Sunday, February 10, 2019

Uffda cold

It was –36 F very early Saturday morning, then it warmed up to about –2F.  A heat wave.

20 inches of snow at the snowstick

The snow blew around and settled, we have 20 inches now at the snowstick.

I shoveled by the garage yesterday…a little at a time.

Valentines flag

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day we put up a new flag.  Soon we will make our annual trip to read cards in the store and then put them back…we might stroll by the chocolate and flowers too!

Saturday we went out for a late lunch/early supper and recycled plastic and paper along the way.

Nothing much was accomplished…dishes, laundry…the usual….and a nap.

Far Side


  1. Glad you could get out for lunch. That's such a pretty Valentine flag. I wish you both a nice day.

  2. Nap. I am voting for that this week when the snow comes down again in heaps. Well. Unless I go out to play in it.
    That is such a pretty flag! I love it!
    I think I solved my plowing issues for the week too. Friendly Farmer Neighbor is coming over today to talk about making sure things go smoothly this week.

  3. That's really cold. We got -14 last week. But I offer hope as yesterday we had sunshine and reasonable winter temps. Hang in there!

  4. Well, it *looks* pretty... Glad the appointments went well.

  5. It sounds like a cold day but glad you got out to lunch at least and recycling!

  6. Love that flag! I have not been up long, but a nap still sounds good!

  7. All I can say is thank goodness you don't have cows!!! I am so lucky not to have that extreme cold. I had around zero this morning, but it was calm and sunny, and the cows were happily eating baleage outside and were not interested in being in the barn. Stay warm and healthy!

  8. Weather is on everyone's mind here as we deal with snow that we are not accustomed to or suited for. More is on the way. It was 21F here this morning, cold for us, but nothing like what you deal with.
    I might have to put my boots on and walk up to the Safeway store and look at the card rack for entertainment. I will think of you.

  9. Naps are good! Mom and Boomer and Dad and Mindy all agree!

  10. I like the new flag with its lovely hearts! Do you make your own flags?

  11. Supposed to warm up for two days (M-T) to 20!! But then we'll have snow, of course. Good weather to hibernate as much as possible. ;)

  12. I love your new flag! Our days around the house sound like yours. Cooking, dishes, laundry, etc. Just the basics and throw in a nap. All this cold weather, snow and ice is making me lazy. I think my "get up and go" "got up and went away with the sun".

  13. I the red flag, I also like to read Valentine's cards but don't buy them

  14. Love the flag! I also laughed out loud about the cards. My mom, sister and I used to go to the store and read cards together and laugh our heads off at some of them. That’s one of the things I missed most after my mom died. Now Dennis and I do the same thing you and Far Guy do. We pick out a card and hand it to the other one and say, “this is the card I would get you if we bought cards!” I guess we’re cheap.
    It’s been very cold here too. We had 12 inches of snow Friday and yesterday morning, a bit of a break overnight and now it’s snowing again. 10 more inches is predicted by tomorrow afternoon, with snow in the the forecast for the next seven days. I should have known better than to say what a nice winter we were having. I should be shot! Stay warm my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  15. I love the idea of reading cards and putting them back. Good wishes and no paper to recycle.

  16. Nice flag! I too like to read the cards but don't often buy them. The chocolate candy, well that's different. :-)

  17. Good gosh! It sounds and looks cold there. We've been hearing about your cold and snow on our local news station. Dan and I used to read the cards and pick out one for each other, then put them back. We thought it was funny. Now we don't even do that. I like the pretty flag. The red looks pretty with all the snow.

  18. I have floors to wash. We were expecting company, but that didn't manifest due to the impending storm. I'm trying to get motivated, again!
    I ordered some cards from an artist friend. It's good to support locals!

  19. The cold seems to be a brutal enemy this winter. Our old place has waterman breaks in a couple of places because it was just too cold. I had to shovel the city snowplow stuff out of my drive this morning so I could find a place for the garbage container.

  20. Karmyns friend emailed her sime of the funniest valentine cards. I wouldnt want to be on the receiving end of one sent with malice, but reading them was a hoot.


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