Monday, February 4, 2019

Tree Rats

We have way too many squirrels.

Black squirrel 

They are getting fatter and fatter and soon Little Elvis will be able to catch them when he visits.  The bums stole the chimney cover for this feeder…I will probably find it in the spring when the snow melts.

One morning I woke up…looked out the window and one was sitting inside one of the squirrel proof feeders…they had somehow knocked off the top.

Far Guy is a bit better, he had many naps yesterday. 

Far Side


  1. I had to smile as tree rats are what my husband calls them too!

  2. We have way to many Tree Rats around my house, if you ask me. They have destroyed my yard and flower beds. Since the area where live has a lot of trees I guess that is to be expected. Then I found out one of my neighbors actually feeds them. NOT COOL. Glad Far Guy is feeling a little bit better - naps are good.

  3. Yes, that boy has quite a chubby well fed look! I wish i had kept track of how many feeders i have had destroyed by tree rats over my life. That would include the suet feeders which they haul off into the woods. Oh,well, they are cute and their antics are fun to watch and they give Bob exercise trying to catch them.

  4. Here we are at war with raccoons. We live in town and legally we cannot do much more than shoo them away. They are huge and plentiful. My neighbor watched a family of five scoot down the sewer in front of her house one day. Once my husband caught one walking on my front porch. And they use my deck as a cut through to a little grove of trees by my back neighbor. Meanwhile, he even cut down my two apple trees because he thought they were drawn to the fallen apples. I am thinking about organizing a secret neighborhood militia this Spring.

  5. Boy, they are getting brazen! Are black squirrels common in your area?

  6. They are way too clever. I must admit however that I enjoy watching them on the bird feeder outside my office window. It's supposedly squirrel proof, but they hang upside down off a nearby branch and twist around until they can hook toes on the feeder edge and pull it closer to them for a snack.

  7. My squirrel knocked over my new feeder once the snow was all gone. I think I only have one and that one is intolerable when he isn’t being cute. Barney is not well and I know he isn’t going to be better. Taking it a day at a time.

  8. I'm so glad FG is doing better! That is excellent news.

  9. I have watched videos of the amazing things that squirrels will do to get at feeders that have been 'squirrel proofed'. They sure are smart! We haven't had any show up here yet, thank goodness. Loads of activity at the bird feeders here, and we have put up a wind break for them as the wind (arctic outflow) is just wicked at the moment. The sunflower seeds were blowing all over the patio. The hummingbird feeder is sitting on a heat pad to keep it from freezing.
    Good for FG, naps help you heal!

  10. I think that's why I love squirrels and crows. They are so darn smart and determined. Squirrels are so cute and crows are regal. I know my opinion is not shared by everybody--lol!

    Says we got 4.2 inches but with the wind there are high drifts. Buried my patio this time, though. :)

  11. I think squirrel proof is a misnomer.
    Glad Far Guy is feeling a bit better.

  12. I used to think squirrels were cute. No more. Not since they tried to chew their way into our trailer two summers ago. Every morning I would wake up to them gnawing the frame of the trailer right under my head. I don’t know what they thought they were doing. We tried everything including Coyote urine pellets around the perimeter of the trailer. It was a disgusting smell that drove everybody crazy but didn’t bother the squirrels a bit. We tried mothballs. We tried everything. Finally our neighbor shot one with a pellet gun. It ran off so I don’t think he killed it, but they did quit bothering us. Some people were having to go in and out of their trailers with bowls or pans over their heads because the squirrels were hurling pinecones at them from the trees up above! As I said before, I used to think squirrels were cute but I don’t anymore. Blessings, Betsy

  13. I have never seen a squirrel we don't have them here

  14. We have squirrels across the street....they come over and drive Nitty and Annie nuts. They love to tease the girls as I swear those squirrels know they aren't allowed to cross the street. That is a beautiful squirrel though, if I may say so.
    Did Far Guy get to talk to the doctor?

  15. We stopped thinking our fuzzy tailed rats were cute a long time ago.

  16. My father said squirrels & raccoons were good eating. He said his mother would make squirrel pie. I guess I'd eat them if I had to survive. Lol.

  17. All the squirrels here this winter have been red ones, and they can be quite destructive, so I don't have any complicated feeders, just very plain ones that they can access. I notice the woodpeckers and blue jays at least don't give in to them.

  18. My sister's Papillon has caught and killed at least a half dozen of them. When they get complacent and fat, he pounces! Glad to hear FG continues to improve. Naps are good! :-)

  19. We have the red/fox squirrels...I used to have one that would eat from my hand...I called her Mama Squirrel because she raised two sets of babies in our big old maple tree every year.

  20. Yeah, we have a few of the furry bandits in our yard too. And they love our bird feeders....

  21. LOL - too cute! Glad to hear Far Guy is feeling a bit better.

  22. Unusual to me to see a black squirrel. They are pesky. Prayers continue for you both.


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