Saturday, August 3, 2019

Busy as a bee

Days away from medical appointments take on a life of their own.  I try to stay on top of things just in case Far Guy gets "the call" is almost a full time job.  Yard, house, laundry....repeat.

Jen is here with Miss Miney and Little Elvis.  It is good to have dogs in the house again.  Jen and I worked on Christmas Ornaments....26 are now complete waiting for the second stage.   We also worked on the design of the Christmas Card.   Yesterday I made potato salad for fifty plus people for a gathering today at my baby brothers lake home.

I attempted to crochet a pair of baby booties for a friend that is having a was a cute design but would fit a one year old instead of a baby so I frogged it.  I hope to find another pattern or re write the one I have.   I showed it to Jen and she just was so big!

I asked Jen to bring down a box for the ornaments in waiting...she discovered I am a box hoarder and mumbled something about boxes inside other boxes.

Far Side


  1. The flowers are so colorful and pretty. Glad Jen is there to help and I know her dogs are good company.

  2. You do sound busy as a bee! Nice you got some help on the ornaments and Christmas cards...and had some dogs in the house. :)

  3. It's been a long time since I crocheted anything, but once you learn, you don't forget easily. I wish you had shown me how big that baby booty turned out. :-)

  4. Have a great day, from a fellow box hoarder!

  5. You're definitely busy and I suspect it won't slow anytime soon. Potato salad for 50? Oh my, that's a lot of potatoes.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. But she only had to go upstairs to fetch a box to use. You didn't have to go to town to get one. :) Glad you have her there .

  7. I read your post to Dennis and he just shook his head. Only in my dreams could I get as much done as you do. It's amazing. I confess, I'm a box hoarder too. You just never know when you'll need to mail something or wrap a gift.
    I admire you my friend. and hope to meet you someday.

  8. I understand the box hoarding although I'm working on reducing mine. They come in handy! You are staying busy but I can understand your thinking behind it. When that call comes you want to have what you need ready and leave everything good.

    It is so nice of Jen to help out and I know you enjoy visiting grand dogs.

  9. Yard, house, laundry, repeat. That pretty well sums up our lives, doesn't it!
    Potato salad for 50 people must have involved a lot of potatoes and how many dozen eggs!!!

  10. I have a pile of boxes also...just know you are NOT ALONE!!! :) TEE HEE

  11. Sounds like you're busy as ever. Making your ornaments...working on Christmas cards...crocheting...glad you've got dogs in the house...I know you guys always love that. And Jen is visiting too. so nice. Best to you both!

  12. With booties you're doing something all seniors should do...learn something new.

  13. Of course we have boxes inside of boxes, especially when shopping is now delivered to our door.

  14. "Busy Hands are Happy Hands" as the old saying goes!


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