Thursday, September 26, 2019

Crochet a long

I might be insane.  I have numerous unfinished projects.  BUT there was a crochet along (CAL) happening that interested sounded like a good way to learn some new to me stitches and a good project to use up some yarn stash ( who is kidding who?)

My good friend Sam wrote about it on her blog.  She is nuts more prolific than I am so she is working on two crochet projects at once.

Every two weeks new designs are revealed.  This time I learned the popcorn stitch.  A gal from Ireland is hosting the project.  It is called Blaithin Blanket Stash Busting CAL

I am feeling better, but not 100 % yet.  I worked on this project in between naps and times I just need to sit down and rest.

Far Side


  1. I love your crochet squares. I have just started again after a few years break because of osteo and rheumatoid arthritis as well as Sjogrens, but am enjoying doing a little at a time. The colours are beautiful, so I will now go shopping for some more colours. Thanks and hope you feel better soon but don't do too much.

  2. Those are gorgeous! I am behind already! Some bug has got me this week and I am tired and listless and then when I go to bed I sleep for like 2 hours and then wake up....I hope this is not "old age". It wears a person out. I really like your green border on your squares. I have yet to chose a border color. Glad you're enjoying the CAL. I think the Rainbow Bridge yarn was a sign from Chance as that is too coincidental. I hope you are both feeling better today.

  3. Those are beautiful! I cannot for the life of me crochet more than a straight line. It has been probably 45 yrs since I last crocheted. I love the bright colors! And...I am glad you are feeling better.

  4. Those squares are so pretty; love the patterns. Sure hope you are feeling 100% real soon.

  5. Hope you both can triumph over this bug and get some normalcy back. I love your colors in our crochet.

  6. Nice crochet squares. Will they be put together at some point? Glad you're feeling better. :-)

  7. I can't believe how much Sam gets done in a day! She amazes me. I love the brightness of your squares and had thought about joining in on the CAL when we get home, but...mittens are still being produced and they come first.
    I sure hope you are up to snuff very soon. Feeling icky is not fun.

  8. It has been a very long time since I crocheted. I used to like making doilies but I was the only one who appreciated them.

  9. Very nice - I have crocheted one thing ever (I believe it was a 4-H project) :) I wasn't very good at it!

  10. Learning new stitches keeps a hobby challenging and fun. Your blocks look great.

  11. Learning new things keeps our brains young. Good for you! I hope healing occurs fast for both of you!

  12. Very pretty squares! I've never done a crochet a long, and I'm almost certain I'd find it difficult to dedicate my time to it. But your comment that you learned the popcorn stitch will definitely have me look at it.

    Hope you are feeling 100% soon.

  13. Those are beautiful! The only part of crochet that bothered me was joining squares together. I was never very good at it. I'm looking forward to seeing how she joins squares.

  14. What wonderful squares! I love a colorful crocheted blanket. The only one I ever made is pretty terrible. It weighs a ton and I'm sure it would fall apart with the first washing.

  15. Even when you rest you are busy! What a great project. I envy people who can crochet because I tried so many times and could never get the hang of it. These would make a nice throw or blanket it you get enough of them. :)

  16. Lovely squares. I wasn't sure if they were pot holders or what so I checked your friend's blog. She talks about sewing them together so I had my answer.

  17. It took be a bit to understand what you were saying by "Crochet along, CAL," but now I think I get it. Anyway, it looks like a project you can also take along.

  18. Those,are really pretty. I like the colors you chose.


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