Friday, June 7, 2019


Some of the area fields are so green it almost hurts your eyes.

We are taking different roads out of here...since our main road is being worked on.  One day we stopped to admire the green field...and the barn that these people built.

The power poles and other cables are being moved.   Our television signal is lost sometimes in the middle of the night.
I was taking photographs one day and this guy came up to talk to me.  Seems he was an Inspector from the County and he wanted to know why I was taking photos...because I can was my reply.

Took my Dad to Bingo...we both Bingoed once...not big money just little money...enough so we can go back next week!
Far Side


  1. Sometimes people get nervous about people with cameras. I do know that we used to question people when I was a security officer. However I did explain to management that if a person is in a public area they really do have the right to take photos.

    That green is so beautiful!

  2. Your road construction looks like ours around here. There is no where in town I can go this summer without having to detour due to road construction. Have a great weekend.

  3. Glad you're getting to see some green. Love your answer to the guy who asked why you were taking photos. Congratulations to you and your Dad on your wins at Bingo.

  4. It saddens me that you were questioned for taking photographs. I don't like the changes the world has forced on our lives. Thrilled that your area has so much green instead of the white stuff.

  5. I like your answer...I wonder if I would have had the nerve to say that. It almost makes you think they have something to hide when it makes them nervous for you to take a few pics.

  6. I love all the green. I also love your answer - good for you! The world is sure changing fast and Big Brother seems to be everywhere.

  7. Well done at bingo! The fields look lovely and lush. We've had so much heat here that fields and lawns are starting to yellow and burn off. We're having July weather in June...not sure what the rest of the summer will bring.

  8. I guess burying cables is the best in the long run but it's a pain when it's being done.

  9. Beautiful green and congratulations at winning in BINGO. I love your answer about taking photos. I don't think most people realize that you can take photos of pretty much anything in a public place...even people in public and you don't need their permission. What a world we live in isn't it?

  10. I bet the guy thought you were going to protest them in the newspaper. I am glad you have green. Our green is being challenged with the heat. I still like the heat over the cold. Luck bingo is a food thing.

  11. The new of Spring green is always so very exciting!

  12. Green is good. So is your answer.

  13. Wow, that's almost like a neon green! I love all the green shades of Spring!

    "Because I can" ... I use the same line sometimes. 😆 Blessings to you! ♥

  14. Neat that you and your Dad both bingoed at the same time.
    That field definitely is very very green .

  15. How funny that the man would ask you why you're taking pictures! You must have been looking pretty official or something! :) and how nice that you and your dad have been getting a few bingo's lately! I used to love to play Bingo! Take care and have a great weekend!

  16. It's the same around here: not one street I drive on is free of construction. They have to do that when it's not raining around here, I guess. :-)

  17. Yes, that Spring green is always so bright! Good for you telling him you can! If they don't want people taking pictures then they should do whatever behind closed doors! LOL! He's a public pay his salary....he should have been thanking you for his job!
    Congrats on the Bingo!


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