Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Some kind of grass

We have this clump of grass on the East side of the house.  It is pretty but a pain in the butt in the Fall as it catches all the leaves...and then snow beats it all down over the Winter.

May 10 2019
Every spring I try to rake out the leaves and pull out the dead stuff.  If I miss a year it looks nasty all Summer long.
I am rewarded with green shoots.

May 20 2019
The lawn is greening up nicely...soon I will have to mow. 

Only three Doctor appointments this week and time to get the oil changed and the tires rotated on the vehicle.

Far Side


  1. Nice to see grass instead of snow. I hope the week's appts. go well. Remember you both in prayer each day. xo

  2. isn't it nice to see green for a change. I have had to mow my lawn twice in the last 2 weeks. It is growing so fast, about 6-7 inches a week. And the lawn is so soggy from all the rain that the mower bogs down. Real bummer.

  3. You did well with that grass patch. I saw the cute basket you made for Annie! You are a great friend to so many of us, Connie. Wishing you and FG lots of luck with your doctor appointments.

  4. Good luck at the appointments. The brief moment between gorgeous green grass and the thought of August mowing.

  5. Such a relief this year to see the green. We have plenty of green but really need some sunshine. Another cold rainy day today, along with lots of wind. But I think the snow will stay west of us at the higher elevation of the Black Hills.

  6. My one neighbor mowed last night at seven keeping ahead of the rapidly growing green . It may not be dry enough to every do it until the weekend. My car keeps track of me and shames me to go get it worked on when it is time. Your Buick does that too.

  7. I need to do the oil change and tire rotation, too. I love all those rocks showing at the edge of your ohoto.

  8. Interesting grass. It certainly outgrows the rest.

    Good luck with the doc appointments.

  9. It's good to see that Minnesota is greening up at last.

  10. An odd clump. Looks like it is coming up pretty this year.
    Good luck with all the doctor visits. Looks like rain coming through a time or two but 60s and spring weather. :)

  11. I hope Far Guy is better today. You both remain in my prayers.
    That grass is really strange looking. We've had to mow several times already and with all of the rain it will be needed again soon. That's okay, the summer drought will be here soon and then we'll be worrying about fires. It's always something isn't it?

  12. Good job on cleaning out the grass clump! It should look pretty all summer now.

  13. There's always one part of a yard which is a pain to look after.

  14. Those 10 days sure made a difference. Maybe later in the season you could post a picture of how it's doing.

  15. We finally have some green here but most days are still pretty dreary. I am longing for sunshine!

  16. I have never mowed a lawn in my life, don't plan to start now

  17. Sounds like another busy week...as usual. Glad to see some green showing up in your neck o' the country. Hope the sunshine helps :)

  18. Wow! One minute snow and the other minute green grass! I will be on my 4th mow as soon as it dries out. So much rain I can't get out there to mow it!


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