Friday, September 13, 2019

Fungus among us

With all the rain we have mushrooms in our yard.

This is an impressive line up.

Far Guy said "Don't pick them, if you want mushrooms buy them at the store!"  I don't like to eat mushrooms...but I do like to take photographs of them!   These are most likely mushrooms that will make you sick ...someone once told me...consider them all poisonous.

Rain Rain go AWAY.
Far Side


  1. Typical for us after a rainy spell. I sort of like to see them but I also would not eat any out of my yard! :-)

  2. I love seeing mushrooms out in the yard too. We don't get them often but when we do they are quite spectacular. I like mushrooms but I couldn't imagine eating anything I found out in the wild. Those are some brave folks.

  3. I love mushrooms - to eat but also to just admire. They are so interesting when they are growing wild, but I wouldn't pick them to eat of course. I did pick morels once with folks who knew what they were doing and then we cooked and ate them. Most delicious!!

  4. My grandmother used to gather mushrooms from yards and cook them. They smelled delicious but our parents wouldn't let us eat them.

  5. I found mushrooms in my lawn as well this year, it's the very first time I've seen them. Definitely too much rain!

  6. I'd be afraid to eat any wild mushrooms, too, but I do think they are quite majestic in their own way. :)

  7. We had some mushrooms in our yard a couple of weeks ago. They were growing in the area where we had the tree and stump removed earlier in the summer. I love to eat mushrooms, but I buy them. I would never trust anything I picked myself. I don't know plants and fungus that well. You have some impressive varieties.

  8. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow!

  9. Rain, Rain go to some place that needs you!

  10. I'm not a fan of even the most highly rated mushrooms even if they're considered delicacies.

  11. That happens here when we have a lot of rain over several days. Our ground is so dry right now it is cracking open and pulling away from the foundation. I don't like droughts..but flooding is even worse! I hope you get some pretty days now.

  12. I love seeing what pops up, mushroom-wise. You have quite a flock there!
    We’ve had some beauties since the hurricane. My favorites were in the Walmart cedar chips in front of the store. They looked like a banana, color and all, when they first grew. But then when they opened up they were flat and round like the ordinary ones we have all the time.

  13. My son told me that all mushrooms are edible... at least once.

  14. I took a class once on mushroom foraging but the only ones I ever trusted myself to pick were morels out of my back woodlot but I guess there are look a likes for them too that are poisonous. No more mushroom picking for me! I do think they are beautiful though.

  15. When I see them all over the lawn like that I want to kick them over

  16. I saw some this morning as we were leaving for an appointment! Mine are still creamy yellow but I saw some in the woods as I checked fence early this morning that I absolutely want to take photos of tomorrow!

  17. Yup....we've got lots of rain and lots of mushrooms too! My polish Grandpa used to go searching for mushrooms and make them for the family.... he always knew the safe ones! We even had Morel mushrooms near our last house located by a forest. Hope all this rain doesn't change to snow any time soon. Blessings to you two!

  18. I love mushrooms in recipes, but I'd still stick with Far Guy's advice: don't eat any of those ugly ones that pop up in your yard!

  19. Golly, and to think we here in Kansas – having been inundated with flooding rains in May and June – now want more rain . . . and you guys need it to go away. Ah, nature. I don't like mushrooms either, but like you, I love to photograph them! ♥

  20. Like a wise person once said...all mushrooms are edible it's just some are only edible once! 😉


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