Sunday, June 16, 2019


We are hopeful that Far Guy will be considered for a Lung Transplant.  This week he is having many and I mean MANY X-rays and various medical tests.  He has a week full of appointments, sometimes eight hours a day.  Just like a job.  I have a notebook to take notes.

We have results from his urine testing he tests positive for a medication he takes for Trigeminal Neuralgia.  But then the real shocker he tests positive for coffee and chocolate...who knew.  They test you for everything and I mean everything...blood and urine tests do not lie.

His Colonoscopy results are polyps that were removed, not cancerous now but Adenomas are considered pre cancerous... so he has to have another Colonoscopy in three years.  He had the four day fun but it was all accomplished.  He cannot do a traditional prep because he cannot drink the volume of fluids involved...he just vomits. 

I will try to keep you updated here through the blog on our adventures this week.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers out there.  We took my Dad to lunch one day last week.  

I worked in the yard before it rained.  The squirrels have been having fun with the flowers and a bunny has been by for snacks.

Far Side


  1. That is tough going through all of those test! I know the VA checks my husband's blood just about every 3 months because of blood thinners and all the other meds he takes. Uff.
    Your yard looks great! I got mine mowed just before the rains!

  2. I have my fingers crossed for Far Guy to get whatever he needs to stay with us as long as possible. All those tests sound daunting. :-(

  3. Good vibes for you and your Far Guy this week.

  4. WHAT EXCELLENT NEWS! I hope and pray everything goes well and Far Guy gets to have a transplant!!!

  5. Fingers crossed! So many hoops to jump through. I can see why you'd need to keep notes, for sure.

    I hope the critters leave you some flowers! ;)

  6. Prayers for you both. I always took my notebook with me to all my father's appointments. Everyone we had contact with was very supportive and would spell unfamiliar words upon request.

  7. My best wishes that a lung transplant will be available to Far Guy. I can't imagine going through so many appointments and procedures, he's fortunate to have you there to take notes and be his advocate.

  8. My fingers are crossed for Far Guy! It's a lot to go through before even getting to the hard part - the actual transplant. We had a volunteer years ago at our high school who had gone through many years of dialysis and more than one kidney transplant. He always felt the months and weeks of testing was worth the end result.

  9. Your garden and yard look nice. Far Guy has been through an ordeal with the testing. My test would show coffee instead of blood in my veins. Hope all goes well!

  10. I'll keep you both in my thoughts this week. One day at a time with all those tests. I guess you'll get some crocheting or reading done while waiting. You are smart to keep a notebook for notes on the tests because after a few it can all run together in your memory! Your yard and flowers look great!

  11. Happy Fathers Day to FG! It sounds like a long and tiring week ahead of you with so many tests. I will keep you both in my thoughts and pray for a good outcome of it all.

  12. So many tests can be a drag but the tests help out doctors treat us so good in the long run. I hope Far Guy is doing ok

  13. You're very wise to take a note book and write down information. We both go to every appointment and take notes. I wish him the best in this venture.

  14. Thank you for this update. I continue to pray for the transplant. God bless you both as you go thru this trial. Sending our love and prayers.

  15. I am praying that Far Guy will get the results he wants and needs for his good health. That is good you will be there and taking notes as it quickly becomes a blur of information and the notes will help.

  16. I'm sure it's exhausting for both of you, but each obstacle you get past puts you closer to the goal.

  17. My prayers are with you as you travel and go through all these tests, which I know are no fun at all. May all go well for you two. Please keep me in your prayers as I start chemo this Wednesday. Sending many Blessings your way!

  18. We will be praying for you and Far Guy this week that all of the tests go well and give the answers that you need and want.

  19. Somehow I missed this blog. I am keeping all of you in my prayers.

  20. Hope Far Guy gets the results you need, and all goes smoothly.

  21. I will keep you both in my prayers and that all goes well.

  22. Major surgery like that is very stressful. Hope all goes well.

  23. Prayers are being sent continually. All the prep work is so tiring.

  24. Prayers for you and Far Guy...

  25. Far Guy is braver than me....I refuse to have any colonscopy as I cannot drink all that and I think my colon is just fine! Sometimes I think all those invasive tests cause problems. When I went for a "wellness check the other day...the nurse kept asking if I's had all these 'tests' and I kept saying 'no' and she said are you scheduled and I said "no" and she said why not and I said because I don't want to! LOL! I hope it all goes well for you both and you are satisfied with what you hear.


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