Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wistful Wednesday : July 1978

In July of 1978 we...Far Guy, Trica, Jen and I along with my parents my other baby brother and my sister traveled to Missouri to witness my baby brother's marriage.

I was a bridesmaid...not one of the skinny ones, Far Guy was a Groomsman as was my other baby brother and Trica was the flower girl.  It was a late in the afternoon wedding with a reception that followed.  We arrived on Friday afternoon and left on Sunday morning during a lightening storm.

That was 41 years ago.  Now they are Grandparents to eight.  My baby brother shared this photo with me last summer.

They have Grands that live in Oregon, New Jersey and Maryland.  They will all be here to visit later this month.

Far Side


  1. Your brother and his wife are very fortunate to have such a lovely family.

  2. What a beautiful family! I often look back 40 yrs and wonder where the heck did the time go?

  3. What a wonderful beginning to a beautiful family!

  4. Nice wedding picture, and one from the aftermath. Forty years and what a beautiful family he's got now. :-)

  5. The nicest thing about photographs are the memories that come with them.

  6. Happy Anniversary to them! Cute picture of them with the "grands".

  7. Love the before and after pics--LOL! Beautiful family. :)

  8. What a great photo -- a real treasure to have.

  9. A fun photo - that brings back memories of my own 1977 wedding. We had a small wedding and the guys wore leisure suits. But the hair styles pretty much matched your photo.

  10. That could have been our wedding with different colored dresses. We were married Sept. 1, 1978. Identical tuxes!
    Their family is beautiful. What a blessing to have such a legacy.

  11. What a great wedding picture! And I love the one of the grands. Nice memories.

  12. Beautiful pictures! I love seeing pictures that show how families grow. Congratulations to your baby brother and his bride. They are blessed with a lovely family.

  13. Great photos. thanks for sharing.

  14. Oh what wonderful pictures you're sharing today. I love them. I bet you can't wait to see all the company coming later this month...although I'm sure it will be very tiring. Enjoy your family and make new and wonderful memories. We have a daughter and 2 grands coming this weekend...can't wait to see them. Soon it will be off to college (in Duluth) for the oldest one. sniff sniff

  15. Happy anniversary to your baby brother and his lovely wife. That's a fine bunch of grands they have...4 of each I believe.

  16. What great photos, and for the late 70's the dresses and suits were very nice! Enjoy your visit

  17. It is a fun photo that one can figure out who is who. I had to do the math and try to figure out how he had so many grandchildren. I had kids late and then the kids had children late too.

  18. What a great family photo and to see how young they (we all) were back when! LOL!


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