Wednesday, August 7, 2019

On The List : 16 Days

Not much has changed.  They want some more tests done...because they are curious I guess.  Visits and tests were scheduled with the Endocrinologist, Pulmonologist, a scan of his esophagus, some random blood tests, a six minute walk and some breathing function tests. ( Sputum samples were sent in already and we are waiting for the results.)  He also had a Hepatitis B injection on August 1st.   All visits and tests will be accomplished in the next few weeks.

Far Guy is still very short of breath. We are keeping him out of  lung irritants ...perfume, after shave, cleaning products, fabric softner, gas fumes and campfire smoke.

We hope "the call" comes soon, but it could be a long wait.

Ratibida pinnata
 Far Side


  1. I am praying the all comes real soon.

  2. God bless you both during such a difficult time. Praying.

  3. I am signed up to donate all my organs that are usable. Just for a reason like yours , that he isn't the only person needing transplants. I though am too short at 5 ft 1 inch. for FG. The waiting will be the hard part for you guys. But, you always seem to keep busy. Take care.

  4. I pray it will come soon, too. I know it's the hardest thing of all, just to wait like this.

  5. Waiting and they keep themselves busy running more tests. Praying for you both.

  6. Hopefully the wait won't be too long. We had a volunteer at our school who was on the kidney transplant list and I remember him talking about the wait being worse than the transplant some days.

  7. Fingers and toes are crossed, prayers being said. Hopefully the wait is not too long.

  8. Hope the wait won't be too long, and you can keep him from getting seriously ill in the meantime.

  9. Hopefully things will calm down after this next round of tests. Harder to stay away from all the irritants and illnesses when you have to be in clinics and hospitals all the time. I hope the call comes soon. :)

  10. I pray the call comes any day now!!!

  11. Oh my! The tests don't stop, do they? I'm sorry that Far Guy still isn't feeling well. With the smoke we have here, I wonder how people here do it? No matter how we try to stay inside and away from it, it still permeates into the house.
    I'm continuing to pray for you both.

  12. Hoping that the call comes sooner rather than later. Keeping you in my prayers.

  13. It keeps you on pins and needles. I hope that things are done soon.

  14. You both are always in my prayers. Faith will carry you.

  15. I’m sure it is hard waiting and wondering when. Especially when FG is not feeling well. Fingers crossed the call comes soon.

  16. It must be rough waiting for the call. I hope it happens soon.

  17. It must be terrible waiting like must be on pins and needles waiting for that phone to ring. I pray they find a donor soon.

  18. Al of these tests are probably hard on both of you, but at east they are constantly monitoring FG and know his condition when the call comes.

  19. Praying for far guy (and you) that the call comes soon. Sorry about all the added tests....hope there is good news at the end of it all!

  20. Yes keep him away from such things, you don't want set backs, I like others I hope the call comes soon

  21. Hope you get that call soon. Must be hard to be patient and wait.

  22. Counting.... we think of you often!

  23. Everything in the air right now seems to irritate the lungs. Rich likes his PT, it has helped him so much.
    Waiting on a phone call has to be extremely stressful. I cannot imagine.


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