Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wistful Wednesday: Blooms

I clipped off the blooms and growing points of all the flowers I planted.  They will bloom again sooner or later!   I also mowed the lawn.

I still need to trim but my trimmer tool ran out of juice.  No watering last night as it might would be great to have rain showers to settle the pollen.

We visited with Rich a woodcarving friend and got some wood from his stash...all woodcarvers usually have a stash...we have some stash but either it was two narrow or too wide for our present projects.
He has a dog named Sammie so we got a temporary dog fix!

The Lilacs are blooming.  I recall that they were usually the first flowers to appear on the altar of the small church we attended when I was young.  Lilacs first then Peonies.  I can still imagine the fragrances of the flowers mingling with the closed up smell of the old church.
Far Side


  1. I do wish I had a lilac bush. I need to put one on my list. But my iris's are looking to start to burst forth with their blossoms along with the peonies very soon!
    Lilacs and lavender, two flowers I'd love to cultivate!

  2. Lilacs are my favorite flower.. when I go for a walk I stop at every Lilac bush and breathe in the fragrance.

  3. I love lilacs. Ours are all gone. They don't last long once they bloom, but they are so lovely. :-)

  4. Lilacs are also my favorite flower, right along with pink ladies slippers. I wish they would last longer.

  5. Lilacs , yes. And you always can use a hit of "dog". :)

  6. Those lilacs are simply beautiful. Hope one day my little lilac bush will look like that. Once again I've caught up reading your posts and that about the water hose that shrinks, well Dan bought one for me, a one hundred foot one. I LOVE it. A regular old watering hose can be the most aggravating thing in the world, and hard on your back. This new one is so neat. When it starts to shrink and recoil, it reminds me of a black snake...kinda scary looking. We store ours in an old graniteware canner. Glad you finally have spring there. Your flower beds are looking pretty.

  7. I am wonderful memories of lilacs too. So pretty and such a lovely aroma. Glad you got your dog fix!

  8. Ah, the scent of lilacs! Definitely spring. :)

  9. I miss having lilacs! They smell so heavenly.

  10. You have been busy! I would just like to smell some lilacs!

  11. I will revisit the thought of lilacs here on your post. Ours are long gone, all too fleeting.

  12. Your lilacs are beautiful! So have you made the final decision for what the Christmas carving will be? ; )

  13. It’s amazing to think the lilacs are just blooming. It seems like it’s been summer here forever already. There is nothing like the smell of lilacs in the spring.

  14. Your Lilacs are gorgeous!! Ours are long finished and looking brown and unattractive.

  15. Hey, my lilacs came out about two days ago. they are the same purple you have.

  16. The Lilacs are finally blooming here, and they smell divine. I also snip off bloom heads when I put flowers out.

  17. Our lilacs were here in town about a month ago, but just last week they were blooming at the lake. They're all gone now. I loved your memory of the church.

  18. I love the smells of all the first flowers of the season... lilacs, hyacinth... wish they could last longer so the fragrances would be around longer. *big sniff* Ahhhh! ♥

  19. You reminded me of my childhood home on the farm. We had rows of older lilac that needed to be trimmed back. They actually were a wind break but not much good in the winter. I see my dogwood bush is needing to be watered. I just forgot, but it reminded me with yellow leaves. Extremely hot yesterday hitting 90.


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