Monday, April 22, 2019

Saw one Grand

There was a wedding shower for Maddie on Saturday.  I arranged to meet Paige...I was coming down with the Flu.  Paige took my gifts and I came back home.

Paige April 20 2019   20 years and twelve days old.

I was sad to not attend the party...but I would have shared this awful bug.
It is a head cold that goes to your chest and makes you ache all over even your toenails and teeth.  I ran a temperature for about 24 hours.  I am better now but weak.

Far Guy is still struggling.  His cough and chest congestion is worse...he is taking his steroids, an antibiotic and doing extra breathing treatments...I am not sure what else we can do.

Far Guy's Uncle Archie died on Good Friday,  he will be missed.  He is the last of his generation.
Far Side


  1. My sympathy in the passing of Uncle Archie. I'm sorry you and FG are sick and feel so bad. I know it was sad to miss the shower. Paige is so pretty. Thanks for sharing her photo.

  2. This bug is a nasty one. A friend of mine said his dragged on for weeks. Yikes. Take care.

  3. Your flu sounds like what my hubby had. It took forever to go away. So sorry to hear you had to miss the shower. Both you and Far Guy are in my daily prayers.

  4. Sorry to hear you are both sick now. And sorry you had to miss Maddie's shower. Tom has congestion, too. So far, I'm doing OK.

  5. We were sorry to hear about Archie, our sympathy to Gene, you & family. Praying for Gene that he will improve, and you also will soon be better. Take care!

  6. Sorry you guys are so sick. Hope you both improve soon. Also, sorry to hear about Uncle Archie.

  7. I am sending good thoughts for better health soon. You have both had a tough start to spring.

  8. My prayers are with your family with the passing of Uncle Archie and very sad for you that you missed the shower for Paige. The photo is beautiful. This "stuff" that is going around is awful, it's seems it just won't go away this year. Poor you and poor Far Guy. He sounds like he has it bad. I'm so sorry. I hope things will begin to improve soon.

  9. Sorry about Uncle Archie.
    That sounds like the flu that we all got over here this winter. Nasty bug indeed. All you can do is just take things slow and rest a lot. Best to you both! hugs

  10. I hope there is some of your chicken and noddle soup in the freezer. 😉 take care and try to get some rest.

  11. My sympathies on your loss. I wish you had felt well enough to attend the shower. I am sure you were missed! Hopefully both of you can kick this respiratory stuff and get on the road to recovery!

  12. So sorry to hear about your loss. And wishing you good health and a very speedy recovery!

  13. Sorry to hear of your loss and health issues. I certainly hope things improve shortly. Take care!

  14. Goodness, not a good weekend for you guys. So sorry you had to pass on the shower. I know you were missed. I hope you both continue to improve. Take care!

  15. Well wishes on both of your health. Sunshine should help, wouldn't hurt to dry out a bit too.

  16. So you have some joy and some sadness. I hope you two recover quickly or you'll miss the summer.

  17. Paige is beautiful. Hope you both get to feeling better every day.

  18. Sorry to hear about Uncle Archie. It's doubly sad when it is the last of a generation. That makes US the elders!
    I hope you shake this recent bug quickly and pray Far Guy recovers soon.

  19. What a fun time for Maddie! Congrats to her. I'm sure you were missed, but it was very thoughtful of you to not want to share the bug. Hope you get well real soon.

  20. I am so sorry for your loss...I wish I knew something to tell you that would help your husband. When I had it I ran the temp for 24 hours like you you did...

  21. My condolences and my congrats. Good for you for not sharing your flu bug. My client was complaining about her daughter who visits, sick.
    I hope all gets better soon.

  22. Gosh, I hope you get better soon, but I'm really worried about FG. I hope he rallies like he always does eventually. And good on you for not sharing the bug with others.

  23. Goodness, you need summer sunshine and a chance to get well. Take care.

  24. Oh get better. We heard about Uncle Archie while we were gone - sending our sympathies (he was a neat man).

  25. I, too have Trigeminal Neuralgia so I sympathize with Far Guy. I do hope he is feeling better today and that you both are well very soon.

  26. It is so sad to lose your relatives of that generation....mine are all gone and I miss them terribly. So sorry for your loss. I am also sorry to hear that you are both not feeling well now. Please take it easy and ask for help if you need it.


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