier. But I keep in touch with my BFF from high school and she's never had any interest in going. There was always a lot of drinking. I wonder if there still was after all these years at our 50th last year. I, personally, have not had any interest in drinking since around 1990--LOL! Maybe the earlier reunions wouldn't have been as much fun--ROFL! ;)

  9. I don't go to my class reunions either. I can't see the point: I have nothing in common with any of my classmates.

  10. I never went to any of mine, either. I never even received an email for the fiftieth reunion. No big loss. :-)

  11. I got tons of invites for a grade school reunion I hated catholic school..High school I went to 3 different ones did not care for all 3...just could not wait to graduate and move to California where I enjoyed all the junior colleges and state colleges until Reagan wrecked the school systems, but the people loved him..If one lives long enough one gets lots of invitations to lots of stuff..I have seen many I used to know from high school and grade school, same clicks and same yahoos...I don't get it at all, one lives most of ones life way past high school...The popular people are still the same and the yahoos still the same..who cares is what I say..I choose my friends by how they act from their hearts and minds and it never fails me..Love your blog, praying for your hubs to get the operation and for good health..You are a jewel and so is your hubs..cioa and have a wonderful week!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Our class had it's differences in high school but when we started having reunions, it seemed like we all came together. . .the ones that came, that is! We had our 60th ten years ago and it was a success. Nobody planned one for this year which would have been the 70th! Good grief! Am I that old?? We have lost about half the class of 320. There are probably more whose obituaries weren't in our paper.

  13. I went to my 10th class reunion and never another. My 40th was in 2018. I didn't miss it at all. The 10th was awful. High school cliques, (which I was never a part of), were still alive and well.
    Maybe I'll go to the 50th if I'm living in Nebraska by then and I'm still alive, just to see if they still act that way.

  14. Well, just for information sake I finished high school 62 years ago. The 8 of us have never had a reunion.

  15. I went to one Class Reunion ... going from Kansas City to Springfield, Mass. Four out of 100 showed and not the one I had planned on seeing. Was unhappy and won't go to another!! Though I did enjoy talking to the four that showed!

  16. I haven't been to any reunions. I suppose I am kind of a loner and always have been, but just no interest really in getting reacquainted. I have my local circle of friends and that is enough.

  17. Once I left school I didn't keep in touch with anyone except the 2 girls that were my close friends. If any reunions ever existed I wasn't notified ( I moved away).

  18. I have gone to all of my multiples of ten reunions. Then last was the 50th, and when I walked in I wondered who all of those old people were. Almost invisible as a very introverted as a high school student, I found myself at my last two reunions mixing and mingling and even organizing the taking of the class photo. I think people wondered who the hell I was.

  19. We had two reunions... one we lived out of state and the second one was held at a swanky place we couldn't afford. We lived in a very small town and there are no local places that could host a reunion. So, several years ago they started having "school reunion" in the summer. They have it at the town beach, one of the current classes cooks a BBQ lunch and it's very nice. Not at all like a reunion, very low key and family friendly... just a picnic on the beach!

  20. I mowed yesterday and it was 97 but this year it has not been humid and it has made a big difference. It was hot but you could at least breathe. I've never gone back for a reunion. I figure if we haven't talked in 40 some years why start now?


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