Friday, August 9, 2019


Yesterday I had a bit of time on my hands in town so I headed over the Goose Poop Park Red Bridge Park.  You have to watch where you step just like in an old barnyard.

This sculpture is called Many Feathers.  That is a small turtle on the pedestal.

A stone and iron sculpture called The Outcropping. The door opens and you can go stand inside.  Not sure why you would want to...but you can.

This one is called Sunrise and it is by far my favorite.

There are six new sculptures in the park and two downtown.   Downtown probably has no goose poop.  Honestly I checked the bottoms of my Crocs before I got in the car.

Far Side


  1. Interesting art for sure. I like the last one too. Do they keep changing the art in the park? Goose poop. It has been a long time since I've been to a place where geese are hanging out like that!

  2. We have a river walk in town that is so full of goose and duck poop that it is impossible to walk on it. Don't know why City officials don't do something about it as it is a health hazard. I love the sculptures in your park; they are really unique.

  3. I too love that last sculpture. It's beautiful and soars. It does seem like Canadian geese poop more. Same at our local places where they congregate. :-)

  4. I like Sunrise too - love the color of that ball. Sioux Falls has a downtown sculpture walk with about 50 sculptures changed out each year. I haven't gone to see this year's yet, but there is always an interesting mix of work - some that I love and some that I don't understand at all.

  5. Our city fathers have paved a trail in our park. It is so slippery with goose and duck poop, it is safer to walk on the grass. The geese and ducks have always been there, but it does seem like the poop is more plentiful.

  6. Sunrise would be my favorite, too. Too bad that Many Feathers is not on a pedestal. The turtle seems out of place among all the larger pieces.

  7. I like the last one best, too. Goose poop is awful...and slippery! That's interesting that they change out the artwork. Pretty cool. :)

  8. Goose Poop Park, ha ha! A big fancy development was opened near where we lived in Minnesota, complete with a fancy lake surrounded by a walking/biking path, which my children called the Goose Slick Trail. Right there amongst all those $3/4 million houses on the lake ... those fancy folks had to run right through the goose poop. Nice to see sculptures displayed for all to enjoy. I’m with you on your top choice.

  9. The park department needs a Border collie to chase the geese out of the park. We have suggested that here, too, but no one seems to have made that happen. Geese appreciate the grassy parks by water that we apparently create just for them.
    That wire work holding stones is quite impressive.

  10. Love the sculptures but Sunrise would be my favorite too. I love the name you came up with. Goose Poop Park. It sounds like the trail I walk at the lake. We have SOOO many Canadian Geese there every year. The guys go down several mornings a week and fire a rifle into the air to scare them away. it works...for a day or two and then they're back. I ALWAYS check my shoes. :-)

  11. We have hordes of geese here too so going for a walk in the park isn't always the most pleasant. Love the Sunrise sculpture! My art appreciation doesn't appreciate the Outcropping. :p

  12. I also like the last sculpture. Who cares about a little goose poop!

  13. Very interesting park, geese are such free spirits, they don't ask they just take over.
    Have a great weekend.

  14. Yup.....Sunrise is my favorite sculpture that you pictured too. Too bad about having to watch where you step. How nice that they keep putting in new sculptures though! Hope you and far guy have a good weekend and that he feels better soon. Thanks for the sweet card. Today I am feeling better. Doc pushed my chemo off for another week. Hospital called and wants to set a date for my surgery. Scares the heck out of me! Remind me to be brave thru all this!

  15. Goose poop is a hazard when we walk by the lake. One is so busy avoiding it that it's hard to see the scenery. Guys come with shovels some mornings and clear the asphalt paths at least.

  16. Stand inside to have your picture taken, I bet.
    Nice photos , hope you enjoyed the time and nice day you had.


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