Monday, August 12, 2019

Some progress

We have two lanes of tar!!  The biggest part of constructing the new road is done. 

yeah for a new road!   Now I can wash the car and clean all the doors where dust has collected.

We worked on the second phase of our wood carved Christmas Ornament  over the weekend.  40 are now complete and ready to package up! It is real putzy work....painting and sealing...washing my hands and brushes many times a day. (I am a messy painter)

We enjoyed the first of the local sweetcorn and wish we had the energy to put some up for the winter.   The tomato guy has tomatoes ripening on the we will soon have tomatoes.  The Chokecherries were a bust this year...just about enough for the birds...I would have to hunt real hard for enough to make some jelly.

Far Side


  1. Yay, your road is almost finished.

  2. Glad the road is a proper road now, and that you're making such great progress with he ornaments.

  3. Finally done with all that extra dirt, and soon a new road to drive on! :-)

  4. I keep forgetting to pick up some corn!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  5. After this summer, I am seriously considering having someone 'detail' my car and get all the dust and dirt out of it and the seats that seem to leak in on gravel roads.
    Your road is looking great!

  6. Congrats on your new road! Having lived on an Island with horrible roads I can identify with the thrill of driving over freshly resurfaced roads.

  7. Road looks great compared to mud. Glad for you. This year will give you time to use your storage of food down a bit. Anyway , we always have some left each year to the next. Good on having the ornaments done. I don't know how you get so much done. :)

  8. Nice, smooth, new road! Sounds like a lot of work on those Christmas ornaments...and a lot of progress! Enjoy the fall harvest. :)

  9. The road is going to be so nice when finished. Congrats on finishing 40 of the ornaments - I know they're spectacular.

  10. You are so productive. Gosh, 40 ornaments are done!

  11. I'm sure you'll appreciate less dust. I hope you'll share your Christmas ornaments...after Christmas.

  12. Wow! 40 ornaments are done already! It puts me and Christmas plans to shame. Will we get to see your ornaments complete or are they a surprise for family and friends each year.
    The road looks great too. I know that the dust and dirt has been an ordeal. How is Far Guy feeling? Better I hope.

    1. I will have a drawing for some ornaments closer to Christmas! Far Guy is still under the weather, today is a bad day it is raining and the humidity is high.

  13. Here , Saskatoons are a bust. there are chokecherries.

  14. That's exciting to hear the road is almost done. There is nothing like fresh sweet corn this time of the year - enjoy! I can not wait to see this year's ornament.

  15. You will really enjoy your improved road surface. It won’t seem to be like living in the country anymore.

  16. Corn and tomatoes both sound delicious to me. So happy the major part of the road construction is over. Nice to be able to have a clean car again!
    Prayers and love from us.

  17. Nice looking road!! Sorry to hear Far Guy is under the weather. Hope it's nothing serious.

  18. Congrats on your new road. Congrats on your continued hard work on your Christmas ornaments. You two are amazing! So glad to hear you're getting some delish sweet corn now....and tomatoes soon. Some of the best parts of summer! I love sweet corn so much, but sometimes my digestive system can handle it and sometimes not. I have to be careful about everything these days. I will, however, be smiling "bigly" as I envision you and far guy chomping on that delicious sweet corn! Do they call the bi-color corn "candy corn" by you? Enjoy!

  19. Sweet corn and tomatoes - a great time of the year. We have our own tomatoes but the corn has to come from the store.

  20. It's coming along nicely - the road, I mean!

  21. I only had 1 ear of Sweet corn while I was up North. I could have brought some home but I was too tired and the car was pretty full as it was. Yes, sugar and cream! Yum! When I grew it I always planted Silver was a good one too. the farmers market had no tomatoes or corn here in AR...can you imagine? Why bother then? LOL! I am wanting BLT's with a side of sweet corn on the cob...yummm!


  22. I had a good harvest of chockcherries this year (Colorado). My small 8' tree gave me enough for a quart of chockcherry shrub and plenty left over for the flickers. My big tree hasn't given me any for 5 yrs. and I'm beginning to think that there is a lifespan for blooming for each tree.


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