Thursday, August 1, 2019


When Far Guy is at Pulmonary Therapy I have an hour to do "something."  Usually I run errands.  But he goes to Therapy 3 times a week. I have a limited amount of errands!   Monday is a great time to check out the Thrift shop for yarn...last Monday it was a gold mine...I spent 3 dollars and got 6 skeins of yarn....two were full skeins which might become a scarf someday. 

I wandered around in the local Yarn Shop ...and  bought something special.  Which I may or may not get done before Christmas.

I made a trip through the gardens outside the hospital. Took some photographs and then sat in the car and began winding yarn into balls.

It has been a stressful week.

 We still have a partially bottomless pit of money at the Credit some bills are paid and some are not.   I found this out quite by accident when I was setting up an alternate way to pay bills.  The Electric bill was paid and then 5 days later it was unpaid...go figure. So I paid it again using the alternate way.  I have spoken to The President of the Credit Union...she is as frustrated with it as we solution is in sight.

A lost checkbook was found.  ( Thank was all my fault.)

Lab Tests that were supposed to be ordered locally for Far Guy are now 10 days late.  Someone says they were ordered but the Lab has no such order.  They probably sent the order to the wrong clinic...who really knows.   He had a list of nine things that needed to be addressed...and it is all in progress...supposedly.

One day I was not adulting very well and just wanted to cover my head up with a blankie and suck my thumb.

Far Side


  1. I have those hide my head under a blanket days, too. Nice to see flowers in a garden.Flowers help. Keeping up those prayers for you and Far Guy.

  2. I think we all have those days when we just want to throw a temper tantrum, cry, and or hide our heads under a blanket and suck our thumb. Go ahead and do it; you may feel better afterwards. Keeping you and Far Guy in my daily prayers.

  3. It sounds like a really tough time, and that business at the credit union is definitely weird. I wish this time would hurry up and get over with, and you and FG can go back to what passes as normal these days. :-(

  4. That does all sound very stressful. Hey, if hiding your head under a blanket and sucking your thumb for a while helps, go for it. I know grown-ups aren't meant to do things like that, but whatever helps...

  5. Love the word "adulting"! I can use that!

  6. I certainly hope that the stress lessens soon. It can't be easy and I can understand the desire to turn back the clock.

  7. The banking mess must be causing a LOT of frustrations for mostly you, but also the bank.

  8. Oh my, the auditors are going to be busy at the credit union! Glad that you found a gold mine of yarn at the thrift store, especially full skeins. I frequently browse the aisles at the thrift store. I enjoy the hunt.

  9. Good about the yarn. Bad about the credit union and FarGuys tests. I have had some of those days recently myself. Just plain soul weary. Rest and relax when you can. Even winding yarn balls can be very relaxing. ;)

  10. Hope you can find more things to keep you occupied while FG is having procedures done. But , that by some miracle he gets completely well .

  11. It is enough to make you want to cover your head and suck your thumb, or else scream at the top of your voice with frustration.

  12. The kind of stresses you've been having can really build on a person. It is so frustrating when basic things can not get done properly. I've been waiting on a knee surgery date and just found out the pre-surgery lab results (that I rushed around to get done a week ago) was never delivered to the surgeon. Things that should be simple can sure cause problems. I think we should all have a "non-adult under the blankie" break! I hope it all gets worked out for you soon!

  13. Adulting is very, very hard work. I think a hide under the blankie is a very good thing.

  14. You really have a load to carry and it tires you to the bone ! we all have it especially when their is sickness and incapable people attending to some of these Banks and insurances.! But you name it and we find we have to redo and be on top of everything ,because they have done it wrong! Makes us so darn mad! We will continue the Prayers for you both. Sharon

  15. Hi Connie.... I'm trying to send you an email but it won't go through. I have a bunch of yarn, mostly unused skeins, that I'd love to bless you with, free of charge. But I'm unsure how to reach you to get your mailing address. I used your "captainconnie" yahoo address but it won't work. Not sure how to proceed. Love, Andrea xoxo

  16. Connie, I'm sorry that you have so much stress. It does get to be a lot at times doesn't it? I remember when my brother-in-law was waiting for a liver transplant. So many tests, so many doctors. And the insurance nightmare. I think you are trying to carry much of the load as we women tend to do. The bank "stuff" isn't helping at all. I can understand wanting to bury your head in the sand.
    I hope you can find some "me" time to play with your new yarn. You not only deserve that, you NEED it. I'm praying for you and Gene every day.

  17. Sounds like you've had a particularly rough week. Go ahead and suck your thumb while in the fetal position, under a blankie... you've earned it. I sure hope Far Guy's tests get all straightened out and that banking issue is crazy! ((hugs) for you... sure hope next week is better.

  18. Oh my goodness, I can see why your week has been so stressful. I'm so sorry to hear that. The clinic problem, the credit union problem, so many other things to drag you down. Pull that blankie up to your chin and relax for awhile. Praying for a much better week for you next week!

  19. With so much going on that is outside of your control, a blankie day is in order.

  20. I hope simple things like winding your yarn into balls can turn into de-stressing moments. Sometimes, you just need those moments to zone and let your mind let go of all the pressing details.

  21. I totally get that! PT is tough when you have to think of something to do for an hour. I either run errands or go visit MIL who is nearby in a nursing home.


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