Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sad Glads

We noticed all these sad Glads  the other day when it was raining.

The rain got the best of them.

I am having a secondary reaction to my wasp sting last week.  All was well until late Sunday/early Monday when my wrist started to swell up and itch like the dickins.  Finally went to the Doctor yesterday who thinks it is a serum sickness and not an infection.  She prescribed some worthless cream.   I didn't plan to go to the Doctor after I dropped Far Guy off at his Pulmonary Therapy appointment...I got the oil changed and gassed up the car and had time to go to the walk in clinic.  Far Guy was walking out of his appointment the same time I was done.  Perfect timing.

I had serum sickness one time when I was little, I recall that I was feverish and my joints were very stiff.  This time I have some joint stiffness, swollen lymph nodes and a general feeling of yuckiness and of course the swelling and itching at the bite site.

Far Side


  1. Oh, no. Sorry to hear that. I had never heard of serum sickness before. I hope you are on the mend soon!

  2. Yes, sorry to read that.
    The glads will stand up soon!

  3. Poor you -- hope you feel better soon.

  4. So sorry to hear this. Hope you are feeling better real soon.

  5. Eeek gads. I generally feel sick for a few days after a sting like that. That sounds awful.

  6. The sad glads must have been spectacular before the rain knocked them down. A glorious color! Hopefully you start to feel better quickly. Sounds miserable.

  7. My glads fell down too and yesterday most of them got mowed over. The butterflies really like them. What is serum sickness? I've never heard of it...I'll Google it . So sorry you have it on top of the darn bee sting! I hope you and Gene feel better like NOW! I'm not impatient...much.

  8. Glad are beautiful until they get top heavy. When they start to fall was generally when I cut them to enjoy in the house. Take care of yourself.

  9. The glads aren't so glad anymore, but still pretty.

    Hope the joint stiffness and itchiness ends soon!

  10. Good timing, but not good you're having the issue. Hope it improves quickly.

  11. Golly! I hope by the time you read this you are over and doing better

  12. So sorry to hear that! You must feel like those gladiolas!

  13. Oh no, I've not heard of serum sickness. I hope you feel better soon. She prescribed a cream? I would think you'd need an anti-inflamatory or maybe an antihistamine. I sure hope you feel better soon.

  14. I hadn’t heard of serum sickness. I’ll have to have Ms. Google enlighten me. The glads are so pretty, even if they are lying down a bit. Maybe you can cut some and enjoy them in a vase.

  15. Hope you feel better soon. Never seen so many glads in one spot. They're pretty even flopped over. I bought a bag of glad bulbs in early spring and planted them. All I got was flopped over leaves. Not even one bloom. I don't know why I have so much trouble with flowers. Take care.

  16. Oh man, you don't deserve this! I hope you feel better soon.

  17. Like many others, I have never heard of serum sickness. I'm SO sorry you have this on top of everything else. I hope you feel better very soon.

  18. A bee sting is bad enough but to have reactions to it makes it much worse.

  19. Oh no. I certainly know that itch. Icing was the only thing I could do to alleviate it some. The rest of your symptoms are outside of my experience. Be careful
    Sad glads for sure.

  20. So sorry to hear about your serum sickness. I never heard of that. Gosh you just can't catch a break. Your glads are beautiful even though they are leaning over. What a pretty color. Sure will pray that you are feeling better soon and that far guy's breathing improves too.

  21. You come up with things I never heard of before. I am glad you worked it all out to be done at the same time as FG. :-)

  22. Sorry about the serum sickness. It's bad enough to have the wasp/bee sting but having SS aftrwards is the pits.

  23. Bee stings are such a shocking feeling to the body. Different senses are really attacked I suppose nerve endings. I hope that the reaction is defeated and your body gets ahead of it. I am reminded of the fife stings I had when in Minnesota one summer. I obviously don’t react to them but I still do remember the attack.


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